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Last active November 10, 2022 01:53
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A simple search engine that only uses JavaScript and Google sheets. NO DATABASE REQUIRED!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Custom Search Engine Using Google Sheets</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var vueSearch = new Vue({
el: '#vueSearch',
data: {
search: '',
links: [],
pages: [],
pageNumber: 1,
results: [],
perPage: 10,
loading: true,
error: null
methods: {
changePage: function(number) {
location.href = '#vueSearch';
this.pageNumber = number;
updateResults: function() {
var self = this;
// Clear all previous paging data
self.pages.splice(0, Infinity);
// Get an array of search terms as regexes
var searchTerms = [];
function(m, must, quoted, nonQuoted, rgxText, rgxOpts) {
var realRgxText = rgxText;
if (rgxText) {
try {
new RegExp(rgxText);
catch (e) {
rgxText = null;
rgxText = rgxText || (
((quoted ? /^\b/.test(quoted) : !realRgxText) ? '\\b' : '')
+ YourJS.quoteRegExp(quoted || nonQuoted)
+ ((quoted && /\b$/.test(quoted)) ? '\\b' : '')
type: realRgxText ? 'regex' : 'string',
rgx: new RegExp(rgxText, (realRgxText ? rgxOpts : 'i') + 'g'),
must: must == '+'
? true
: must == '-'
? false
: undefined
// Get the resulting list of links based on the scores.
var results = self.links
.reduce(function(scores, link, linkIndex) {
var score = searchTerms.reduce(function(score, searchTerm) {
if (score !== false) {
var matchesTitle = (link.title.match(searchTerm.rgx) || '').length;
var matchesURL = (link.url.match(searchTerm.rgx) || '').length;
var matchesDescr = ((link.description || '').match(searchTerm.rgx) || '').length;
var matchesKeywords = ((link.keywords || '').match(searchTerm.rgx) || '').length;
var matchesAny = !!(matchesTitle || matchesURL || matchesDescr || matchesKeywords);
return searchTerm.must !== !matchesAny
? searchTerm.must !== false
? matchesTitle * 8 + matchesURL * 4 + matchesDescr * 2 + matchesKeywords * 1
: 1
: false;
return score;
}, searchTerms.length ? 0 : 1);
if (score) {
scores.push({ link: link, score: score, index: linkIndex });
return scores;
}, [])
.sort(function(a, b) { return (b.score - a.score) || (b.index - a.index); })
.map(function(score) { return; });
// Setup the paging data
var pageCount = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(results.length / self.perPage));
var pageNumber = self.pageNumber = YourJS.clamp(self.pageNumber, 1, pageCount);
if (pageNumber > 1) {
self.pages.push(self.getPageObject(1, results));
if (pageNumber > 2) {
self.pages.push(self.getPageObject(pageNumber - 1, results));
self.pages.push(self.getPageObject(pageNumber, results));
if (pageNumber + 1 < pageCount) {
self.pages.push(self.getPageObject(pageNumber + 1, results));
if (pageNumber < pageCount) {
self.pages.push(self.getPageObject(pageCount, results));
// Set self.results to only the results that are shown in the current page.
self.results = results.slice((pageNumber - 1) * self.perPage, pageNumber * self.perPage).map(function(link) {
link = jQuery.extend({}, link);
return {
title: self.markTerms(link.title, searchTerms),
description: self.markTerms(link.description, searchTerms),
url: link.url
markTerms: function(strIn, terms) {
return terms
.reduce(function(str, term) {
return (YourJS.matchAll(strIn, term.rgx) || []).reduce(function(str, termMatch) {
return str.replace(
new RegExp('((?:[\\x01\\x02]*[^\\x01\\x02]){' + termMatch.index + '})((?:[\\x01\\x02]*[^\\x01\\x02]){' + (termMatch[0].length) + '})'),
}, str);
}, strIn)
.replace(/\x01/g, '<div class="highlight">').replace(/\x02/g, '</div>');
getPageObject: function(pageNumber, results) {
return {
text: pageNumber,
number: pageNumber,
caption: Math.min(results.length, 1 + (pageNumber - 1) * this.perPage) + ' to ' + Math.min(results.length, pageNumber * this.perPage)
watch: {
search: function(newValue, oldValue) {
this.pageNumber = 1;
mounted: function () {
dataType: "json",
url: GSHEET_JSON_URL + '&cache-buster=' + Math.random(),
success: function(data) {
if (data && data.feed && data.feed.entry && data.feed.entry[0]) {
var missing = ['url', 'title', 'description', 'keywords'].filter(function(name) {
return !data.feed.entry[0]['gsx$' + name];
if (missing[0]) {
