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Copyright (C) 2015 Autodesk, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
// This program converts any file in a format supported by the FBX SDK
// into DAE, FBX, 3DS, OBJ and DXF files.
// Steps:
// 1. Initialize SDK objects.
// 2. Load a file(fbx, obj,...) to a FBX scene.
// 3. Create a exporter.
// 4. Retrieve the writer ID according to the description of file format.
// 5. Initialize exporter with specified file format
// 6. Export.
// 7. Destroy the exporter
// 8. Destroy the FBX SDK manager
#include <fbxsdk.h>
#include "../Common/Common.h"
#define SAMPLE_FILENAME "box.fbx"
const char* lFileTypes[] =
"_dae.dae", "Collada DAE (*.dae)",
"_fbx7binary.fbx", "FBX binary (*.fbx)",
"_fbx7ascii.fbx", "FBX ascii (*.fbx)",
"_fbx6binary.fbx", "FBX 6.0 binary (*.fbx)",
"_fbx6ascii.fbx", "FBX 6.0 ascii (*.fbx)",
"_obj.obj", "Alias OBJ (*.obj)",
"_dxf.dxf", "AutoCAD DXF (*.dxf)"
const char* lFileTypes[] =
"_fbx7ascii.fbx", "FBX ascii (*.fbx)"
#include <shlwapi.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ShLwApi.Lib")
int OutFileExistCheck(char* ShiftJis_Path)
int int_PathFileExists_ = 0;
int_PathFileExists_ = PathFileExists(ShiftJis_Path);
if (int_PathFileExists_ == 1)
FBXSDK_printf("ファイルすでにあるから iN Out 実行できません ShiftJis_Path= "); FBXSDK_printf(ShiftJis_Path); FBXSDK_printf("\n");
FBXSDK_printf("ファイルないから iN Out 実行できます。 ShiftJis_Path= "); FBXSDK_printf(ShiftJis_Path); FBXSDK_printf("\n");
return int_PathFileExists_;
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
char* showNowTime()
char* pNowTimeNameName="aaaaa.fbx";
//char* pNewFileNameNowTimeNameName = "2017/01/30 16:05:55 853.fbx";
char* pNewFileNameNowTimeNameName = "box_fbx7ascii_20170130160555853.fbx";
char* pNewFileName00100 = "box_fbx7ascii_20170130160555853.fbx";
//char *pstr[5]; の宣言は、pstrが5個の要素を持つ配列であり、 その各要素がchar型のデータを指し示すポインタであることを意味します。
char szTime[25] = { 0 };
// wHourを9時間足して、日本時間にする
//wsprintf(szTime, "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %03d",
// st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay,
// st.wHour + 9, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds);
wsprintf(szTime, "box_fbx7ascii_%04d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%03d_.fbx",
st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay,
st.wHour + 9, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds);
FBXSDK_printf("87行目の時間だす関数 szTime = %s \n ", szTime);
// 余裕のある文字列を strに与えておく
char *x= "AB";
char *y= "CD";
char *str = " ";
char *p = str;
char *w;
FBXSDK_printf("100行目 \n ");
for (w = x; *w != NULL; w++) {
FBXSDK_printf("102行目 \n ");
*p = *w;
FBXSDK_printf("104行目 \n ");
FBXSDK_printf("106行目 \n ");
FBXSDK_printf("105行目 \n ");
w = y;
while (*w != NULL) {
*p = *w;
//FBXSDK_printf("110行目の時間だす関数 str = %s \n ", str);
//const size_t length = 60;
FBXSDK_printf("120行目 \n ");
//const char* plongLongName = "box_fbx7ascii_20170130160555853.fbx";/////////////////
FBXSDK_printf("122行目 plongLongName \n ");
FBXSDK_printf("142行目 おわり \n ");
return pNewFileNameNowTimeNameName;
//////////////////////////quita edo_m18 [C言語] 時間を扱う//////////////////////////////////////
