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Forked from ybenjo/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# record AGQR
# usage: use with crontab
# 29,59 * * * sleep 40; ruby agqr.rb
require 'yaml'
rtmpdump = '/usr/local/bin/rtmpdump'
ffmpeg = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'
agqr_stream_url = 'rtmp://'
current = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))
save_dir = "#{current}/../data/"
schedule = "#{current}/schedule.yaml"
today =
WDAY = '日月火水木金土'.split(//).each_with_index.inject({}){|s, pair|
elem, index = pair
s.merge!(elem => index)
schedule_yaml = YAML.load_file(schedule)
schedule_yaml.each do |program|
# should record
should_record = program['record']
program_wday = WDAY[program['wday']]
# appropriate wday
h, m = program['time'].split(':').map(&:to_i)
if h == 0 && m == 0
# check next day's wday
# if today.wday is 6 (Sat), next_wday is 0 (Sun)
next_wday = today.wday == 6 ? 0 : today.wday + 1
is_appropriate_wday = program_wday == next_wday
# check today's wday
is_appropriate_wday = program_wday == today.wday
# appropriate time
program_start = Time.local(today.year, today.month,, h, m, 0)
is_appropriate_time = (program_start - today).abs < 120
length = program['length'] * 60 + 15
if should_record && is_appropriate_wday && is_appropriate_time
title = (program['title'] + '_' + today.strftime('%Y%m%d')).gsub(' ','')
flv_path = "#{save_dir}/#{title}.flv"
mp4_path = "#{save_dir}/#{title}.mp4"
rec_command = "#{rtmpdump} -r #{agqr_stream_url} --live -B #{length} -o #{flv_path}"
encode_command = "#{ffmpeg} -y -i #{flv_path} -vcodec copy -acodec copy #{mp4_path}"
system rec_command
system encode_command
- record: true
title: ladygo_mon
wday: 月
time: '17:00'
length: 60
- record: true
title: ladygo_tue
wday: 火
time: '17:00'
length: 60
- record: true
title: ladygo_wed
wday: 水
time: '17:00'
length: 60
- record: true
title: ladygo_thu
wday: 木
time: '17:00'
length: 60
- record: true
title: ladygo_fri
wday: 金
time: '17:00'
length: 60
- record: true
title: mu_n
wday: 月
time: '22:00'
length: 60
- record: true
title: it_kakumei
wday: 火
time: '21:00'
length: 30
- record: true
title: free_style
wday: 火
time: '21:00'
length: 30
- record: true
title: shinshu
wday: 火
time: '23:30'
length: 30
- record: true
title: tyoroi
wday: 水
time: '23:00'
length: 30
- record: true
title: suzakinishi
wday: 水
time: '1:00'
length: 30
- record: true
title: kokoro
wday: 日
time: '0:00'
length: 30
- record: true
title: alamode
wday: 日
time: '21:30'
length: 30
- record: true
title: seisyun
wday: 日
time: '23:30'
length: 30
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