/* START: <ace-editor> Vue component */ |
(function () { |
var PROPS = { |
selectionStyle: {}, |
highlightActiveLine: { f: toBool }, |
highlightSelectedWord: { f: toBool }, |
readOnly: { f: toBool }, |
cursorStyle: {}, |
mergeUndoDeltas: { f: toBool }, |
behavioursEnabled: { f: toBool }, |
wrapBehavioursEnabled: { f: toBool }, |
autoScrollEditorIntoView: { f: toBool, v: false }, |
copyWithEmptySelection: { f: toBool }, |
useSoftTabs: { f: toBool, v: false }, |
navigateWithinSoftTabs: { f: toBool, v: false }, |
hScrollBarAlwaysVisible: { f: toBool }, |
vScrollBarAlwaysVisible: { f: toBool }, |
highlightGutterLine: { f: toBool }, |
animatedScroll: { f: toBool }, |
showInvisibles: { f: toBool }, |
showPrintMargin: { f: toBool }, |
printMarginColumn: { f: toNum, v: 80 }, |
// shortcut for showPrintMargin and printMarginColumn |
printMargin: { f: function (x) { return toBool(x, true) && toNum(x); } }, // false|number |
fadeFoldWidgets: { f: toBool }, |
showFoldWidgets: { f: toBool, v: true }, |
showLineNumbers: { f: toBool, v: true }, |
showGutter: { f: toBool, v: true }, |
displayIndentGuides: { f: toBool, v: true }, |
fontSize: {}, |
fontFamily: {}, |
minLines: { f: toNum }, |
maxLines: { f: toNum }, |
scrollPastEnd: { f: toBoolOrNum }, |
fixedWidthGutter: { f: toBool, v: false }, |
theme: { v: 'chrome' }, |
scrollSpeed: { f: toNum }, |
dragDelay: { f: toNum }, |
dragEnabled: { f: toBool, v: true }, |
focusTimeout: { f: toNum }, |
tooltipFollowsMouse: { f: toBool }, |
firstLineNumber: { f: toNum, v: 1 }, |
overwrite: { f: toBool }, |
newLineMode: {}, |
useWorker: { f: toBool }, |
tabSize: { f: toNum, v: 2 }, |
wrap: { f: toBoolOrNum }, |
foldStyle: { v: 'markbegin' }, |
mode: { v: 'javascript' }, |
value: {}, |
}; |
var EDITOR_EVENTS = ['blur', 'change', 'changeSelectionStyle', 'changeSession', 'copy', 'focus', 'paste']; |
var INPUT_EVENTS = ['keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup']; |
function toBool(value, opt_ignoreNum) { |
var result = value; |
if (result != null) { |
(value + '').replace( |
/^(?:|0|false|no|off|(1|true|yes|on))$/, |
function(m, isTrue) { |
result = (/01/.test(m) && opt_ignoreNum) ? result : !!isTrue; |
} |
); |
} |
return result; |
} |
function toNum(value) { |
return (value == null || isNaN(+value)) ? value : +value; |
} |
function toBoolOrNum(value) { |
var result = toBool(value, true); |
return 'boolean' === typeof result ? result : toNum(value); |
} |
function emit(component, name, event) { |
component.$emit(name.toLowerCase(), event); |
if (name !== name.toLowerCase()) { |
component.$emit( |
name.replace(/[A-Z]+/g, function(m) { return ('-' + m).toLowerCase(); }), |
event |
); |
} |
} |
// Defined for IE11 compatibility |
function entries(obj) { |
return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) { return [key, obj[key]]; }); |
} |
Vue.component('aceEditor', { |
template: '<div ref="root"></div>', |
props: Object.keys(PROPS), |
data: function() { |
return { |
editor: null, |
isShowingError: false, |
isShowingWarning: false, |
allowInputEvent: true, |
// NOTE: "lastValue" is needed to prevent cursor from always going to |
// the end after typing |
lastValue: '' |
}; |
}, |
methods: { |
setOption: function(key, value) { |
var func = PROPS[key].f; |
value = /^(theme|mode)$/.test(key) |
? 'ace/' + key + '/' + value |
: func |
? func(value) |
: value; |
this.editor.setOption(key, value); |
} |
}, |
watch: (function () { |
var watch = { |
value: function(value) { |
if (this.lastValue !== value) { |
this.allowInputEvent = false; |
this.editor.setValue(value); |
this.allowInputEvent = true; |
} |
} |
}; |
return entries(PROPS).reduce( |
function(watch, propPair) { |
var propName = propPair[0]; |
if (propName !== 'value') { |
watch[propName] = function (newValue) { |
this.setOption(propName, newValue); |
}; |
} |
return watch; |
}, |
watch |
); |
})(), |
mounted: function() { |
var self = this; |
self.editor = window.ace.edit(self.$refs.root, { value: self.value }); |
entries(PROPS).forEach( |
function(propPair) { |
var propName = propPair[0], |
prop = propPair[1], |
value = self.$props[propName]; |
if (value !== undefined || prop.hasOwnProperty('v')) { |
self.setOption(propName, value === undefined ? prop.v : value); |
} |
} |
); |
self.editor.on('change', function(e) { |
self.lastValue = self.editor.getValue(); |
if (self.allowInputEvent) { |
emit(self, 'input', self.lastValue); |
} |
}); |
function(eName) { |
self.editor.textInput.getElement().addEventListener( |
eName, function(e) { emit(self, eName, e); } |
); |
} |
); |
EDITOR_EVENTS.forEach(function(eName) { |
self.editor.on(eName, function(e) { emit(self, eName, e); }); |
}); |
var session = self.editor.getSession(); |
session.on('changeAnnotation', function() { |
var annotations = session.getAnnotations(), |
errors = annotations.filter(function(a) { return a.type === 'error'; }), |
warnings = annotations.filter(function(a) { return a.type === 'warning'; }); |
emit(self, 'changeAnnotation', { |
type: 'changeAnnotation', |
annotations: annotations, |
errors: errors, |
warnings: warnings |
}); |
if (errors.length) { |
emit(self, 'error', { type: 'error', annotations: errors }); |
} |
else if (self.isShowingError) { |
emit(self, 'errorsRemoved', { type: 'errorsRemoved' }); |
} |
self.isShowingError = !!errors.length; |
if (warnings.length) { |
emit(self, 'warning', { type: 'warning', annotations: warnings }); |
} |
else if (self.isShowingWarning) { |
emit(self, 'warningsRemoved', { type: 'warningsRemoved' }); |
} |
self.isShowingWarning = !!warnings.length; |
}); |
} |
}); |
})(); |
/* END: <ace-editor> Vue component */ |