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Last active October 24, 2018 22:17
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Wassup world? Today is Thursday, October 25, 2018 and this is the Weekly Environmental Wrap Up where we rebreak news you probably haven't heard about regarding Water, Air, Soil, Urban Spaces, Power, and People.


The European Parliament has voted 571-53 for a complete ban on plastic cutlery and plates, cotton buds, straws, drink-stirrers and balloon sticks. The proposal also calls for a reduction in single-use plastic for food and drink containers like plastic cups. The EU hopes it will go into effect across the bloc by 2021.

Hurricane Walaka, one of the most powerful Pacific storms ever recorded, has erased an ecologically important remote northwestern island from the Hawaiian archipelago. Using satellite imagery, federal scientists confirmed Monday that East Island, a critical habitat for endangered Hawaiian monk seals and green sea turtles, was almost entirely washed away earlier this month.


Thousands of people showed up to march for stricter climate policies in Finland on Saturday, after a report from the UN's IPCC said that drastic measures are necessary to avoid catastrophic environmental damage. Participants in "The Time to Act is Now!" demonstration called on political decision-makers in Finland to quickly introduce stringent measures to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.


President Donald Trump says he is nominating a former executive at agribusiness giant Monsanto to head the Fish and Wildlife Service. Aurelia Skipwith of Indiana is currently deputy assistant Interior secretary for fish, wildlife and parks.


Officials overseeing a U.N.-backed fund to help poor countries tackle climate change have approved more than $1 billion in new investments after a four-day meeting in Bahrain. The Green Climate Fund said Sunday that the meeting approved 19 new projects, including a program to protect freshwater resources in Bahrain.


Wales has pledged to Leave Its Remaining Coal in the Ground. following the announcement a plan to reject all future coal mining applications is set to be finalized by the end of the year.


Researchers at the Medical University of Vienna and the Environment Agency Austria are the first to find microplastics in humans. in 8 out of 8 of the stool samples studied, microplastics were found. Scientists have no idea what the reprecussions of microplastic injestion are. Avoiding injestion is nearly impossible, but can be reduced by avoiding eating or drinking anything stored in a plastic container.


That's it for this Weekly Environmental Wrap Up. This has been a podcast by Wassup World News. Things may have changed by the time you're listening to this. please subscribe and share this podcast with all your friends and fam, and don't forget to Tune in next week to hear more about the flora, fauna, and planet you care oh so much about. I'm John Brindley. Thank you very much for caring. Peace out World.

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