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Last active November 17, 2024 03:52
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  • Save walterst/2222618976a66b3fc8dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save walterst/2222618976a66b3fc8dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
See comment below about additional files, configuration needed. These scripts were written by Zhenjiang Xu.
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
## Code written by Zhenjiang Xu
read.table.x = function (filename, ...) {
## It will skip all the beginning comment lines except
## the last line.
## This is specifically for QIIME related tables.
lines <- readLines(filename)
## lines of comment
n <- grep("^#", lines)
if(length(n) > 0)
start <- n[length(n)]
start <- 1
end <- length(lines)
x <- read.table(text=lines[start:end],
## Replace with path to ml_util.R on local system
opt <- interface()
if (opt$debug) save.image('debug.Rdata')
if (opt$verbose) {
cat("Running command with args:\n",
paste(commandArgs(), collapse = " "),
if (opt$split <= 0 & opt$split > 1) {
stop("The split arg should be greater than 0 and not greater than 1.")
if(is.null(opt$models)) {
models <- regression
} else {
models <- strsplit(opt$models, ',')[[1]]
if (opt$cores > 1) {
meta <- read.table.x(opt$metadata)
meta.col <- colnames(meta)
if (is.null(opt$fields)) {
## stop("No field is provided to do regression on.")
outcome.col <- names(meta)
boring <- c("#SampleID",
outcome.col <- outcome.col[! outcome.col %in% boring]
} else {
outcome.col <- strsplit(opt$fields, ',')[[1]]
x <- which(! outcome.col %in% meta.col)
if (length(x) > 0) {
stop("Field(s) ", paste(outcome.col[x], collapse=','), " do not exist in meta data")
## extract part of the samples by their meta data
if (! is.null(opt$category)) {
## e.g. "SITE::nostril,skin:_:SEX::male"
extract <- strsplit(opt$category, ':_:')[[1]]
extract <- strsplit(extract, '::')
for (x in extract) {
if (! x[1] %in% meta.col)
stop("The field ", x[1], " does not exist in meta data")
i <- meta[[ x[1] ]]
j <- strsplit(x[2], ',')[[1]]
if (! all(j %in% i)) {
## insanity check to avoid typos
stop("You specified non-existing values for field ", x[1], " in meta data")
meta <- meta[ i %in% j, ]
if (! is.null(opt$numeric)) {
## e.g. "PH::6,12:_:TEMP::,32"
extract <- strsplit(opt$numeric, ':_:')[[1]]
extract <- strsplit(extract, '::')
for (x in extract) {
if (! x[1] %in% meta.col)
stop("The field ", x[1], " does not exist in meta data")
## in case there is None, NA, etc in the column (R will read it into character
## instead of numerical)
i <- as.numeric(as.character(meta[[ x[1] ]]))
j <- as.numeric(strsplit(x[2], ',')[[1]])
## NA & TRUE -> NA
n <- rep(T, nrow(meta))
if (![1]))
n <- n & i > j[1]
if (![2]))
n <- n & i < j[2]
meta <- meta[n, ]
otus <- read.table.x(opt$input_otu_table)
tax.16s <- otus[, length(otus)]
tax.16s <- gsub("^Root; ", "", tax.16s)
## insert a newline for every three levels of taxonomy
tax.16s <- gsub("([^;]*); ([^;]*); ([^;]*); ", '\\1; \\2; \\3\n', tax.16s)
names(tax.16s) <- otus[[1]]
## remove the 6-digit suffix of the sample IDs in the mapping file.
## meta.sid <- gsub(".[0-9]{6}$", "", as.character(meta[[1]]))
meta.sid <- as.character(meta[[1]])
rownames(meta) <- meta.sid
sample.ids <- intersect(meta.sid, colnames(otus))
meta <- meta[sample.ids, ]
rownames(otus) <- otus[[1]]
otus <- data.frame(t(otus[, sample.ids]), check.names=FALSE)
if (opt$debug) save.image('debug.Rdata')
## add numeric fields as predictors
if (! is.null(opt$add_numeric)) {
add.pred <- strsplit(opt$add_numeric, ',', fixed=TRUE)[[1]] <- which(! add.pred %in% colnames(meta))
if (length( > 0) {
stop(paste(c(add.pred[], "not in the meta data!!!"), collapse=' '))
to.add <- meta[, add.pred]
not.numeric <- which(! sapply(to.add, is.numeric))
if (length(not.numeric) > 0) {
stop(paste(c(add.pred[not.numeric], "not numeric!!!"), collapse=''))
otus <- cbind(meta[, add.pred], otus)
colnames(otus)[1:length(add.pred)] <- add.pred
## add the categorical fields in the meta data as predictors
if (! is.null(opt$add_category)) {
add.pred <- strsplit(opt$add_category, ',', fixed=TRUE)[[1]] <- which(! add.pred %in% colnames(meta))
if (length( > 0) {
stop(paste(c(add.pred[], "not in the meta data!!!"), collapse=' '))
if (opt$debug) save.image('debug.Rdata')
x <- meta[, add.pred, drop=FALSE]
