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Young Living API reference



To obtain a token, issue a request to POST

  • The request must be a HTTP POST request.
  • The request must include a Content-Type header with the value of application/json.
  • The body of the request must in JSON format with memberId and password.

Request body

    "memberId": "",
    "password": ""

Example request

POST /api/accounts/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "memberId": "123456",
    "password": "sosecret"

##Organization Base URL: ###Endpoints

  • GET /children/user/{periodid}
  • GET /children/member_id/{periodid}
  • GET /detail/user/{periodid}
  • GET /detail/{memberid}/{periodid}


  • (0 can be used in place of {periodid} for current period)

####Get downline for authorized user. Example Request:


Example Response:

	"customerid": "1449977",
	"currentperiodid": 406,
	"periodid": 405,
	"chartstartperiod": 398,
	"chartendperiod": 405,
	"totalchildren": 74,
	"legs": [ ]

####Get downline for specific user Example Request:


Example Response:

	"customerid": 1223344,
	"currentperiodid": 406,
	"periodid": 405,
	"chartstartperiod": 398,
	"chartendperiod": 405,
	"totalchildren": 15,
	"legs": [ ]

####Get details for authorized user. Example Request:


Example Response:

	"customerid": 123456,
	"name": "BLOW, JOE",
	"customertype": 2,
	"email": "",
	"mainphone": "1234567891",
	"datesignedup": "5/1/2013 12:27:52 PM",
	"dateactivated": "5/1/2013 12:27:52 PM",
	"onhold": false,
	"activitystatusid": 1,
	"holdreason": "",
	"avatarimage": "",
	"volume": { },
	"rank": { },
	"address": { },
	"autoship": { },
	"sponsor": { },
	"enroller": { }

####Get details for a specific user. Example Request:


Example Response:

	"customerid": 1223344,
	"name": "MEMBER, COOL",
	"customertype": 2,
	"email": "",
	"mainphone": "1234567891",
	"datesignedup": "11/16/2013 12:19:32 PM",
	"dateactivated": "11/16/2013 12:19:32 PM",
	"onhold": false,
	"activitystatusid": 1,
	"holdreason": "",
	"avatarimage": "",
	"volume": { },
	"rank": { },
	"address": { },
	"autoship": { },
	"sponsor": { },
	"enroller": { },
	"sponsorpath": [ ]

##Commission Base URL: ###Endpoints

  • GET: /check/summary/{periodid}
  • GET: /check/unilevel/{periodid}/{levelnum}
  • GET: /history/{periodid}


  • (0 can be used in place of {periodid} for current period)

####Get commission check summary for a specific commission period. Example Request:


Example Result:

        "description":"Maintenance Fee",

#####Get commission check details for a specific level in a commission period. Example Request:


Example Result:

        "membername":"MEMBER, COOL",

#####Get commission check details for a specific level in a commission period. Example Request:


Example Result:


##Qualification Endpoints

##Essential Rewards Base URL: ###Endpoints

  • GET: /info


####Get essential rewards information Example Request:


Example Result:

	"totalPoints": 96,
	"totalExpiringPoints30Days": 0,
	"consecutiveMonthsOfErOrders": 12,
	"earningPercentage": 15,
	"availableMonthlyPoints": 96,
	"monthsBeforePercentageIncrease": 0,
	"nextEarningRate": 0,
	"isEnrolled": true,
	"payments": [ ],
	"legacyOtgProcessingDayOfMonth": 1,
	"legacyNfrProcessingDayOfMonth": 1,
	"isErTemplateConfirmed": true,
	"areErDeliveriesValid": true,
	"doesTemplateMeetMinPv": true,
	"otg": {
		"processingDate": {
			"year": 2014,
			"month": 12,
			"day": 1
	"nfr": {
		"processingDate": {
			"year": 2014,
			"month": 11,
			"day": 1


function getPeriodId(date) { // Defaults to Current Period if you leave 'date' empty
    date = date instanceof Date ? date : new Date();
    return (date.getFullYear() * 12 + date.getMonth() + 1) - (2014 * 12 + 5) + 400;
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The token request has the header access-control-allow-origin: so that would cause problems.

Other APIs have the header access-control-allow-origin: * so they should work.

I've been making all my calls on my backend to avoid CORS issues and then just sending the frontend necessary data.

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gera3d commented May 26, 2020

Has anyone tried loading this data into a google spreadsheet? What would doing that look like? As I add users to my downline I want to add them to my spreadsheet.

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You should be able to download that data in their back office as a CSV then loading into a spreadsheet. You could do this automatically with their API but you could also do it manually.

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7even84 commented Jun 2, 2020

Hey hie guys! Thanks so much for this work! I been trying to get past the token phase but seems to be hitting an issue. Thanks in advance for the help :)

My steps:

  1. Obtain a token by issuing a request to POST
  2. Received the response with user details.
  3. Use the below info format (Using the details received and then encode into Base64) -- Do we need to encode the whole received message of the below fields are sufficient?

"userName": username,
"email": username,
"memberId": username,
"password": password,
"rememberMe": True,

  1. Use the base64 string as the header for key authtoken
  2. Get (replace user with my userID)
  3. Get error below. Same issue for other get request. Any idea how to get past this?
<title>Runtime Error</title> <style> body { font-family: "Verdana"; font-weight: normal; font-size: .7em; color: black; }
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		font-family: "Consolas", "Lucida Console", Monospace;
		font-size: 11pt;
		margin: 0;
		padding: 0.5em;
		line-height: 14pt

	.marker {
		font-weight: bold;
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	.version {
		color: gray;

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<span><H1>Server Error in '/vo.dlv.api' Application.<hr width=100% size=1 color=silver></H1>

        <h2> <i>Runtime Error</i> </h2></span>

<font face="Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, SunSans-Regular, sans-serif ">

	<b> Description: </b>An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this
	application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It
	could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

	<b>Details:</b> To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please
	create a &lt;customErrors&gt; tag within a &quot;web.config&quot; configuration file located in the root
	directory of the current web application. This &lt;customErrors&gt; tag should then have its &quot;mode&quot;
	attribute set to &quot;Off&quot;.<br><br>

	<table width=100% bgcolor="#ffffcc">

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="Off"/>



	<b>Notes:</b> The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the
	&quot;defaultRedirect&quot; attribute of the application&#39;s &lt;customErrors&gt; configuration tag to point
	to a custom error page URL.<br><br>

	<table width=100% bgcolor="#ffffcc">

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>




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jrcano commented Aug 3, 2020

Here is a sample in .net c#

using (var client = new HttpClient())
string baseURL = @"";
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(baseURL);
var credentials = new
memberId = @"your MemberId",
password = "your Password"
var jsonCredentials = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(credentials);
var requestBody = new StringContent(jsonCredentials);
requestBody.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
var getTask = client.PostAsync("api/accounts/token", requestBody);
//res = getTask.Result.StatusCode.ToString();
if (getTask.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var readTask = getTask.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var plainToken = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(readTask.Result);
var token64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(plainToken);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("authtoken", token64);
// The last parameter is the period Id, if you don't know it you can use 0 for the current Period
var getUser = client.GetAsync("vo.dlv.api/downline/children/yourMemberId/0");
if (getUser.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var readUser = getUser.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
// The result is a json with your results

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