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "GlobalTimeSec_To_UnderScoreString.h"
//const char* GlobalTimeSec_To_UnderScoreString() {
std::string GlobalTimeSec_To_UnderScoreStringFunc(){
GlobalTimeSec_To_UnderScoreString GlobalTimeSec_To_UnderScoreString_intance;
std::string GlobalTimeSec_To_UnderScoreString_method_Str = GlobalTimeSec_To_UnderScoreString_intance.GlobalTimeSec_To_UnderScoreString_method();
printf("クラスからの文字列 GlobalTimeSec_To_UnderScoreString_method_Str ======= "); printf(GlobalTimeSec_To_UnderScoreString_method_Str.c_str()); printf("\n");
std::string str_return = "box_fbx7ascii_2017_1_30_19_1_56_916______.fbx";
const char *pNewFileNameNowTimeNameName = "box_fbx7ascii_2017_1_30_19_1_56_916______.fbx";
char *sample = "2015年04月15日00時43分";
int year;
int month;
int hour;
int day;
int wMinute;
int wSecond;
int wMilliseconds;
int i_decimal;
char buffer[33]; char year_buffer1[33]; char month_buffer2[33]; char day_buffer3[33]; char hour_buffer4[33]; char wMinute_buffer5[33]; char wSecond_buffer6[33]; char wMilliseconds_buffer7[33]; char buffer8[33];
i_decimal = 12654;
itoa(i_decimal, buffer, 10); printf("i_decimal: %s \n", buffer);
year = st.wYear;
month = st.wMonth,
day = st.wDay,
hour = st.wHour + 9,
wMinute = st.wMinute ;
wSecond = st.wSecond;
wMilliseconds = st.wMilliseconds;
itoa(year, year_buffer1, 10); printf("year: %s \n", year_buffer1);
itoa(month, month_buffer2, 10); printf("month: %s \n", month_buffer2);
itoa(day, day_buffer3, 10); printf("day: %s \n", day_buffer3);
itoa(hour, hour_buffer4, 10); printf("hour: %s \n", hour_buffer4);
itoa(wMinute, wMinute_buffer5, 10); printf("wMinute: %s \n", wMinute_buffer5);
itoa(wSecond, wSecond_buffer6, 10); printf("wSecond: %s \n", wSecond_buffer6);
itoa(wMilliseconds, wMilliseconds_buffer7, 10);
printf("wMilliseconds: %s \n", wMilliseconds_buffer7);
printf("wMilliseconds: %s \n", wMilliseconds_buffer7);
std::string str_year = year_buffer1; printf("str_year %s \n", str_year.c_str() );
std::string str_month = month_buffer2; printf("str_month %s \n", str_month.c_str());
std::string str_day = day_buffer3; printf("str_day %s \n", str_day.c_str());
std::string str_hour = hour_buffer4; printf("str_hour %s \n", str_hour.c_str());
std::string str_Minute = wMinute_buffer5; printf("str_Minute %s \n", str_Minute.c_str());
std::string str_Second = wSecond_buffer6; printf("str_Second %s \n", str_Second.c_str());
std::string str_Milliseconds = wMilliseconds_buffer7; printf("str_Milliseconds %s \n", str_Milliseconds.c_str());
std::string str_ALL = str_year +"_"+ str_month + "_" + str_day + "_" + str_hour + "_" + str_Minute + "_" + str_Second + "_" + str_Milliseconds; printf("str_ALL %s \n", str_ALL.c_str());
str_return = str_ALL;
return str_return;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
FbxString lFilePath("");
for( int i = 1, c = argc; i < c; ++i )
if( FbxString(argv[i]) == "-test" ) continue;
else if( lFilePath.IsEmpty() ) lFilePath = argv[i];
if( lFilePath.IsEmpty() ) lFilePath = SAMPLE_FILENAME;
FbxManager* lSdkManager = NULL;
FbxScene* lScene = NULL;
// Prepare the FBX SDK.
