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welbornprod / Embedded Python in BASH
Created August 14, 2014 23:22
A little trick to embed python code in a BASH script.
# Here are some embedded Python examples using Python3.
# They are put into functions for separation and clarity.
# Simple usage, only using python to print the date.
# This is not really a good example, because the `date`
# command works just as well.
function date_time {
Basic IRC bot using Twisted.
Code is by habnabit, and comes from
import sys
from twisted.internet import defer, endpoints, protocol, reactor, task
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.words.protocols import irc
welbornprod / bash english definition command
Last active December 11, 2015 23:49
Show the definition of an english word in your BASH terminal. Works best as a BASH function, might need to install 'lynx' console browser. ... sudo apt-get install lynx
# BASH function (As of 08/13/14 this no longer works (they finally change the layout of the page.)
# It is kept here as a reference, in case someone wants to make a different version.
# ..mine is in Python now :)
function define() {
if [ "${1}" = "" ] ; then
echo "Usage: define dog"
lynx -dump -nonumbers -width=160 "${1}" | grep -A15 "World English Dictionary"
welbornprod / bash spanish translation command
Created January 31, 2013 02:44
Translate english word to spanish in your BASH terminal. Works best as a BASH function, might have to install 'lynx' console browser. ... sudo apt-get install lynx
# BASH function
function spanish() {
if [ "${1}" = "" ] ; then
# usage: spanish [english word]
echo "Usage: spanish dog"
lynx -dump -nonumbers -width=160 "${1}?src=en" | grep "${1} / "
welbornprod / bash weather command
Last active December 11, 2015 23:49
display current weather in your BASH terminal. Uses zip-code to determine current area. Might need to install 'lynx' console browser. ... sudo apt-get install lynx
# BASH function
function weather() {
if [ "${1}" = "" ] ; then
# echo "Usage: weather 90210"
lynx -dump -nonumbers -width=160 "" | grep -A13 'Latest Observation'
lynx -dump -nonumbers -width=160 "${1}" | grep -A13 'Latest Observation'