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Last active March 27, 2023 18:03
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toDataURL() - Turns a string that can represent a text document and returns the corresponding data URL (AKA data URI).
* Turns a string that can represent a text document and returns the
* corresponding data URL (AKA data URI).
* @param {string} text
* The text to turn into a data URL.
* @param {Object} options
* Optional. An object containing the different options to set.
* @param {boolean=} options.base64
* Optional, defaults to the `false`. Indicates if the returned data URL
* should be base64 encoded.
* @param {string=} options.charset
* Optional. Indicates the character set of the content. Examples are
* "US-ASCII", "UTF-8", etc.
* @param {string=} options.type
* Optional, defaults to the empty string. The content type of `text` (eg.
* `"text/html"`).
* @returns {string}
* A data URL which represents `text` as the given `type`.
function toDataURL(text, options) {
let {base64, charset, type} = Object(options);
return ('data:'
+ (type ?? '')
+ ';'
+ (charset ? 'charset=' + charset + ';' : '')
+ (base64 ? 'base64;' : '')
).replace(/;$/, '')
+ ','
+ (base64
// unescape() and encodeURIComponent() used based on this solution:
? window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(text)))
: encodeURIComponent(text)
* Turns a string that can represent a text document and returns the
* corresponding data URL (AKA data URI). Leverages `FileReader` and `Blob`
* to ensure validity of data URL's contents.
* @param {string} text
* The text to turn into a data URL.
* @param {Object} options
* Optional. An object containing the different options to set.
* @param {boolean=} options.base64
* Optional, defaults to the `false`. Indicates if the returned data URL
* should be base64 encoded.
* @param {string=} options.charset
* Optional. Indicates the character set of the content. Examples are
* "US-ASCII", "UTF-8", etc.
* @param {string=} options.type
* Optional, defaults to the empty string. The content type of `text` (eg.
* `"text/html"`).
* @returns {Promise<string>}
* A data URL which represents `text` as the given `type`.
function toAsyncDataURL(text, options) {
let {base64, charset, type} = Object(options);
return new Promise(resolve => {
Object.assign(new FileReader(), {
onload({target: {result}}) {
result = /,([^]*$)/.exec(result)[1];
+ (type ?? '')
+ ';'
+ (charset ? 'charset=' + charset + ';' : '')
+ (base64 ? 'base64;' : '')
).replace(/;$/, '')
+ ','
+ (base64 ? result : encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(result)))))
}).readAsDataURL(new Blob([text], {type: charset ? ';charset=' + charset : ''}));
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