InitializeSdkObjects(lSdkManager, lScene);
bool lResult_Load; bool lResult_Init; bool lResult_Export;
bool lResult = LoadScene(lSdkManager, lScene, lFilePath.Buffer()); lResult_Load = lResult;
if( lResult )
const size_t lFileNameLength = strlen((argc>=3)?argv[2]:lFilePath.Buffer());
char* lNewFileName = new char[lFileNameLength+64];
FBXSDK_printf("100行目の lNewFileName= "); FBXSDK_printf(lNewFileName); FBXSDK_printf("\n");
const size_t lFileTypeCount = sizeof(lFileTypes)/sizeof(lFileTypes[0])/2;
for(size_t i=0; i<lFileTypeCount; ++i)
// Retrieve the writer ID according to the description of file format.
int lFormat = lSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->FindWriterIDByDescription(lFileTypes[i*2+1]);
// Construct the output file name.
FBXSDK_strcpy(lNewFileName+lFileNameLength-4,60, lFileTypes[i*2]);
FBXSDK_printf("113行目の 入力 lNewFileName= "); FBXSDK_printf(lNewFileName); FBXSDK_printf("\n");
int boolOutFileExistCheck = OutFileExistCheck(lNewFileName);
FBXSDK_printf("142 行 出力 ファイルすでにあるから iN Out 実行できません lNewFileName= "); FBXSDK_printf(lNewFileName); FBXSDK_printf("\n");
//FBXSDK_strcpy(dst, size, src) strcpy_s(dst, size, src)
FBXSDK_printf("142 終わり \n");
char* pNewFileNameNowTimeNameName = "box_fbx7ascii_20170130160555853.fbx";
std::string strNowTime= "box_fbx7ascii_"+GlobalTimeSec_To_UnderScoreStringFunc()+"_.fbx";
const char* pNewFileNameNowTimeNameFile = strNowTime.c_str();
printf("269 戻り値 pNewFileNameNowTimeNameFile: %s \n", pNewFileNameNowTimeNameFile);
FBXSDK_printf("146 char* pNowTimeNameName = showNowTime(); 終わり \n");
//char* pNewFileNameNowTimeNameName;
FBXSDK_printf("147 char* pNewFileNameNowTimeNameName; 終わり \n");
//strcpy_s(char* out, rsize_t型 _SizeInBytes, char const*型 _Source);
//FBXSDK_strcpy(pNewFileNameNowTimeNameName, 60, pNowTimeNameName);
FBXSDK_printf("149 FBXSDK_strcpy(pNewFileNameNowTimeNameName, 60, pNowTimeNameName); 終わり \n");
FBXSDK_printf("141 行 出力 pNewFileNameNowTimeNameName= "); FBXSDK_printf(pNewFileNameNowTimeNameName); FBXSDK_printf("\n");
//FBXSDK_strcpy(lNewFileName, 60, pNewFileNameNowTimeNameName);
FBXSDK_strcpy(lNewFileName, 60, pNewFileNameNowTimeNameFile);
FBXSDK_printf("144 行 ファイルすでにあるから iN Out 実行できません ファイルの名前変えました  lNewFileName= "); FBXSDK_printf(lNewFileName); FBXSDK_printf("\n");
// Create an exporter.
FbxExporter* lExporter = FbxExporter::Create(lSdkManager, "");
////lExporterの初期化できたかをブールでとる Initialize the exporter.
lResult = lExporter->Initialize(lNewFileName, lFormat, lSdkManager->GetIOSettings()); lResult_Init = lResult;
if( !lResult )
FBXSDK_printf("%s:\tCall to FbxExporter::Initialize() failed.\n", lFileTypes[i*2+1]);
FBXSDK_printf("Error returned: %s\n\n", lExporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString());
////lExporterエクスポート シーンできたかをブールでとる Export the scene.
lResult = lExporter->Export(lScene); lResult_Export = lResult;
if( !lResult )
FBXSDK_printf("Call to FbxExporter::Export() failed.\n");
// Destroy the exporter.
delete[] lNewFileName;
FBXSDK_printf("Call to LoadScene() failed.\n");
// Delete the FBX SDK manager. All the objects that have been allocated
// using the FBX SDK manager and that haven't been explicitly destroyed
// are automatically destroyed at the same time.
DestroySdkObjects(lSdkManager, lResult);
return 0;