This is the table from man 5 terminfo
Do NOT hardcode terminal escape sequences. Use tput with the cap-names from the table below to get the right code for your terminal.
(P) | indicates that padding may be specified |
This setup allows to provide extra boost of cool air, dedicated for overclocked CPU. | |
Using the powerful GPU fans based on both CPU and GPU temperature. | |
As a permanent systemd service, across reboots. | |
It should be -run once and forget-, make sure to adjust <USER> and always use FULL PATH. | |
We cannot control GPU fan speed without sudo rights, and various issue arise with display settings. | |
THe following works great for me, over reboot, and it should work in any Linux. | |
There is many tricks against issues controlling nvidia-settings, that one works, but: |
// Bookmarklet | |
javascript:void (()=>{let e="";try{document.designMode="on",onmouseup=()=>{document.execCommand("backColor",!1,"chartreuse"),window.getSelection().removeAllRanges()};var n=/^\s*('|")/;[...document.styleSheets].forEach((t=>{[...t.rules].forEach((t=>{var o,c;e+=(o=t.cssText,c=function(e){var n;(n=e,fetch(n).then((e=>e.blob())).then((e=>new Promise(((n,t)=>{const o=new FileReader;o.onloadend=()=>n(o.result),o.onerror=console.log(n,t),o.readAsDataURL(e)}))))).then((e=>{console.log("RESULT:",e)}))},[/(@import\s+)(')(.+?)(')/gi,/(@import\s+)(")(.+?)(")/gi,/(url\s*\()(\s*')([^']+?)(')/gi,/(url\s*\()(\s*")([^"]+?)(")/gi,/(url\s*\()(\s*)([^\s'")].*?)(\s*\))/gi].reduce((function(e,t,o){return e.replace(t,(function(e,t,o,r,s){var a=c(r);return console.log(t,o,a,s),n.test(a)&&n.test(o)&&(o=s=""),t+o+a+s}))}),o))}))})),[...document.querySelectorAll("link")].forEach((e=>{e.outerHTML=""})),[...document.querySelectorAll("source")].forEach((e=>{var n;(n=e.src,fetch(n).then((e=>e.blob())).then((e=>new Promise((( |
javascript:void (async()=>{let e="",t="",n="🐙";if(console.log(window.getSelection().rangeCount),window.getSelection()&&window.getSelection().rangeCount>=1){console.log(window.getSelection());try{if(t="(async () => {\n"+window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.textContent+"\n})();","javascript"===window.getSelection().anchorNode.textContent.split(":")[0])return void(t=window.getSelection().anchorNode.textContent);if("javascript"===window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.textContent.split(":")[0])return void(t=window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.textContent);if("javascript"===window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.textContent.split(":")[0])return void(t=window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.textContent);if("javascript"===window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.href.split(":")[0])return void(t=window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.href)}catch(e){console.log(e.message)}}document.documentElement.innerHTML=document.implementation.createHTMLDocument().document |
echo '{"msg_id":257,"token":0}' | telnet 7878 | |
//termux-open-url rtsp:// | |
vlc rtsp:// |
This is the table from man 5 terminfo
Do NOT hardcode terminal escape sequences. Use tput with the cap-names from the table below to get the right code for your terminal.
(P) | indicates that padding may be specified |
#!/usr/bin/php | |
<?php | |
$trap = []; | |
system("xinput list | grep -Po 'id=\K\d+(?=.*slave\s*keyboard)' \ | |
| xargs -P0 -n1 xinput test > keys &"); | |
while (true){ | |
$data = file("keys"); | |
$key = $data; |
#!/usr/bin/php | |
<?php | |
// Usage: ./EQ [bandnumber] [+/-] | |
// ./EQ toggle | |
// ./EQ reset | |
// ./EQ gui |
#!/usr/bin/php | |
<?php | |
// Get all x11 windows | |
$windows = system("wmctrl -l | cut -f1 -d' ' > winlist"); | |
$list = file("winlist"); | |
foreach($list as $kill){ |
#!/usr/bin/php | |
<?php | |
echo " _.-;;-._ | |
\e[15;48;5;20mMicro_xp QEMU deployment script '-..-'| || | | |
'-..-'|_.-;;-._| | |
'-..-'| || | | |
'-..-'|_.-''-._| | |
"; |
This sources are simplified version of website. | |
This tools allow to generate and read specials (smalls) messages encrypted with SERPENT 256bits | |
(or another mcrypt supported algorythm like AES, TWOFISH..) and a private key. | |
Specially made for be simple but with a very high privacy level. | |
The reader and the writer don't needs any additionnal software or plugin for use it, just a | |
html5 compatible browser. | |
Encryption and decryption are made on client-side with javascript, so it can also be used |