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Victor Varvaryuk warvariuc

  • Moldova, Chisinau
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warvariuc / copy_header_with_each_row.vba
Last active November 23, 2024 10:56
Take current sheet, copy it as a new one, remove formulas leaving only values, insert first row (header) before each other. Useful for printing the table to able to cut with scissors each row with its own header.
Sub CopyHeaderWithEachRow()
Doc = ThisComponent
Controller = Doc.CurrentController
ActiveSheet = Controller.getActiveSheet()
NewSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
While Doc.Sheets.hasByName(NewSheetName)
warvariuc /
Created November 23, 2023 19:23
Filter a MAC addr via API on an OpenWRT router
opkg update
opkg install luci-mod-rpc luci-lib-ipkg luci-compat
/etc/init.d/uhttpd restart
import httpx
class Router:
def flatten_dict(data: dict):
"""Transform a dict with nested dicts/list to a one level dict with keys containing paths to
the original values encoded as `top_level_key.nested_key[list_item_index]`
def iterate(_data, _path=""):
if isinstance(_data, dict):
for _key, _value in _data.items():
yield from iterate(_value, f"{_path}.{_key}".lstrip("."))
elif isinstance(_data, tuple | list):
warvariuc /
Last active June 10, 2023 18:23
List remote branches with latest commit date, author and description. The is used to review stale remote branches.
git for-each-ref --sort=committerdate refs/remotes/origin/ --format='%(committerdate:short) %(authorname) %(refname:lstrip=3)'
warvariuc /
Created March 19, 2022 06:20
This script will calculate the chop saw miter and bevel settings for any angle crown molding.
This application will calculate the chop saw miter and bevel settings for any angle crown molding.
import math
wall_angle = 90 # Wall angle
sping_angle = 38 # Miter spring angle
sa2 = math.radians(sping_angle)
import functools
import logging.config
import mongoengine
import pydantic as p
warvariuc / gist:470f71d121134d1d36d7ca0ac116f244
Last active March 15, 2022 08:33
Check environment variables passed to a docker container in cloud
root@4f2af8100e1f:# strings /proc/1/environ
import time
import math
import pygame
WIDTH = 320 # width of screen
HEIGHT = 240 # height of screen
FPS = 30 # frames per second setting
# Make test method names str more friendly for feeding them to ./ test = lambda self: \
warvariuc /
Created December 24, 2015 08:38
Delete merged branches
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
print('Fetching remote branches...')'git fetch -p --all', shell=True)
print('Processing remote branches...')
remote_branches = subprocess.check_output(