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Last active July 27, 2018 11:09
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You might not need lodash

You might not need lodash


(arr, size) => [...Array(Math.ceil(arr.length/size))].map(() => arr.splice(0, size))


(arr) => arr.filter(it => !!it)


(arr, values) => arr.concat(...values)


(arr1, arr2) => arr1.filter(item => !arr2.includes(item))


(arr1, arr2, func) => { const comparer =; return arr1.filter(item => !comparer.includes(func(item))) }


(arr1, arr2, func) => arr1.filter(item => !arr2.some(otherItem => func(item, otherItem)))

_.drop(array, [n=1])

(arr, n = 1) => arr.slice(n)

_.dropRight(array, [n=1])

(arr, n = 1) => arr.slice(0, -n)

.dropRightWhile(array, [predicate=.identity])

(arr, func = a => a) => arr.slice().reverse().reduce((result, item, i) => result ? result : (!func(item) && arr.slice(0, -i)), null)

.dropWhile(array, [predicate=.identity])

(arr, func = a => a) => arr.reduce((result, item, i) => result ? result : (!func(item) && arr.slice(i)), null)

_.fill(array, value, [start=0], [end=array.length])

(arr, val, start = 0, end) => { end = end || arr.length; const copy = arr.slice() copy.splice(start, end, [...Array(start - end)].map(() => val) return copy; }

.findIndex(array, [predicate=.identity], [fromIndex=0])

(arr, func = a => a, from = 0 ) => arr.slice(from).findIndex(func) + from


_.first -> head



















































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