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Last active May 27, 2024 17:26
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// --- Library --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
struct ui_box {int x,y,w,h;};
typedef unsigned long long ui_id;
struct ui_node {
int parent;
int lst, end, nxt;
int siz[2];
struct ui_panel {
ui_id id;
struct ui_box box;
int node;
int max[2];
enum ui_pass {
// public
// internal
static enum ui_pass ui_pass = UI_LAYOUT;
// id stack
#define UI_ID_STK_MAX 8
static int ui_id_stk_top;
static ui_id ui_id_stk[UI_ID_STK_MAX];
// panel stack
#define UI_STK_MAX 32
static int ui_stk_top;
static struct ui_panel* ui_stk[UI_STK_MAX];
// layout tree
#define UI_MAX_NODES (64*1024)
static struct ui_node ui_tree[UI_MAX_NODES];
static int ui_node_cnt = 0;
// table
#define UI_TBL_CNT (UI_MAX_NODES * 2)
#define UI_TBL_MSK (UI_TBL_CNT-1)
static ui_id ui_tbl_key[UI_TBL_CNT];
static int ui_tbl_val[UI_TBL_CNT];
static int ui_tbl_cnt = 0;
#define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define ui_box(x,y,w,h) (struct ui_box){x,y,w,h}
static ui_id
const ui_id id = ui_id_stk[ui_id_stk_top-1];
ui_id_stk[ui_id_stk_top-1] = (id & ~0xffffffffllu) | ((id & 0xffffffffllu) + 1);
return id;
static ui_id
ui_hash(ui_id x)
x ^= x >> 30;
x *= 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9llu;
x ^= x >> 27;
x *= 0x94d049bb133111ebllu;
x ^= x >> 31;
return x;
static void
ui_put(ui_id key, int val)
ui_id i = key & UI_TBL_MSK, b = i;
do {if (ui_tbl_key[i]) continue;
ui_tbl_key[i] = key;
ui_tbl_val[i] = val; return;
} while ((i = ((i+1) & UI_TBL_MSK)) != b);
static int
ui_fnd(ui_id key)
ui_id k, i = key & UI_TBL_MSK, b = i;
do {if (!(k = ui_tbl_key[i])) return UI_TBL_CNT;
if (k == key) return (int)i;
} while ((i = ((i+1) & UI_TBL_MSK)) != b);
return UI_TBL_CNT;
static int
ui_node(ui_id id, int parent)
assert(ui_node_cnt < UI_MAX_NODES);
struct ui_node *n = &ui_tree[ui_node_cnt];
if ((n->parent = parent) >= 0) {
struct ui_node *p = &ui_tree[parent];
if (p->lst < 0)
p->lst = ui_node_cnt;
else ui_tree[p->end].nxt = ui_node_cnt;
p->end = ui_node_cnt;
n->nxt = n->lst = n->end = -1;
ui_put(ui_hash(id), ui_node_cnt);
return ui_node_cnt++;
static void
ui_panel_begin(struct ui_panel *pan, struct ui_box box)
pan->id = ui_gen_id();
pan->box = box;
pan->node = -1;
switch (ui_pass) {
case UI_LAYOUT: {
assert(ui_stk_top > 0);
assert(ui_stk_top < UI_STK_MAX);
struct ui_panel *p = ui_stk[ui_stk_top-1];
pan->node = ui_node(pan->id, p ? p->node: -1);
ui_stk[ui_stk_top++] = pan;
} break;
case UI_INPUT:
case UI_RENDER: {
const int idx = ui_fnd(ui_hash(pan->id));
if (idx >= UI_TBL_CNT)
ui_pass = UI_INVALID;
else pan->node = ui_tbl_val[idx];
} break; }
static void
ui_panel_end(struct ui_panel *pan)
struct ui_panel *p;
assert(ui_stk_top > 0);
if ((p = ui_stk[ui_stk_top-1])) {
p->max[0] = pan->box.x + pan->box.w;
p->max[1] = pan->box.y + pan->box.h;
switch (ui_pass) {
default: break;
case UI_LAYOUT: {
/* default layouting */
struct ui_node *n = ui_tree + pan->node;
int i = n->lst;
while (i != -1) {
n->siz[0] = max(n->siz[0], ui_tree[i].siz[0]);
n->siz[1] = max(n->siz[1], ui_tree[i].siz[1]);
i = ui_tree[i].nxt;
} break;}
static int
ui_begin(struct ui_panel* root, struct ui_box scr)
switch (ui_pass) {
default: break;
case UI_LAYOUT: {
ui_node_cnt = 0;
memset(ui_tbl_key, 0, sizeof(ui_tbl_key));