vueSearch.error = 'You must add the "`' + missing.join('`", "`').replace(/, (?!.*,)/, ', and ') + '`" field' + (missing[1] ? 's' : '') + '.';
else {
vueSearch.error = 'The specified GSHEET_JSON_URL is invalid:<br>`' + GSHEET_JSON_URL + '`';
data.feed.entry.forEach(function(entry) {
url: entry.gsx$url.$t,
title: entry.gsx$title.$t,
description: entry.gsx$description.$t,
keywords: entry.gsx$keywords.$t
vueSearch.loading = false;
error: function() {
vueSearch.error = 'The specified GSHEET_JSON_URL does not contain JSON:<br>`' + GSHEET_JSON_URL + '`';
vueSearch.loading = false;
// Set focus to search box
YourJS - Your Very Own JS Library
Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Christopher West
Licensed under the MIT license.
(function(h,c,k){function l(a,b){return function(){return a[b].apply(a,arguments)}}var g=this,m;(function(a,b){m=function(){b||(b=1,g[c]=a);return d}})(g[c]);var n=l([].slice,"call");var d={alias:l,clamp:function(a,b,f){return a<b?b:a>f?f:a},info:function(){return{name:c,version:h,toString:d.toString}},matchAll:function(a,b,f){var c=0,d=[];a.replace(b,function(e){e=n(arguments,0,-1);e.index=e.pop();e.input=a;e.source=b;f&&(e=f(e,++c));e!==k&&d.push(e)});return d.length?d:null},noConflict:m,quoteRegExp:function(a,
b){var c=a.replace(/[[\](){}.+*^$|\\?-]/g,"\\$&");return""===b||b?new RegExp(c,!0===b?"":b):c},slice:n,toString:function(){return"YourJS v"+h+" ("+c+")"}};[].forEach(function(a){a()});"undefined"!==typeof exports?("undefined"!==typeof module&&module.exports&&(exports=module.exports=d),(exports[c]=d)[c]=k):g[c]=d})("2.2.0","YourJS");
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<style type="text/css">
body {
padding: 10px;
[v-cloak] { display: none; }
div.highlight {
display: inline;
box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em red;
padding: 0.125em;
border-radius: 0.5em;
.btn {
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255,255,255,0.5), rgba(255,255,255,0.2) 49%, rgba(0,0,0,0.15) 51%, rgba(0,0,0,0.05));
background-repeat: repeat-x;
<h1>Custom Search Engine Using Google Sheets</h1>
<p class="lead">A simple search engine built just JavaScript and <a href="" target="_blank">this Google sheet document</a>. The full version of this search can be found at <a href=""></a>.</p>
<div id="vueSearch" v-cloak>
<div class="input-group mb-3">
<div class="input-group-prepend">
<label class="input-group-text" for="txtQuery">Search Terms</label>
<input type="text" id="txtQuery" v-model="search" class="form-control" placeholder="whatever you want to search for...">
<div v-for="(link, linkIndex) in results" v-bind:style="linkIndex + 1 < results.length ? 'margin-bottom: 1em;' : ''">
<div style="font-size: 1.25em;"><a v-bind:href="link.url" target="_blank" v-html="link.title"></a></div>
<div v-html="link.description"></div>
<div style="color: #080;">{{ link.url }}</div>
<div v-if="error" class="alert alert-danger text-center lead" v-html="error.replace(/`([^`]+)`/g, '<code>$1</code>')">{{error}}</div>
<div v-else-if="loading" class="text-center lead">Loading search results from Google Sheets...</div>
<div v-else-if="!results.length" class="text-center lead">
No results were found for <code>{{ search }}</code>.
<div class="text-center">
<div class="d-inline-block">
<div class="input-group mb-3" v-if="pages.length">
<div class="input-group-prepend">
<span class="input-group-text" for="txtQuery">Pages</span>
<div class="input-group-append">
<button v-for="page in pages" v-bind:class="'btn btn-outline-secondary' + (page.number == pageNumber ? ' active' : '')" type="button" style="float: initial;" v-on:click="changePage(page.number)" v-bind:title="page.caption">{{ page.text }}</button>
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masterika commented Apr 8, 2021

Thanks for the great code! There is a typo, instead of "matchesTitle * 8 + matchesURL * 4 + matchesDescr * 2 + matchesKeywords * 1" it should be "matchesTitle * 8 + matchesURL * 4 + matchesDescr * 2 + matchesKeywords * 1+score", otherwise search engine only cares about the last word

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Something changed about google sheets APIs, I get the following error: The specified GSHEET_JSON_URL does not contain JSON:

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