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Forked from asus4/ModelAnimationSpliter.cs
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
/// <summary>
/// Model animation spliter.
/// by Koki Ibukuro @asus4 >
/// </summary>
public class ModelAnimationSpliter : EditorWindow {
TextAsset csvAsset;
GameObject modelAsset;
string CharaName;
string AnimationNameStr;
string AnimationClipEventNameStr;
string CharaDir;
void OnGUI ()
GUILayout.Label ("CSV to Split Animtion", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
GUILayout.Space (10f);
csvAsset = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("CSV Text", csvAsset, typeof(TextAsset), false) as TextAsset;
if (csvAsset == null) {
GUILayout.Label ("Set CSV Data. Extension need .txt");
GUILayout.Space (10f);
modelAsset = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("3D Model", modelAsset, typeof(GameObject), false) as GameObject;
if (modelAsset == null) {
GUILayout.Label ("Set FBX or other 3D model object.");
GUILayout.Space (20f);
if (GUILayout.Button ("Split with CSV", GUILayout.Width (140f))) {
SplitWithCsv ();
void SplitWithCsv ()
if (Assert (csvAsset != null, "Need to set CSV Text") || Assert (modelAsset != null, "Need to set 3D Model")) {
string csv = csvAsset.text;
Debug.Log ("csvAsset=" + csvAsset);
Debug.Log ("modelAsset=" + modelAsset);
string modelDirStr = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath (modelAsset);
Debug.Log ("modelDirStr=" + modelDirStr);
string[] modelDirArr;
string buildDir = modelDirArr[0];
for(int i = 1; i < modelDirArr.Length-1; i++)
buildDir = buildDir +"/"+ modelDirArr [i];
CharaDir = buildDir;
Debug.Log ("CharaDir="+CharaDir);
CharaName = modelDirArr [modelDirArr.Length-1];
Debug.Log ("CharaName="+CharaName);
ModelImporterClipAnimation[] clipAnimations = ParceCSV (csv);
Debug.Log ("SplitWithCsv () clipAnimations= "+clipAnimations);
if (Assert (clipAnimations != null, "can't parse CSV to Animation")) {
Debug.Log (csv);
string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath (modelAsset);
ModelImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath (path) as ModelImporter;
if (Assert (importer != null, "set 3D model, like FBX,etc..")) {
//importer.splitAnimations = true; // obsolute in Unity4
importer.clipAnimations = clipAnimations;
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset (path);
DisplayDialog ("Success", "finish split!");
bool Assert (bool b, string error)
if (!b) {
DisplayDialog ("Warning", error);
return true;
} else {
return false;
void DisplayDialog (string title, string message)
Debug.LogWarning (message);
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog (title, message, "OK");
ModelImporterClipAnimation[] ParceCSV (string csv)
// split to lines
string[] lines = csv.Split ('\n');
//Debug.Log("[]lines = "+ []lines);
char[] trims = {'\r', ' '};
Debug.Log("trims = "+trims);
List<ModelImporterClipAnimation> clips = new List<ModelImporterClipAnimation> ();
Debug.Log("lines.Length; = "+lines.Length);
for (int i=0; i<lines.Length; i++)
string s = lines [i].Trim (trims);
ModelImporterClipAnimation clip = ParseClip (s);
Debug.Log ("ParseClip(c) の戻り値=clip= "+clip);
if (clip != null) {
Debug.Log ("clipsにAdd する clip= "+clip);
clips.Add (clip);
if (clips.Count == 0) {
Debug.Log ("CSVのクリップスは clips.Count= 0 個ありました");
return null;
} else {
Debug.Log ("CSVのクリップスは clips.Count= " + clips.Count + " 個ありました");
return clips.ToArray();
ModelImporterClipAnimation ParseClip (string line)
string[] arr = line.Split (',');
//Debug.Log("[] arr = "+[] arr);
Debug.Log("arr.Length = "+arr.Length);
if (arr.Length < 4) {
return null;
} else {
Debug.Log ("CSV行の長さは必要なだけあります。");
ModelImporterClipAnimation clip = new ModelImporterClipAnimation ();
// name
string name = arr [0];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (name)) { = name;
Debug.Log (" =" +;
AnimationNameStr =;
} else {
return null;
// first
try {
//clip.firstFrame = int.Parse (arr [1]); // change to float in unity4
clip.firstFrame = float.Parse (arr [1]);
Debug.Log ("clip.firstFrame =" + clip.firstFrame);
} catch {
return null;
// last
try {
//clip.lastFrame = int.Parse (arr [2]); // change to float in unity4
clip.lastFrame = float.Parse (arr [2]);
Debug.Log ("clip.lastFrame =" + clip.lastFrame);
} catch {
return null;
try {
//clip.lastFrame = int.Parse (arr [2]); // change to float in unity4
Debug.Log ("clip.loopTime =" + clip.loopTime);
} catch {
return null;
List<AnimationEvent> animEventsList1 = new List<AnimationEvent>();
try {
/// ////////////////////////////
string eventStr1 = arr [3];
// アニメーションイベントの作成
AnimationEvent animEvent1 = new AnimationEvent();
//AnimationEvent[] animEvents;
// 関数名をセット
animEvent1.functionName =eventStr1;
// Int型のパラメーターを格納
animEvent1.intParameter = 0;
//animEvent.time=arr [4];
//animEvent.objectReferenceParameter=objEffect_0_start as UnityEngine.Object ;
// 設定した時間にイベントを送信
animEvent1.time = float.Parse (arr [4]);
// アニメーションイベントの追加
if(arr [3+1]!=null){
Debug.Log("while loop arr["+3+"+1]="+arr [3+1]+" があるので実行");