memset(ui_tbl_val, 0, sizeof(ui_tbl_val));
ui_tbl_cnt = 0;
} break;
ui_pass = UI_LAYOUT;
return 0;
ui_id_stk_top = 1;
ui_id_stk[0] = 1;
ui_stk_top = 1;
ui_stk[0] = 0;
ui_panel_begin(root, scr);
return 1;
static void
ui_end(struct ui_panel* root)
assert(ui_stk_top == 1);
assert(ui_id_stk_top == 1);
switch (ui_pass) {
case UI_LAYOUT: ui_pass = UI_INPUT; break;
case UI_INPUT: ui_pass = UI_RENDER; break;
case UI_INVALID: ui_pass = UI_LAYOUT; break;
case UI_RENDER: ui_pass = UI_FINISHED; break;}
// --- Widgets ------------------------------------------------------------------
enum ui_orient {
struct ui_lay {
struct ui_panel pan;
enum ui_orient orient;
int spacing;
int at, node;
static void
ui_lay_begin(struct ui_lay *lay, enum ui_orient orient, struct ui_box box)
lay->orient = orient;
ui_panel_begin(&lay->pan, box);
switch (ui_pass) {
case UI_LAYOUT: break;
case UI_INPUT:
case UI_RENDER: {
// TODO(micha): handle case box.w/h < node.siz
const struct ui_node *n = ui_tree + lay->pan.node;
lay-> = n->siz[0];
lay-> = n->siz[1];
lay->at = lay->orient == UI_HORIZONTAL ? box.x: box.y;
lay->node = ui_tree[lay->pan.node].lst;
} break;}
static struct ui_box
ui_lay_gen(struct ui_lay *lay)
struct ui_box b = {0,0,0,0};
assert(lay->node != -1);
switch (ui_pass) {
default: break;
case UI_INPUT:
case UI_RENDER: {
struct ui_node *n = ui_tree + lay->node;
switch (lay->orient) {
b = ui_box(lay->at, lay->, n->siz[0], n->siz[1]);
lay->at += n->siz[0] + lay->spacing;
} break;
b = ui_box(lay->, lay->at, n->siz[0], n->siz[1]);
lay->at += n->siz[1] + lay->spacing;
lay->node = ui_tree[lay->node].nxt;
return b;
return b;
static void
ui_lay_end(struct ui_lay *lay)
switch (ui_pass) {
default: break;
case UI_LAYOUT: {
struct ui_node *n = ui_tree + lay->pan.node;
n->siz[0] = n->siz[1] = 0;
int i = n->lst;
while (i != -1) {
switch (lay->orient) {
n->siz[0] += ui_tree[i].siz[0] + lay->spacing;
n->siz[1] = max(n->siz[1], ui_tree[i].siz[1]);
} break;
n->siz[0] = max(n->siz[0], ui_tree[i].siz[0]);
n->siz[1] += ui_tree[i].siz[1] + lay->spacing;
} break;}
i = ui_tree[i].nxt;
} break;}
static void
ui_lbl(struct ui_box box, const char *str_begin, const char *str_end)
struct ui_panel pan;
str_end = str_end ? str_end : str_begin + strlen(str_begin);
ui_panel_begin(&pan, box);
switch (ui_pass) {
default: break;
case UI_LAYOUT: {
/* some dummy code for calculating text size */
struct ui_node *n = ui_tree + pan.node;
n->siz[0] = (int)((str_end - str_begin) * TEST_CHAR_WIDTH);
n->siz[1] = TEST_CHAR_HEIGHT;
} break;}
// --- List ------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ui_lst_lay {
int page_cnt;
int at[2];
int idx;
struct ui_box box;
int row_height;
struct ui_lst_view {
float off;
int off_idx;
int num, begin, end;
int total[2];
int max[2];
int at[2];
int cnt;
static void
ui_lst_begin(struct ui_lst_lay *lst, struct ui_box box, int row_height)
lst->box = box;
lst->row_height = !row_height ? TEST_CHAR_HEIGHT: row_height;
lst->page_cnt = box.h / lst->row_height;
lst->at[0] = box.x;
lst->at[1] = box.y;
lst->idx = 0;
static struct ui_box
ui_lst_gen(struct ui_lst_lay *lst)
struct ui_box b = ui_box(lst->at[0], lst->at[1], lst->box.w, lst->row_height);
lst->at[1] += b.h;
return b;
static void
ui_lst_end(struct ui_lst_lay *lst)
static void
ui_lst_view(struct ui_lst_view *v, struct ui_lst_lay* ls, int num, float off)
