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Michelle Wetzler wetzler

  • Bay Area, California
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wetzler / gist:4478332
Last active December 10, 2015 18:58
Kickfolio's (minified) code to embed Keen IO charts in their user dashboards. They have 3 line charts (last 7 days, last 24 hours, and last 4 weeks) which show the number of user "connect" sessions for a given app (identified by the filter app.PublicKey). For more context, see this blog post:…
var e=new Keen.Series("connect",{
t=new Keen.Series("connect",{
wetzler / gist:4f70beaed4010173810f
Created July 15, 2014 20:13
Recipe for Keen IO line chart with cumulative data (V2 Of Keen JS library)
Line Chart with Cumulative Data
This is an example for how you can create a line chart with data that is shown cumulatively.
.. note::
This example is current for our JS SDK v2.1.2 only. It does not apply to v3+
.. code-block:: javascript
wetzler / gist:8986385
Created February 13, 2014 23:44
Pseudocode for making a cumulative line chart with Keen IO series data. Use this to make a running total of users, for example. The gist assumes that the timeframe being queried includes all of the data.
Keen.onChartsReady(function() {
var series = new Keen.Series("registrations", {
analysisType: "count",
timeframe: "last_30_weeks",
interval: "weekly"
keenData = response.result;
wetzler / gist:11158767
Last active September 4, 2015 22:48
Generate a Keen IO Funnel Chart for game levels or user training steps. Calls on the Keen IO API using the Keen IO JavaScript library.
var Keen=Keen||{configure:function(e){this._cf=e},addEvent:function(e,t,n,i){this._eq=this._eq||[],this._eq.push([e,t,n,i])},setGlobalProperties:function(e){this._gp=e},onChartsReady:function(e){this._ocrq=this._ocrq||[],this._ocrq.push(e)}};(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript",e.async=!0,e.src=("https:"==document.location.protocol?"https://":"http://")+"";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})();
Keen.configure({ // configure the Keen Client
projectId: projectId,
readKey: readKey
Keen.onChartsReady(function() {
var numLevels = 10
var funnelSteps = prepareFunnel(numLevels)
wetzler / gist:e9f0bdf8271a60f5e8dd
Created April 7, 2015 17:08
Count event totals for all of your Keen collections
require 'dotenv'
require 'keen'
# Don't forget to specify your Keen Master Key, Ready Key, and Project ID in your environment variables!
# Reference:
# allow timeframe to be specified via the command line
# usage: ruby collection_counts.rb previous_7_days
wetzler / gist:29e830f83d3b4caa83f4
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Keen IO OR Funnel Logic
Say you want to know, of all of the users who signed up, how many CREATED a post _OR_ RESPONDED to a post?
There is no built-in "OR" functionality in Keen IO funnels, but there is a way to use a little bit of logic to get the same result.
This imaginary funnel's steps might look like this:
wetzler / gist:40459f02ab3da0cdfe22
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
AdTech Funnel Example - Click and Purchase Conversion, Attribution Analysis
Funnels are a way to do mass lookups of users to see which ones who did X also did Y.
Funnels are Keen IO queries formatted like this:<project_id>/queries/funnel?api_key=<read_key>&steps=<[step1, step2, step3...]>
Each 'step' is an action performed by the actor.
Say you want to know if a thousands of users who made a purchase had previously clicked on something on your site.
As an alternative checking if each user did an action, we can lookup a huge group at once using Funnels.
Below is a funnel example that can be done as long as the following are true:
wetzler / gist:bf72167d348be7304e97
Created December 8, 2014 03:56
How to use multiple counts to achieve an OR filter on arrayed values in Keen IO (even though we don't recommend arrays if possible!)
// example event model
// User_Created_Event = {
// "full_name": "Macy Bode",
// "communities": [6,7,8],
// "email": ""
// },
// Find the number of users in Community 6 or 7
wetzler / gist:15204426171990e5ceb3
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
Keen IO Query Example: Users who did X action C times from D1 to D2, with filters
# Scenario:
We want all users who did event X,
where event X had property Y and Z with values A and B,
where event X happened C times within the dates D1 and D2.
# Solution:
You can arrive at the final result using this query:
var users_who_did_x = new Keen.Query("count", {
wetzler / gist:58effe995e42e6c31888
Created July 21, 2014 23:23
Example of sending an event
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
<title>Send Event Test</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
!function(a,b){if(void 0===b[a]){b["_"+a]={},b[a]=function(c){b["_"+a].clients=b["_"+a].clients||{},b["_"+a].clients[c.projectId]=this,this._config=c},b[a].ready=function(c){b["_"+a].ready=b["_"+a].ready||[],b["_"+a].ready.push(c)};for(var c=["addEvent","setGlobalProperties","trackExternalLink","on"],d=0;d<c.length;d++){var e=c[d],f=function(a){return function(){return this["_"+a]=this["_"+a]||[],this["_"+a].push(arguments),this}};b[a].prototype[e]=f(e)}var g=document.createElement("script");g.type="text/javascript",g.async=!0,g.src="";var h=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];h.parentNode.insertBefore(g,h)}}("Keen",this);
var logger = new Keen({