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Last active February 25, 2022 20:30
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  • Save wfng92/fb24cf9b1bf957f751dda971c6502ab0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wfng92/fb24cf9b1bf957f751dda971c6502ab0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
data = [{"Word":"average","Offset":51100000,"Duration":4700000},{"Word":"household","Offset":55900000,"Duration":4500000},{"Word":"income","Offset":60500000,"Duration":3700000},{"Word":"is","Offset":64300000,"Duration":1300000},{"Word":"up","Offset":65700000,"Duration":1900000},{"Word":"ten","Offset":67700000,"Duration":2100000},{"Word":"percent","Offset":69900000,"Duration":4200000},{"Word":"from","Offset":74200000,"Duration":1800000},{"Word":"four","Offset":76100000,"Duration":2500000},{"Word":"years","Offset":78700000,"Duration":2300000},{"Word":"ago","Offset":81100000,"Duration":4100000},{"Word":"and","Offset":87700000,"Duration":2300000},{"Word":"our","Offset":90100000,"Duration":900000},{"Word":"customers","Offset":91100000,"Duration":4700000},{"Word":"are","Offset":95900000,"Duration":700000},{"Word":"spending","Offset":96700000,"Duration":4700000},{"Word":"twenty","Offset":101500000,"Duration":3200000},{"Word":"percent","Offset":104800000,"Duration":4000000},{"Word":"more","Offset":108900000,"Duration":2900000},{"Word":"per","Offset":111900000,"Duration":1300000},{"Word":"transaction","Offset":113300000,"Duration":7900000},{"Word":"nearly","Offset":125300000,"Duration":5100000},{"Word":"everyone","Offset":130500000,"Duration":4500000},{"Word":"surveyed","Offset":135100000,"Duration":4500000},{"Word":"is","Offset":139700000,"Duration":1100000},{"Word":"employed","Offset":140900000,"Duration":4700000},{"Word":"in","Offset":145700000,"Duration":900000},{"Word":"a","Offset":146700000,"Duration":700000},{"Word":"professional","Offset":147500000,"Duration":5500000},{"Word":"or","Offset":153100000,"Duration":1500000},{"Word":"managerial","Offset":154700000,"Duration":6300000},{"Word":"occupation","Offset":161100000,"Duration":6900000}]
timestamp = []
transcript = []
tokens = []
start = 0.0
offset_threshold = 0.1
language = 'en-US'
def get_seconds(nanoseconds):
return round(nanoseconds / 10000000, 2)
def join_words(words, lang):
if lang == 'ja-JP' or lang == 'th-TH':
return ''.join(words)
return ' '.join(words)
if len(data) == 1:
timestamp.append({'segment': data[0]['Word'], 'start': get_seconds(data[0]['Offset']), 'end': get_seconds(data[0]['Offset'] + data[0]['Duration'])})
for i in range(0, len(data) - 1):
# calculate differences
difference = get_seconds(data[i + 1]['Offset'] - (data[i]['Offset'] + data[i]['Duration']))
# print(difference)
# set start if tokens is empty indicating start of sentence
if not tokens:
start = get_seconds(data[i]['Offset'])
# build sentence if exceeds threhold, clear tokens and set start to next offset
if difference >= offset_threshold:
timestamp.append({'segment': join_words(tokens, language), 'start': start, 'end': get_seconds(data[i]['Offset'] + data[i]['Duration'])})
tokens = []
start = get_seconds(data[i + 1]['Offset'])
# reached the second last word, add in last word and break out of loop
# break is not needed here unless you loop using len(data) instead of len(data) - 1
elif i == len(data) - 2:
tokens.append(data[i + 1]['Word'])
timestamp.append({'segment': join_words(tokens, language), 'start': start, 'end': get_seconds(data[i + 1]['Offset'] + data[i + 1]['Duration'])})
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wfng92 commented Oct 17, 2021

An apology for answering you so far my friend wfng92 . Thank you very much for your comment but I think I did not read the page very well:

What I really need is a way to get the subtitles for some courses that are in English and other languages. I tried to get the subtitles uploading to Youtube Studio but I get a message that I can't do it due to copyright. There are other online options but they only allow me to get a few lines or else I have to pay for the service. The truth is that I do not have the money because this COVID-9 pandemic left me without a job and I want to train for other jobs but I have this problem with video subtitles.

Anyway, I am infinitely grateful for your help that you selflessly give us. I will continue looking for a way to solve my setback or if you know or some other user of something, I would appreciate it if you could help me a little more.

Have a great day my friends

I see. I am not familarize with getting subtitles from YouTube and do not have a solution at the moment. I would advise checking this issue with other users to find out more. Thanks and have a great day ahead!

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