dummy <- dummyVars(~., data=x)
otus <- cbind(predict(dummy, x), otus)
pdf(sprintf("%s.pdf", opt$output))
min.sample.size <- 12
accuracies <- data.frame()
top.features <- data.frame()
big.tuned.list <- list()
replicate <- meta[, opt$replicate]
for(label in outcome.col) {
cat("=========", label, ":\n")
outcome <- as.character(meta[[label]])
## the space in the class names cause problem for some models
outcome <- as.factor(gsub("[[:space:]]+", "_", outcome))
## remove NA values <- <- (! & complete.cases(otus)
## if more than half of the samples are not numeric
## if(sum( < 0.5 * length(outcome)) {
## if(opt$verbose)
## cat("outcome has less than half of numeric values. skip it.\n")
## next
## }
if (! is.null(opt$replicate)) {
replicate <- replicate[]
uniq_rep <- unique(replicate)
## create 5-repeat 10 folds
idx_rep <- createMultiFolds(uniq_rep)
idx <- lapply(idx_rep,
function (i) {
reps <- uniq_rep[i]
which(replicate %in% reps)
} else {
idx <- NULL
outcome <- outcome[]
if (opt$verbose) {
cat("---- a glimpse of outcome:\n")
if (opt$debug) save.image('debug.Rdata')
if (length(outcome) < min.sample.size)
stop("There should be more than ", min.sample.size, " samples.")
## if there less than 2 classes in this category
if (nlevels(outcome) < 2) {
cat("outcome has less than 2 classes. skip it.\n")
train.set <- otus[, ]
if (opt$split < 1) {
training.rows <- createDataPartition(outcome, p=opt$split, list=F)
} else {
training.rows <- 1:length(outcome)
train.full <- train.set[training.rows, ]
test.full <- train.set[-training.rows, ]
train.outcome <- outcome[training.rows]
test.outcome <- outcome[-training.rows]
if (opt$debug) save.image('debug.Rdata')
nzv <- nearZeroVar(train.full)
if (length(nzv) > 0) {
train.full <- train.full[, -nzv]
test.full <- test.full[, -nzv]
tooHigh <- findCorrelation(cor(train.full), .9)
if (length(tooHigh) > 0) {
train.full <- train.full[, -tooHigh]
test.full <- test.full[, -tooHigh]
## save the test set results in a data.frame
if (length(test.outcome) > 0)
testResults <- data.frame(obs=test.outcome)
if (opt$debug) save.image('debug.Rdata')
## benchmark the specified models
tuned.list <- list()
accu <- data.frame()
top.f <- data.frame()
for (model in models) {
if (opt$feature_selection) {
fiveStats <- function(...) c(twoClassSummary(...), defaultSummary(...))
ctrl <- rfeControl(method = "repeatedcv",
repeats = 5, number=10,
index = idx,
saveDetails = TRUE)
## random forest
ctrl$functions <- rfFuncs
if (nlevels(train.outcome) == 2) {
ctrl$functions$summary <- fiveStats
} else {
ctrl$functions$summary <- defaultSummary
tuned <- rfe(train.full,
sizes = seq(10, ncol(train.full)-10, by=10),
metric = "Kappa",
ntree = 1000,
rfeControl = ctrl)
tuned$method = 'rf'
} else {
tuned <- classification.tune(train.full, train.outcome, model, idx=idx)
## if( | is.null(tuned)) next
if (class(tuned) != 'train') {
cat("Warning message:\nModel ", model, " failed.\n")
tuned.list[[model]] <- tuned
if (opt$verbose) {
save.image(sprintf("%s.Rdata", opt$output))
## add a new column - Model
accu <- rbind(accu, cbind(tuned$resample, Model=tuned$method))
if (length(test.outcome) > 0)
testResults[model] <- predict(tuned, test.full)
imp <- varImp(tuned, scale=FALSE)
top.f <- rbind(top.f,
## plot top features
pimp <- plot.imp(imp, tax.16s, main=model)
print(pimp, position=c(0, 0, 0.56, 1))
save.image(sprintf("%s.Rdata", opt$output))
accu$Field <- label
accuracies <- rbind(accuracies, accu)
top.f$Field <- label
top.features <- rbind(top.features, top.f)
## if (opt$verbose) print(accuracies)
big.tuned.list[[label]] <- tuned.list
if (length(tuned.list) > 1) {
## compare the model performances
resamp <- resamples(tuned.list)
m.diff <- diff(resamp)
if (opt$verbose) print(summary(m.diff))
## plot yhat vs. obs
if (length(test.outcome) > 0) {
method.names <- names(testResults)
obs <- testResults[,1]
for(i in 2:length(testResults)) {
pred <- testResults[,i]
plot(pred ~ obs,
xlab=method.names[1], ylab=method.names[i])
abline(0, 1, col="red")
## mtext(paste(c("RMSE=", "R^2="),
## c(RMSE())))
rmse <- format(round(caret::RMSE(pred, obs), 2), nsmall=2)
rsq <- format(round(caret::R2(pred, obs), 2), nsmall=2)
legend("topleft", text.col="blue", "ab",
paste(c("RMSE","R^2 "), c(rmse, rsq), sep='=', collapse='\n'))
save.image(sprintf("%s.Rdata", opt$output))
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walterst commented Apr 21, 2015