v->num = max(1, num) - 1;
v->cnt = ls->page_cnt;
v->off = off;
v->off_idx = (int)(off / (float)ls->row_height);
v->begin = v->off_idx;
v->end = v->begin + ls->page_cnt + 1;
v->end = min(v->end, v->num);
v->at[1] = ls->at[1] + (int)(v->off_idx * ls->row_height);
v->at[0] = ls->at[0];
v->total[0] = ls->box.w;
v->total[1] = v->num * ls->row_height;
v->max[0] = ls->at[0] + v->total[0];
v->max[1] = ls->at[1] + v->total[1];
// apply view to layout
ls->at[0] = v->at[0];
ls->at[1] = v->at[1];
ls->idx = v->begin;
// --- Test --------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(void)
int running = 1;
while (running) {
struct ui_panel root;
while (ui_begin(&root,ui_box(0,0,1200,800)))
// layouting
struct ui_lay col = {.spacing = 8};
ui_lay_begin(&col, UI_VERTICAL,;
// first row
struct ui_lay row0 = {.spacing = 4};
ui_lay_begin(&row0, UI_HORIZONTAL, ui_lay_gen(&col));
ui_lbl(ui_lay_gen(&row0), "Label",0);
ui_lbl(ui_lay_gen(&row0), "Hallo World",0);
ui_lbl(ui_lay_gen(&row0), "Hallo Universe",0);
// second row
struct ui_lay row1 = {.spacing = 4};
ui_lay_begin(&row1, UI_HORIZONTAL, ui_lay_gen(&col));
ui_lbl(ui_lay_gen(&row1), "Text",0);
ui_lbl(ui_lay_gen(&row1), "Very long string to show of layouting",0);
// list
static float off = 50.0f;
struct ui_panel area = {0};
ui_panel_begin(&area, ui_box(50, 200 - (int)off, 600, 600));
struct ui_lst_lay lst_lay = {0};
ui_lst_begin(&lst_lay,, 0);
struct ui_lst_view lst_view = {0};
ui_lst_view(&lst_view, &lst_lay, 1024, off);
for (int i = lst_view.begin; i < lst_view.end; ++i)
ui_lbl(ui_lst_gen(&lst_lay), "Item", 0);
return 0;
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dumblob commented Apr 20, 2019

Due to some similarities between Quarks, this layout.c and the Fuchsia layouting "pipeline", feel free to watch .

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vurtun commented Apr 20, 2019

Wow Flutter is extremely similar to what have at work. Our version is written in C++, is not using the abstraction nightmare that is skia, has more extensive layouting and a lot less OOP, but still the actual main component like passes with layouting, input and rendering are very similar. Great find!. Did you already know about this or did you only find it recently?

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dumblob commented Apr 21, 2019

I found out about two weeks ago and was amazed, that Flutters "pipeline" and the concepts used are quite similar to Quarks. I have to admit, that I'm not such a big fan of Dart programming language and therefore when Google launched Fuchsia few years ago, I didn't pay attention to any details, which I'm regretting now a bit as it could have helped me with certain topics (including reviews of Nuklear and Quarks 😉).

Btw. regarding bloated stuff like Skia, they even got rid of Blink in favor of their own text baking and manipulation library called libtxt, which looks kind of interesting and it's a little bit pity, that it's not used almost anywhere else :( as it's kind of minimal and embeddable while being advanced enough and very fast.

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@dumblob what is quarks?

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dumblob commented Feb 24, 2020

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@dumblob thx

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