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Ken Lee wewert

  • Denver
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wewert / gist:9d3be15723e6aadd79a70d2d2df14fd4
Created June 2, 2017 17:11
Response to using a Callback
Scenario: Need to take 10% off of order over $100 from next purchase from a current customer's online order. The callback was used to save last order if it met requirements(last order date and >$100). If current customer makes a new(next) order, the 10% would be applied. The callback is used to simplify the process. Also, I left comment in the controller that a callback was used right under the .save method.
CFU questions to put in gist
* What terminal command will return information about your routes? rake routes
* What 5 pieces of info will `rake routes` give you? Prefix, Verb, URI Pattern, Controller#Action
* Give an example of a link to a cats edit page named “Edit”: link_to "Edit", edit_cat_path
* Give an example of a link to a cats edit page named “Edit cat ‘Spunky’” or whatever the name of your cat is…: link_to "Edit Cat:" #{}, edit_cat_path
wewert / gist:423885d95337cba8b0a676a59ab3134f
Created May 5, 2017 16:58
Lunch with Darryl to Discuss QA Positions
Lunch with Darryl went really well. He was super open with his experience prior to getting the position as a manual QA'er. He talked about working for his company for the last three years and that he was still learning a lot everyday, that he had a mentor there who works with him on expanding his skill set. He explained that there are two roles as a QA'er and how the latter is where the future is heading. There are Manual QA'ers and Automated QA'ers. He first got into QAing as a Manual QA'ers and after three years he has developed enough skills and experience to become a Automated QA'er. The difference mainly is the software one uses to do the work. Darryl specifically told me to study up on Manual and Automated QA positions, Ruby, Xpath, Rally(CA Technologies), Jenkins, CI Pipeline, Cucumber, Capybara, and Celinum. He stated that knowing these softwares will help in the interviewing process.
My take aways from the meeting was that I was not "lost" like I thought. That I know and am comfortable with how all
wewert / gist:8bc8f5dd3563e64c6f49508b1f24aaad
Last active May 5, 2017 16:21
Checks for understanding

Mod_2 Skills (1 to 10) Project Management & Professional Skills

8 Career Development Curriculum 8 Employ effective communication in order to facilitate collaboration. (Functional) 7 Apply best practices in project management and Git workflow. (Functional) 3 Effectively contribute to group projects (Functional) 8 Apply good communication practices with pairs, groups, teams etc (Functional) 10 Consistent punctuality to all obligations, meetings, check-ins etc (Mastery) 7 Wireframe project ideas (Functional)

wewert / gist:ba3d353f2a54d95d597aa1fc8c0d5001
Created April 17, 2017 07:32
Ken Lee Professional Development
I was a project manager in my past jobs and I try to use some of my experience when it came to how I approached projects. I think my head was in the right and I found it was nice to let the team know how we should go at the project in a learning environment. I focused on us working together to solve problems and learn together versus only focusing on finishing the project and grades only. Learning was why we are here and that was what we must do as a team.
I felt like this reflections was something I didn't do prior to my Turing experience. I've learned to stop and think about prespective more and more. I think it has helped me become a more aware professional. Don't get me wrong. I have my bad days still. I let the stress get to me. But I am more open to talk to someone and come up with solutions to try. I'm not sure if the feedback I'm getting is that useful yet only because I feel like people are trying to stay friendly. I would like to hear crtiques with solutions on how be better. I like concrete things
wewert / gist:2eea1e0a65c867272174728e23360459
Created April 17, 2017 07:08
Learning Coding As a Non-Traditional Student
I've more recently took the dive in to learning to code by enrolling into an immersive curriculum at a non-profit shcool. I am a non-traditional student. By that I mean I'm middle aged, married with three small children, and never had a career. I took an opportunity to change my life. I tried learning to code on my own for years. I worked in the software industry but only in admin type positions. Though I was surrounded by software develpers that voiced that would love to help me. I never got a real lesson. I don't blame them. They were busy and half were self taught. It didn't help me that I also had a learning disability and never learned to over come it. Though I had graduated high school and got my BA in English. I've always just scraped by. I honesty have no idea how I got those degress. My grades were terrible. I've always struggled to with school.
Nothing has changed much now that I'm back in school. Well, now I want to actually want to do well and get good grades but so far it's been the same. It do
What are you doing well as a pair programmer and collaborator? I'm willing and wanting to work on projects and is always positive. I bring some logic.
How do you use your strengths as a team member? I keep the positivity going on the project and try not to stress. I also try to alleviate any stress that my partner may have.
How would you like to continue to develop your strengths? I would like to use my communictation skills more in a moving the project forward way. I talk a lot but feel like most of what I have to say is just filler.
What would you like to improve on as a teammate? I would like to improve my coding skills. I'm still pretty weak when it comes to writing code.
How would you like your teammates to see you? I would like my teammates to see me as a person who can do the work and a valueable part of the team.
wewert / gist:4b67bdb20180c1341a8accb096efc843
Last active April 3, 2017 17:20
Cookies, Sessions, and Flashes Questions
Sessions, Cookies, and Flashes
If we didn't have cookies and sessions, what would happen? Everytime you leave a webpage it would ground hogs day. There would be not "login" that would work.
What is a cookie? A special object that is a key value type that is stored until it expires and used to persist state while user moves from page to page for example.
What's the difference between a cookie and a session? Cookies expire and sessions are done once the user closes the browser.
What's serialization and how does it come into play with sessions? Serialization keeping the session encrypted.
Why would we want to store a user id in a session? So, the user can stay logged in the whole time they are using the browser.
What is a flash? How long does a flash have before it expires? A special object that only persist from one request to another.
What syntax would I use to add a user_id key and value to the session?[:user_id] = "You are logged in"
What does "HTTP is stateless" mean? HTTP doesn't hold any modifi
In a year of practicing this kind of feedback I would expect me to be more empathic and concious of how I give and recieve feedback. I feel like I'm already better at it based on what I've been taught. I also believe that I would offer help along with all negative feedback I give and ask for help witn any I recieve.
Project Group Notes
Riley I appreicate your skills and knowledge you bring into our group.
Sergey I appreciate your knowledge and enthusiasm you bring to our group.
Since I'm the weakest one in our group. I would appreciate a more teaching style of collaboration. i.e. talking more, explaining what you are doing. Like in our pair evals. I think I can learn a lot from you both. We as a group should ask others for help earlier.