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Last active September 17, 2017 19:47
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fu funkcija
validateMoveOrder :: [Move] -> Maybe String
validateMoveOrder [] = Nothing
validateMoveOrder [_] = Nothing
validateMoveOrder l = validateCurrentMove 0 [] l turns
contains :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Bool
contains [] _ = False
contains (x:xs) el = (x == el) || contains xs el
showSquareTakenMsg :: Int -> String
showSquareTakenMsg x =
"Move #" ++ show (x + 1) ++ " is invalid - the square is already taken!"
showWrongNameMsg :: Int -> String -> String -> String
showWrongNameMsg x exp act =
"Wrong player name on move #" ++
show (x + 1) ++ ". Expected '" ++ exp ++ "', got '" ++ act ++ "'."
showWrongPieceMsg :: Int -> Piece -> Piece -> String
showWrongPieceMsg x exp act =
"Wrong piece on move #" ++
show (x + 1) ++
". Expected '" ++ show exp ++ "', got '" ++ show act ++ "'."
xName :: String
oName :: String
(xName, oName) = extractPlayerNames l
turns :: [(String, Piece)]
turns = (xName, X) : (oName, O) : turns
validateCurrentMove ::
Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [Move] -> [(String, Piece)] -> Maybe String
validateCurrentMove _ _ [] _ = Nothing
validateCurrentMove currMove c (x:xs) ((expName, expPiece):ts)
| contains c (coords x) = Just (showSquareTakenMsg currMove)
| otherwise =
if expName ~== player x
then if expPiece == piece x
then validateCurrentMove
(currMove + 1)
(coords x : c)
else Just
(showWrongPieceMsg currMove expPiece (piece x))
else Just (showWrongNameMsg currMove expName (player x))
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