This was tested in R version 3.1.2. Additional packages needed in R: caret, pROC, doMC, pls, e1071, and optparse. e.g.:
Versions tested:
caret 6.0.58
pROC 1.8
doMC 1.3.4
pls 2.5.0
e1071 1.6.7
optparse 1.3.0

The R scripts ml_util.R and regression.R must be downloaded as well:

For OTU level data, the taxonomy strings can be added to the feature importance scores with the script located here:

This line must be changed in both the regression.R and classification.R to point to the location on your system:
To run the script, you'll need an OTU table in tab-separated format, and a QIIME-compatible metadata mapping file. If you have sparse metadata, leave those fields empty in your mapping file rather than putting in strings such as "NA". You cannot have one category of samples completely missing all metadata, or the supervised learning will fail. Run supervised learning using the example given below.
Example of running scripts with metadata added:
Rscript classification.R -i otu_table_tab_sep -m mapping_fp -o output_base_filename -f metadata_cat -r 'rf' --add_numeric "comma-separated categories" --add_category "comma-separated categories"
Example command ran with real data
Rscript classification.R -i ../filtered_otu_tables/otu_table_even_14553_no_HC.txt -m ../validate_mapping/IBD_mapping_mar_16_metadata_sparse_no_HC.txt -o ../ROC_results_new_scripts/even_sampled_no_HC -f IBD_TYPE -r 'rf' --add_numeric "BMI,CALPROTECTIN,FROM_HEALTHY_W,FROM_HEALTHY_UW,IBD_TODAY,NUM_BOWEL_MOVE,NUM_DIARRHEA," --add_category "CPT_FLARE,CPT_FLARE_TIME,IN_HEALTHY_W,IN_HEALTHY_UW,BAC_CULTURE,AB_PAIN,BLOOD_IN_STOOL,MUCUS_IN_STOOL,RELAPSE,GASTRO"

To parse the resulting .Rdata files:
load('Rdata file')

Create and write confusion matrix

cm = confusionMatrix(big.tuned.list$IBD_TYPE$rf)

replace IBD_TYPE with the metadata category used for the -f parameter when calling classification.R earlier

write.table(cm$table, 'cm.txt', sep='\t')

Create, sort, and write importance scores

i = imp$importance
i = i[order(rowSums(i), decreasing=T), ]
write.table(i, 'imp.txt', sep='\t')

To get average accuracies (percent of all correctly classified samples):
s = sd(as.numeric(a$Accuracy))

To create ROC AUC plots (replace IBD_DIAGNOSIS with metadata category, and CCD with subset of metadata to query):
aa = big.tuned.list$IBD_DIAGNOSIS$rf
pred = aa$pred$CCD
ref = (as.character(aa$pred$obs) == 'CCD')
plot.roc(x=ref, predictor=pred, main="ROC Plots", col="blue")
pred = aa$pred$HC
ref = (as.character(aa$pred$obs) == 'HC')
plot.roc(x=ref, predictor=pred, col="green", add=TRUE)

And so on for other categories...

legend("bottomright", legend=c("CCD", "HC"), col=c("blue", "green"), lwd=2)

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