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Created October 31, 2017 22:00
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Bash script for resizing all the images in a directory with ImageMagick
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Resize all the images in a specified folder with ImageMagick. Put the
# resized images in another specified folder.
# Of course, this script is an overkill. Just typing the loop on the command
# line would be enough...
# Daniel Weibel <>, 27 Dec. 2014
set -e
# Default values
usage() {
echo "USAGE"
echo " $(basename $0) -i dir -o dir [-r resizing] [-e extension]"
echo " Resize all images in a directory. Requires ImageMagick."
echo " -i: Directory containing images to resize"
echo " -o: Output directory"
echo " -r: Resize specification (ImageMagick syntax) [50%]"
echo " -e: File extension of images in input directory [jpg]"
[[ "$1" = -h ]] && { usage; exit; }
[[ $(which convert) = "" ]] && \
{ echo "Error: ImageMagick not installed"; exit 1; }
while getopts ":i:o:r:e:" opt; do
case $opt in
i) idir=${OPTARG%/}; ;; # Remove trailing slash if present
o) odir=${OPTARG%/}; ;; # Remove trailing slash if present
r) resize=$OPTARG; ;;
e) ext=$OPTARG; ;;
\?) echo "Error: invalid option: -$OPTARG"; exit 1 ;;
:) echo "Error: option -$OPTARG requires an argument"; exit 1 ;;
[[ -z "$idir" ]] && { echo "Error: Must specify input directory"; exit 1; }
[[ -z "$odir" ]] && { echo "Error: Must specify output directory"; exit 1; }
# nullglob: if *.jpg doesn't match any files, glob is replaced by "" not "*.jpg"
# nullglob should always be unset, so we activate it only in a subshell ($())
[[ $(shopt -s nullglob; echo "$idir"/*.$ext) = "" ]] \
&& { echo "Error: No files with extension $ext in directory $idir"; exit 1; }
for image in "$idir"/*.$ext; do
echo -n "Resizing ${image##*/}... "
# ImageMagick call
convert "$image" \
-colorspace RGB \
-resize $resize \
-colorspace sRGB \
"$odir"/$(basename "$image")
# 1. Convert colorspace to linear (remove Gamma correction)
# 2. Resize image
# 3. Convert colorspace back to non-linear (add Gamma correction)
# Note: don't use -quality, because an appropriate quality (compression) is
# determined automatically for every image.
echo Done
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jpgreth commented Apr 5, 2018

Why did you do the linear conversion ( -colorspace RGB -resize $resize -colorspace sRGB )?
Is it for better quality?

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this script doesnt work with filenames with spaces

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