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Waylon Flinn waylonflinn

Not able to respond to most things
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waylonflinn /
Last active December 20, 2020 21:06 — forked from prefiks/
Valve Index Lighthouse Control Script for Linux (Might Work on Windows Too)
# Usage: on off
# with no arguments, state will be toggled (off -> on, on -> off)
from bluepy import btle
import sys
waylonflinn /
Last active April 15, 2018 00:00
Camping Spots in Oklahoma

New (and Unimproved?)

Lake Murray / Ardmore

South on I-35, 2 hours

  • Ski Jump Campground (unimproved), $14 / night

info | map

waylonflinn / How-to-Edit-Gameplay-Videos-for-YouTube
Last active August 4, 2017 21:55
How do you take some raw gameplay footage and turn it into an interesting YouTube video?
# How to Edit Gameplay Footage
## Identify the Narratives
There will likely be at least four narratives going on at any one time.
1. Channel/life narrative
a. Who are you as a person?
b. What's this channel about?
2. Personal/life narrative (more temporally local than the channel narrative)
waylonflinn /
Last active September 16, 2016 19:35
Authentic Al Pastor, Crockpot Style

Authentic Al Pastor, Crockpot Style


  • 1 pineapple

  • 1 bottle of beer

  • 1/4 cup vinegar

  • 2 pounds of pork (loin, shoulder or butt)

  • 1/2 cup onion

waylonflinn /
Created September 30, 2015 16:38
Filtering and Aggregation with Bquery
import bcolz
import bquery
data_path = '/some/place/with/bcolz/data'
c_table = bquery.ctable(rootdir=data_path)
## Filter
# create the criteria
waylonflinn /
Last active September 18, 2015 21:33
why node?

Why node.js?


  • three things matter: developer productivity, production performance, infrastructure cost

    • developer productivity: prototyping, productionifying, maintenance
    • production performance: latency, concurrency
    • infrastructure cost: hardware baseline, hardware scaling, operations (dev-ops) overhead
  • same code on client and server (developer productivity)

    • no context switch
waylonflinn /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
setup a joyent smart machine to work with the joy-pusher npm module
# pass in a single argument with the name of the project
mkdir git
mkdir git/$1
mkdir apps
mkdir apps/$1
mkdir deployments
waylonflinn /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Install Deep Learning libraries for Python (caffe)
# First run the python data science script:
# cuda
# wget
# dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1404_6.5-14_amd64.deb
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install -y cuda
# pushd installs
# wget
# tar -xvf v0.9999.tar.gz
waylonflinn /
Last active May 25, 2018 17:45
Make ipython notebook files place nice with git. Remove output from notebooks when doing diffs and commits.
#! /usr/bin/env python
# this script filters output from ipython notebooks, for use in git repos
# put this file in a `bin` directory in your home directory, then run the following commands:
# chmod a+x ~/bin/
# echo -e "*.ipynb \t filter=dropoutput_ipynb" >> ~/.gitattributes
# git config --global core.attributesfile ~/.gitattributes
# git config --global filter.dropoutput_ipynb.clean ~/bin/
waylonflinn /
Last active December 4, 2016 05:27
Install Data Science and NLP libraries for python3 in a virtualenv (Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Gensim, OpenBLAS and PyTables)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## create an ubuntu 14.04 hvm instance, then from your home directory:
# 1. download this script
# wget
# 2. make it executable
# chmod a+x