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Created October 19, 2017 19:32
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haskell ConsoleResource
module Resources.Console where
import Resources.Resource
import Misere.Game
newtype ConsoleResource a = ConsoleResource ([Move] -> IO ([Move], a))
instance Resource ConsoleResource where
putNewState move = ConsoleResource $ \prevState -> return (move:prevState, ())
--getCurrentState :: ConsoleResource ([Move] -> IO ([Move], [Move]))
getCurrentState = ConsoleResource $ \prevState -> do
putStrLn "Make yer move: "
line <- getLine
case reads line :: [(Int, String)] of
[(x, afterX)] ->
case reads afterX :: [(Int, String)] of
[(y, _)] -> do
let coords = (x, y)
let mv = Move coords X "ABC"
let newState = mv:prevState
putStrLn $ showBoard newState
return (newState, newState)
--putStrLn $ "You chose " ++ show coords
_ -> do
putStrLn "Invalid second number"
unwrap getCurrentState prevState
_ -> do
putStrLn "Invalid first number"
unwrap getCurrentState prevState
unwrap (ConsoleResource x) = x
instance Applicative ConsoleResource where
pure = return
f <*> x = f >>= (\f -> x >>= \x -> return (f x))
instance Functor ConsoleResource where
fmap f x = pure f <*> x
instance Monad ConsoleResource where
return val = ConsoleResource (\_ -> return $ return val)
x >>= f = ConsoleResource (\prevState -> do
value <- unwrap x prevState
-- x :: ConsoleResource ([Move] -> IO ([Move, a]))
-- unwrap x :: [Move] -> IO ([Move], a)
-- unwrap x prevState :: IO ([Move], a)
-- value :: ([Move], a)
-- f :: a -> IO b
unwrap (f (snd value)) (fst value) -- but why?
unwrap (ConsoleResource x) = x
showBoard :: [Move] -> String
showBoard moves =
let subBoard =
--join (map (\l -> join l " ") (
(map (cellState moves))
[ [(0,0), (0,1), (0,2)]
, [(1,0), (1,1), (1,2)]
, [(2,0), (2,1), (2,2)]
-- )) "\n"
join (map (\l -> join l " | ") subBoard) "\n---------\n"
cellState :: [Move] -> (Int, Int) -> String
cellState moves c =
case filter (\m -> coords m == c) moves of
[] -> " "
(x:_) -> show (piece x)
join :: [String] -> String -> String
join [] _ = ""
join [x] _ = x
join (x:xs) sep = x ++ sep ++ join xs sep
runConsole :: [Move] -> ConsoleResource a -> IO ([Move], a)
runConsole moves console = unconsole console moves
where unconsole (ConsoleResource x) = x
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