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Last active January 2, 2016 23:19
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Save webbj74/8376034 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Personal Boxen manifest
# Personal Boxen Manifest
# File: /opt/boxen/repo/modules/people/manifests/webbj74.pp
# Requires the following added to Puppetfile:
# github "adium", "1.3.0"
# github "autoconf", "1.0.0"
# github "chrome", "1.1.2"
# github "fitbit", "", :repo => "webbj74/puppet-fitbit"
# github "iterm2", "1.0.4"
# github "libpng", "1.0.0"
# github "libtool", "1.0.0"
# github "mysql", "1.2.0"
# github "osx", "2.2.2"
# github "pcre", "1.0.0"
# github "php", "1.1.4"
# github "phpstorm", "1.0.4"
# github "skype", "1.0.8"
# github "toggl", "1.0.3"
# github "vagrant", "3.0.3"
# github "virtualbox", "1.0.10"
# github "wget", "1.0.0"
# github "zsh", "1.0.0"
# - if puppet-php 1.1.4 fails, here's the fix
# References:
# - example manifest -
# - example manifest -
# - example team boxen -
# - git aliases -
class people::webbj74 {
include adium
include chrome
include iterm2::dev
include phpstorm
include skype
include toggl
include vagrant
include virtualbox
include wget
include zsh
include php::5_3
include php::5_4
include php::composer
package { 'drush':
provider => 'homebrew',
require => Exec['phpenv-setup-root-repo']
repository { 'dotfiles':
source => 'webbj74/dotfiles',
path => "/Users/${::boxen_user}/.dotfiles"
repository { 'oh-my-zsh':
source => 'robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh',
path => "/Users/${::boxen_user}/.oh-my-zsh"
file { "/Users/${::boxen_user}/.zshrc":
ensure => link,
target => "/Users/${::boxen_user}/.dotfiles/common/zshrc",
require => [ Repository['oh-my-zsh'], Repository['dotfiles'] ]
git::config::global {
'': value => '"!git config -l | grep alias | cut -c 7-"';
'': value => 'log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%an]" --decorate';
'alias.ll': value => 'log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%an]" --decorate --numstat';
'alias.lnc': value => 'log --pretty=format:"%h\\ %s\\ [%an]"';
'': value => 'log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%an]" --decorate --date=short';
'alias.ld': value => 'log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%an]" --decorate --date=relative';
'alias.le': value => 'log --oneline --decorate';
'alias.filelog': value => 'log -u';
'alias.fl': value => 'log -u';
'alias.f': value => '"!git ls-files | grep -i"';
'alias.graph': value => 'log --all --graph --decorate --oneline -n30';
'alias.grep': value => 'grep -EIi';
'alias.sync': value => '"!f() { git checkout master && git fetch --all && git rebase upstream/master && git push -f origin master; }; f"';
'color.ui': value => 'true';
'core.editor': value => 'vim';
'core.pager': value => '/usr/bin/less -r';
'pull.default': value => 'simple';
'push.default': value => 'simple';
case $::hostname {
'abies-alba': {
notice("Detected personal laptop")
include fitbit::force
file { "/Users/${::boxen_user}/.cups":
ensure => link,
target => "/Users/${::boxen_user}/.dotfiles/${::hostname}/cups",
require => Repository['dotfiles']
# These packages were basically useless; retaining as examples only
# package { 'BrotherWirelessSetupWizard':
# provider => 'pkgdmg',
# source => '',
# }
# package { 'BrotherAdminLight':
# provider => 'pkgdmg',
# source => '',
# }
'acquia-un-nefer': {
notice("Detected work laptop")
# backup for aliases already stored in acquia/support-cli
git::config::global {
'alias.origin-release': value => '"!f() { ACQUIA_REMOTE=$(git remote -v | grep -m 1 \" (push)\" | cut -f1) && RELEASE_TAG=$(date -u +release-%F-%H-%M) && git tag -a ${RELEASE_TAG} && git push ${ACQUIA_REMOTE} ${RELEASE_TAG} && git --no-pager log --pretty=format:\"%n%C(yellow)%h%Creset %s%Cblue [%an]%n %Cred%d%Creset%n\" --decorate -1; }; f"';
'alias.origin-rollback': value => '"!f() { ACQUIA_REMOTE=$(git remote -v | grep -m 1 \" (push)\" | cut -f1) && LATEST_TAG=$(git ls-remote --tags ${ACQUIA_REMOTE} release-* | cut -f2 | sort | tail -n1) && echo \"Rolling back ${LATEST_TAG}\" && git push ${ACQUIA_REMOTE} :${LATEST_TAG} && LATEST_TAG=$(git ls-remote --tags ${ACQUIA_REMOTE} release-* | cut -f2 | sort | tail -n1) && git --no-pager log --pretty=format:\"%nProd is now ${LATEST_TAG}%n%C(yellow)%h%Creset %s%Cblue [%an]%n %Cred%d%Creset%n\" --decorate -1 ${LATEST_TAG}; }; f"';
'': value => '"!f() { ACQUIA_REMOTE=$(git remote -v | grep -m 1 \" (push)\" | cut -f1) && RELEASE_TAG=$(date -u +release-%F-%H-%M) && git tag -a ${RELEASE_TAG} && git push ${ACQUIA_REMOTE} ${RELEASE_TAG} && git --no-pager log --pretty=format:\"%n%C(yellow)%h%Creset %s%Cblue [%an]%n %Cred%d%Creset%n\" --decorate -1; }; f"';
'': value => '"!f() { ACQUIA_REMOTE=$(git remote -v | grep -m 1 \" (push)\" | cut -f1) && LATEST_TAG=$(git ls-remote --tags ${ACQUIA_REMOTE} release-* | cut -f2 | sort | tail -n1) && echo \"Rolling back ${LATEST_TAG}\" && git push ${ACQUIA_REMOTE} :${LATEST_TAG} && LATEST_TAG=$(git ls-remote --tags ${ACQUIA_REMOTE} release-* | cut -f2 | sort | tail -n1) && git --no-pager log --pretty=format:\"%nProd is now ${LATEST_TAG}%n%C(yellow)%h%Creset %s%Cblue [%an]%n %Cred%d%Creset%n\" --decorate -1 ${LATEST_TAG}; }; f"';
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