animEvent1.objectReferenceParameter=ScriptableObjectRef as UnityEngine.Object ;
// アニメーションイベントの追加
} catch {
//return null;
try {
/// ////////////////////////////
string eventStr2= arr [5];
// アニメーションイベントの作成
AnimationEvent animEvent2 = new AnimationEvent();
//AnimationEvent[] animEvents;
// 関数名をセット
animEvent2.functionName =eventStr2;
// Int型のパラメーターを格納
animEvent2.intParameter = 0;
//animEvent.time=arr [4];
//animEvent.objectReferenceParameter=objEffect_0_start as UnityEngine.Object ;
// 設定した時間にイベントを送信
animEvent2.time = float.Parse (arr [6]);
// アニメーションイベントの追加
if(arr [5+1]!=null){
Debug.Log("while loop arr["+5+"+1]="+arr [5+1]+" があるので実行");
animEvent2.objectReferenceParameter=ScriptableObjectRef as UnityEngine.Object ;
// アニメーションイベントの追加
} catch {
//return null;
//for(int i = 7; i < arr.Length; i+2)
int i=7;
while(i < arr.Length)
//Debug.Log ("I've washed a cup!");
Debug.Log("--------while loop i="+i+"----------------------");
/// ////////////////////////////
string eventStr3= arr [i];
Debug.Log("while loop eventStr3="+eventStr3);
// アニメーションイベントの作成
AnimationEvent animEvent3 = new AnimationEvent();
//AnimationEvent[] animEvents;
// 関数名をセット
animEvent3.functionName =eventStr3;
// Int型のパラメーターを格納
animEvent3.intParameter = 0;
//animEvent.time=arr [4];
// 設定した時間にイベントを送信
animEvent3.time = float.Parse (arr [i+1]);
Debug.Log("while loop animEvent3.time="+animEvent3.time);
if(arr [i+1]!=null){
Debug.Log("while loop arr["+i+"+1]="+arr [i+1]+" があるので実行");
animEvent3.objectReferenceParameter=ScriptableObjectRef as UnityEngine.Object ;
// アニメーションイベントの追加
Debug.Log("--------while loop i="+i+"----------------------end");
Debug.Log("--------while loop i="+i+"--------------------next");
} catch {
//return null;
AnimationEvent[] animationEventArr1 = animEventsList1.ToArray(); = animationEventArr1;
Debug.Log (" =" +;
// wrapmode
try {
clip.wrapMode = (WrapMode) System.Enum.Parse(typeof(WrapMode), arr [3]);
} catch {
return null;
if (clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.Loop || clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.PingPong) {
clip.loop = true;
Debug.Log ("ParseClipの返し値=clip=" + clip);
return clip;
/// <summary>
/// CreateScriptableObjectPrefub
/// </summary>
string[] labels = {"Data", "ScriptableObject"};
ScriptableObject ScriptableObjectRef;
void Crate ()
Debug.Log("--------Crate ----------------------");
Debug.Log("--Crate-- Selection.objects="+Selection.objects);
//foreach (Object selectedObject in Selection.objects) {
//Object modelAssetObject=(modelAsset)Object;
//selectedObject =
//selectedObject c = obj as TestClass;
//Debug.Log("Crate selectedObject="+selectedObject);
// get path
//string path = getSavePath (selectedObject);
string path = getSavePath (modelAsset);
string SelectedObjectDir;
string selectedObjectStr = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath (selectedObject);
Debug.Log ("--Crate-- selectedObjectStr=" + selectedObjectStr);
string[] modelDirArr;
string buildDir = modelDirArr[0];
for(int i = 1; i < modelDirArr.Length-1; i++)
buildDir = buildDir +"/"+ modelDirArr [i];
SelectedObjectDir = buildDir;
Debug.Log ("--Crate-- SelectedObjectDir="+SelectedObjectDir);
// create instance
//ScriptableObject obj = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance (;
ScriptableObject obj = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance ("AnimationClipEventData");
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset (obj, path);
// add label
ScriptableObject sobj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (path, typeof(ScriptableObject)) as ScriptableObject;
//sobj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (path, typeof(ScriptableObject)) as ScriptableObject;
AssetDatabase.SetLabels (sobj, labels);
EditorUtility.SetDirty (sobj);
ScriptableObjectRef = sobj;
Debug.Log("--------Crate ----------end-----------");
string getSavePath (Object selectedObject)
Debug.Log("------- getSavePath ----- selectedObject="+selectedObject);
//string objectName =;
//string objectName =;
//string objectName ="_AnimationClipEventData";
string objectName ="_"+AnimationNameStr+"_"+AnimationClipEventNameStr;
Debug.Log("------- getSavePath ----- objectName="+objectName);
//string dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName (AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath (selectedObject));
string dirPath = CharaDir;
//string dirPath = CharaDir+"/AnimationClipEventData";
Debug.Log ("------ getSavePath -----dirPath="+dirPath);
//string path = string.Format ("{0}/{1}.asset", dirPath, objectName);
string path = dirPath+"/"+objectName+".asset";
if (File.Exists (path)) {
for (int i = 1;; i++) {
//path = string.Format ("{0}/{1}({2}).asset", dirPath, objectName, i);
if (!File.Exists (path))
Debug.Log("------ getSavePath --------- path="+path);
return path;
#region Static
/// <summary>
/// Open the tool window
/// </summary>
[MenuItem("Tools/Model/Animation Spliter")]
static public void OpenWindow ()
EditorWindow.GetWindow<ModelAnimationSpliter> (true, "Model Animation Spliter", true);
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