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Created January 29, 2024 21:52
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  • Save wengzilla/b5dac5ed3fe0ae3c42c9f34f491a919a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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HypeLab SDK Migration Guide - Vanilla


  • Remove the hypelab-vanilla script tag from your head tag.
  • Remove any script referencing the HypeLab client, and any call to HypeLab.setClient(client);
  • Include the HypeLab SDK script tag as shown in our docs. Example:
-    <script src=""></script>
+    <script defer src=""></script>
+    <script>
+      document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
+        HypeLab.initialize({
+          URL: '<api_url>',
+          propertySlug: '<property_slug>',
+          environment: '<environment>',
+        });
+      });
+    </script>
-    <script>
-      let client = new HypeLab.Client({
-        URL: '',
-        // URL: '', /* Production URL */
-        propertySlug: '<PROPERTY_SLUG>',
-        environment: HypeLab.Environment.Development,
-        // environment: HypeLab.Environment.Production, /* Production Environment */
-      });
-      HypeLab.setClient(client);
-    </script>

Setting a wallet address

  • Call HypeLab.setWalletAddress(walletAddress) instead of client.identity.setWalletAddress(walletAddress).



  • Remove any calls to HypeLab.banner(...).
  • Replace your DOM banner element with a hype-banner element and include the placement attribute. Example:
-    HypeLab.banner({ placement: '<PLACEMENT_SLUG>', container: 'bannerSlot' });
-<div id="bannerSlot"></div>
+<hype-banner placement="banner_placement"></hype-banner>


  • Remove any calls to HypeLab.native(...).
  • Replace the native container div with a hype-native element and include the placement attribute. Example:
-    HypeLab.native({ placement: '<PLACEMENT_SLUG>', container: 'nativeSlot' });
-<div id="nativeSlot">
+<hype-native placement="native_placement">
     <div class="bg-black p-5">
         <div class="relative flex items-center">
             <div class="flex-shrink-0">
                 <img data-ref="icon" class="h-10 w-10 rounded-full mr-5" />
             <div class="min-w-0 flex-1">
                 <span class="absolute inset-0" aria-hidden="true"></span>
                 <p class="font-medium text-slate-400">@<span data-ref="advertiser"></span></p>
                 <p data-ref="displayUrl" class="text-emerald-300 text-sm"></p>
         <div data-ref="body" class="mt-3 text-white"></div>
         <div class="body-row text-left">
             <div data-ref="headline" class="mt-3 text-white"></div>
             <div class="mt-5">
                 <a data-ref="ctaLink" href="/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">
                     <div data-ref="mediaContent" class="mediaContent"></div>
                         class="rounded-full bg-emerald-300 px-10 py-2 text-black font-bold mt-5 text-center"


  • Remove any calls to HypeLab.rewarded(...).
  • Replace the rewarded container div with a hype-rewarded element and include the placement attribute.
  • Use a reference to the hype-rewarded element to show the ad: document.getElementById('rewarded').show().
  • Add event listeners to the hype-rewarded element to listen for ready, error, and complete events. Example:
-    const handleRewarded = function () {
-        // Grant a reward (e.g., Give an in-game item, unlock a paywall, etc.)
-        console.log('handleRewarded called');
-    };
-    var rewarded = HypeLab.rewarded({ placement: 'rewarded_placement', container: 'rewarded', onComplete: handleRewarded });
-    document.getElementById('hypelab-btn').addEventListener('click', function () {
-    });
+    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
+        const rewarded = document.getElementById('rewarded');
+        const button = document.getElementById('hypelab-btn');
+        button.addEventListener('click', function () {
+  ;
+        });
+        rewarded.addEventListener('ready', function () {
+            button.disabled = false;
+        });
+        rewarded.addEventListener('error', function () {
+            button.disabled = true;
+        });
+        rewarded.addEventListener('complete', function () {
+            button.disabled = true;
+            // Grant a reward (e.g., Give an in-game item, unlock a paywall, etc.)
+        });
+    });
-<div id="rewarded"></div>
+ <hype-rewarded id="rewarded" placement="rewarded_placement">
         className="rounded-md border border-gray-300 bg-indigo-600 px-4 py-2 text-lg text-white"
         Watch Video
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