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Last active February 25, 2022 20:30
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  • Save wfng92/fb24cf9b1bf957f751dda971c6502ab0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wfng92/fb24cf9b1bf957f751dda971c6502ab0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
data = [{"Word":"average","Offset":51100000,"Duration":4700000},{"Word":"household","Offset":55900000,"Duration":4500000},{"Word":"income","Offset":60500000,"Duration":3700000},{"Word":"is","Offset":64300000,"Duration":1300000},{"Word":"up","Offset":65700000,"Duration":1900000},{"Word":"ten","Offset":67700000,"Duration":2100000},{"Word":"percent","Offset":69900000,"Duration":4200000},{"Word":"from","Offset":74200000,"Duration":1800000},{"Word":"four","Offset":76100000,"Duration":2500000},{"Word":"years","Offset":78700000,"Duration":2300000},{"Word":"ago","Offset":81100000,"Duration":4100000},{"Word":"and","Offset":87700000,"Duration":2300000},{"Word":"our","Offset":90100000,"Duration":900000},{"Word":"customers","Offset":91100000,"Duration":4700000},{"Word":"are","Offset":95900000,"Duration":700000},{"Word":"spending","Offset":96700000,"Duration":4700000},{"Word":"twenty","Offset":101500000,"Duration":3200000},{"Word":"percent","Offset":104800000,"Duration":4000000},{"Word":"more","Offset":108900000,"Duration":2900000},{"Word":"per","Offset":111900000,"Duration":1300000},{"Word":"transaction","Offset":113300000,"Duration":7900000},{"Word":"nearly","Offset":125300000,"Duration":5100000},{"Word":"everyone","Offset":130500000,"Duration":4500000},{"Word":"surveyed","Offset":135100000,"Duration":4500000},{"Word":"is","Offset":139700000,"Duration":1100000},{"Word":"employed","Offset":140900000,"Duration":4700000},{"Word":"in","Offset":145700000,"Duration":900000},{"Word":"a","Offset":146700000,"Duration":700000},{"Word":"professional","Offset":147500000,"Duration":5500000},{"Word":"or","Offset":153100000,"Duration":1500000},{"Word":"managerial","Offset":154700000,"Duration":6300000},{"Word":"occupation","Offset":161100000,"Duration":6900000}]
timestamp = []
transcript = []
tokens = []
start = 0.0
offset_threshold = 0.1
language = 'en-US'
def get_seconds(nanoseconds):
return round(nanoseconds / 10000000, 2)
def join_words(words, lang):
if lang == 'ja-JP' or lang == 'th-TH':
return ''.join(words)
return ' '.join(words)
if len(data) == 1:
timestamp.append({'segment': data[0]['Word'], 'start': get_seconds(data[0]['Offset']), 'end': get_seconds(data[0]['Offset'] + data[0]['Duration'])})
for i in range(0, len(data) - 1):
# calculate differences
difference = get_seconds(data[i + 1]['Offset'] - (data[i]['Offset'] + data[i]['Duration']))
# print(difference)
# set start if tokens is empty indicating start of sentence
if not tokens:
start = get_seconds(data[i]['Offset'])
# build sentence if exceeds threhold, clear tokens and set start to next offset
if difference >= offset_threshold:
timestamp.append({'segment': join_words(tokens, language), 'start': start, 'end': get_seconds(data[i]['Offset'] + data[i]['Duration'])})
tokens = []
start = get_seconds(data[i + 1]['Offset'])
# reached the second last word, add in last word and break out of loop
# break is not needed here unless you loop using len(data) instead of len(data) - 1
elif i == len(data) - 2:
tokens.append(data[i + 1]['Word'])
timestamp.append({'segment': join_words(tokens, language), 'start': start, 'end': get_seconds(data[i + 1]['Offset'] + data[i + 1]['Duration'])})
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wfng92 commented Oct 7, 2021

Can someone help me and tell me how I can use this code to get subtitles from a video?

if you can also tell me how to use the program

Thank you in advance for the help you can give me

Hi, you can't use this code to get subtitles from a video. It is mainly used to parse a JSON formatted output from speech recognition endpoint into a list. Then, you will need to run another script to process it into VTT or SRT file which can be used as soft-subtitle for a video.

You can simply run it by saving the script and execute the following command (make sure that Python is installed on your system):


Modify the name accordingly if you saved it under a different name.

You can read more about it at the following link Building Subtitle Text from Speech-to-Text’s Word Timestamps

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wfng92 commented Oct 17, 2021

An apology for answering you so far my friend wfng92 . Thank you very much for your comment but I think I did not read the page very well:

What I really need is a way to get the subtitles for some courses that are in English and other languages. I tried to get the subtitles uploading to Youtube Studio but I get a message that I can't do it due to copyright. There are other online options but they only allow me to get a few lines or else I have to pay for the service. The truth is that I do not have the money because this COVID-9 pandemic left me without a job and I want to train for other jobs but I have this problem with video subtitles.

Anyway, I am infinitely grateful for your help that you selflessly give us. I will continue looking for a way to solve my setback or if you know or some other user of something, I would appreciate it if you could help me a little more.

Have a great day my friends

I see. I am not familarize with getting subtitles from YouTube and do not have a solution at the moment. I would advise checking this issue with other users to find out more. Thanks and have a great day ahead!

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