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Created September 2, 2021 16:23
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Create reference numbers for invoicing. International or local (Finnish) RF format
export const createReferenceNumbers = (
baseStr: string = "000",
qty = 10,
international = false
): string[] => {
const baseNumber = BigInt(baseStr);
return Array.from({ length: qty }, (_value, idx) => {
const base = String(baseNumber + BigInt(idx));
const checksum: number =
10 -
(acc: number, current: string, idx, arr) => {
return (
acc +
Number.parseInt(current) *
(arr.length - 1 - idx) % lenOfCoefficients
) %
const finnishRefNumber = `${base}${checksum === 10 ? 0 : checksum}`;
if (international) {
const internationalChecksum = String(
98n - (BigInt(finnishRefNumber + rfSequence) % 97n)
).padStart(2, "0");
return `RF${internationalChecksum}${finnishRefNumber}`;
} else {
return finnishRefNumber;
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