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Last active October 7, 2023 09:29
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Simple CSV Parser
* Takes a string representation of a CSV and parses it into an array of arrays
* or an array of objects (dictionaries).
* @param {string} strCSV
* String representation of a CSV.
* @param {boolean=} opt_headerRow
* Optional boolean defaulting to false which if set to true indicates that
* the first row is to be collected as the header row and all rows returned
* will be objects keyed by those header names instead of arrays.
* @param {string=} opt_delimiter
* Optional string defaulting to "," which indicates the cell delimiter. If
* specified this must be only one character and may not be a double quote,
* a carriage return or a linefeed.
* @param {((value: string?, rowIndex: number, cellIndex: number, colHeader: string?) => *)=} opt_fnProcessCell
* Optional function used to pre-process the cell values. The values passed
* are the cell value found, the row index, the cell index, and the cell
* name (if opt_headerRow is true). The value returned will be stored in
* the array of rows returned.
* @return {{[k: string]: *}[]|*[][]}
* In the case that opt_headerRow is truish, an array of arrays will be
* returned with each sub-array representing a CSV row. In the case that
* opt_headerRow is not truish an array of objects keyed by the column names
* will be returned with each sub-object representing a CSV row.
function parseCSV(strCSV, opt_headerRow, opt_delimiter, opt_fnProcessCell) {
opt_delimiter = opt_delimiter || ',';
if (!/^[^\r\n"]$/.test(opt_delimiter)) {
throw new Error('The delimiter must be exactly 1 character and cannot be any of the following:\n- \\r\n- \\n\n- "');
var delimiterPat = '\\u' + ('000' + opt_delimiter.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
var pattern = '([^"' + delimiterPat + '\r\n]*|"((?:[^"]+|"")*)")(' + delimiterPat + '|\r?\n|\r)';
var colNames = [], isHeaderRow = opt_headerRow, rowCount = 0;
var row = [], rows = opt_headerRow ? [] : [row], colIndex = 0;
(strCSV + opt_delimiter).replace(new RegExp(pattern, 'g'), function(match, cell, quoted, delimiter) {
cell = quoted ? quoted.replace(/""/g, '"') : cell;
if (isHeaderRow) {
else {
row[opt_headerRow ? colNames[colIndex] : colIndex] = opt_fnProcessCell
? opt_fnProcessCell(cell, rowCount, colIndex, colNames[colIndex])
: cell;
if (delimiter !== opt_delimiter) {
rows.push(row = opt_headerRow ? {} : []);
colIndex = isHeaderRow = 0;
return rows;
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radiocity commented Nov 15, 2017

Parse fails with:

Lorem,"ipsum", dolor, sit,
Lorem,ipsum","dolor,""", sit

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