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Christian Walde (Mithaldu) wchristian

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yifanlu /
Last active October 13, 2023 14:04
Vita 3.65 activation investigation (E-80558325)

On 7/29/2017, all hacked Vitas on 3.60 spoofing the latest firmware (3.65) were blocked from console activation. This is particularly odd because the PSN passphrase did not change in 3.65. Additionally with the release of ensō added to the confusion of what happened. Here is the result of a preliminary investigation of the situation.

Upon game activation, the Vita displays an dialog that shows the error number E-80558325. This error number is used in SceNpKdc, which is found in vs0:external/np_kdc.suprx. The error code itself is created when the activation response is received:

v5 = v45 | 0x80558300;

Here, v5 is the return code and v45 is the string error code from the server converted to a number. The request made to Sony's server looks like the following

endless22 /
Created May 11, 2017 03:56 — forked from othyn/
How to setup a Factorio Headless Server

[LINUX] Factorio Headless Server Guide

So, with credit to the Factorio wiki and cbednarski's helpful gist, I managed to eventually setup a Factorio headless server. Although, I thought the process could be nailed down/simplified to be a bit more 'tutorialised' and also to document how I got it all working for my future records.

The specific distro/version I'm using for this guide being Ubuntu Server 16.04.1 LTS. Although, that shouldn't matter, as long as your distro supports systemd (just for this guide, not a Factorio headless requirement, although most distros use it as standard now). The version of Factorio I shall be using is 0.14.20, although should work for any version of Factorio 0.14.12 and higher.


If you prefer a simple, automated setup, [Bisa has a really handy init script that will do most of the work for

ingydotnet /
Last active December 26, 2015 18:08
Feature request: README extensions detected from symlink

Hi guys,

I always hated that I have to add a filetype extension like .markdown or whatever. It would be nice if there was another way to detect the filetype, and just call the file README.

I just thought of a way to do this where nobody loses.

I often symlink my file to a file call doc/ And you guys render that as markdown. Great!

Since it's a symlink you can get the extension from the referent file (doc/whatever.ext) and I can call the file just README!

wchristian / gist:881083
Created March 22, 2011 11:27
use strict;
use warnings;
package prereqs;
use Perl::PrereqScanner 0.100830; # bugfixes
use PPI;
use Version::Requirements 0.100630; # merge with 0-min bug
use version;
wchristian / .minicpanrc_example
Created November 10, 2010 13:08
automatically update a darkpan
# where the cpan mirror lives
local: c:/dpan/mini
# where to mirror from
# where to prepare the inserted modules
repository: c:/dpan/mymodules