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Created October 1, 2022 18:33
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sub update_memory_use {
require Win32::OLE;
import Win32::OLE qw(in);
my @state_array;
my $pid = $PROCESS_ID;
my $sleep_time = 2;
my $small_sleep_time = 0.1;
sleep $small_sleep_time while ( !$config_loaded );
while (1) {
@state_array = in(
'SELECT PrivatePageCount FROM Win32_Process' . " WHERE ProcessId = $pid",
'WQL', 0x10 | 0x20
$memory_use = $state_array[0]->{PrivatePageCount};
if ( $memory_use > $memory_limit && !$all_protected ) {
$memory_needs_clears = 1;
sleep $small_sleep_time;
else {
$all_protected = 0;
sleep $sleep_time;
return 1;
sub init_process_connection {
### get dwarf process id #######################################################
my %list = Win32::Process::List->new()->GetProcesses();
for my $key ( keys %list ) {
$dwarf_pid = $key if ( $list{$key} =~ /dwarfort.exe/ );
fatal_error( 'Could not find process ID, make sure DF is running and' . ' a savegame is loaded.' )
unless ($dwarf_pid);
### lower priority of dwarf fortress ###########################################
Win32::Process::Open( my $dwarf_process, $dwarf_pid, 1 );
croak 'Could not lower DF process priority, this is really odd and'
. ' should not happen, try running as administrator or poke Mithaldu/Xenofur.'
unless ($dwarf_process);
Win32::Process::Open( my $self_process, $PROCESS_ID, 1 );
croak 'Could not lower own process priority, this is really odd and'
. ' should not happen, try running as administrator or poke Mithaldu/Xenofur.'
unless ($self_process);
### actually read stuff from memory ############################################
$proc =
Win32::Process::Memory->new( { pid => $dwarf_pid, access => 'read/write/query' } )
; # open process with read access
croak 'Could not open memory access to Dwarf Fortress, this is really odd'
. ' and should not happen, try running as'
. ' administrator or poke Mithaldu/Xenofur.'
unless ($proc);
$df_proc_handle = $proc->{hProcess};
### Let's Pla... erm, figure out what version this is ##########################
for my $i ( 0 .. $#OFFSETS ) {
$pe_timestamp = $proc->get_u32( $OFFSETS[$i]{pe_timestamp_offset} );
return $i if ( $OFFSETS[$i]{PE} == $pe_timestamp );
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