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Created December 12, 2016 01:30
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Cheating in Computer Science by William Hugh Murray Thoughts
I was really happy to read this article. To have someone who is a teacher look at a problem from the other prespective. To not
judge a "cheater" but to look at why someone would cheat. What was the reason for cheating. The failings in the process if you
will. This article kept me thinking about the TED talk regarding the sharp stick and carrot approach to learning. I think the
pressures of grades or due dates are just like that. Students can loose tough of learning if they only see the end result as
being good or bad. I like how Mr. Murray's way of teach by having students solve problems by changing them. Giving them broken
problems and having fix them. Also, I like the idea of having the students grade the teacher. These are mind blowing ideas that
really click with me. I'm a struggling to stay a float now and there are times (many of them) where I think I don't belong here,
that I'm not smart enough for this, but I have to catch myself and think "I can't do anything with this feeling...but what can
I do. I can open my computer and read something again. I can open my terminal and try some code in irb. I can look at code and
try to figure out what it's doing. I think that is what Mr. Murray is talking about. To figure out how to get students to want
to learn, not road blocking them with procedures. I feel like I am behind and I don't know if I can catch up but I will keep on
moving forward. "Progress not perfection" and "Not Yet"...
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