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Afani Martin whiz25

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import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
// This widget is the root of your application.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
- [ ] bubble_sort_by method is implemented and working (Screenshot from Odin)
- [ ] sorts an array of numbers in increasing order
unsorted = (1..10).to_a.reverse!
bubble_sort(unsorted) == unsorted.sort # should return true
- [ ] sorts an array by accepting a block
unsorted = %w[hi hello hey]
bubble_sort_by(unsorted) { |left, right| left.length - right.length } == %w[hi hey hello] # should return true
- [ ] should be identical and returns the same thing as ruby's [`map`]( ([Screenshot]( from [Odin](
- [ ] returns a new array with the results of running block once for every element in enum.
array ={rand(0...9)}
array.my_map(&block) == # should return true
- [ ] returns an Enumerator if no block is given
array.my_map == Enumerator # should return true
- [ ] should be identical and returns the same thing as ruby's [`count`]( ([Screenshot]( from [Odin](
- [ ] returns the number of items in enum through enumeration
array ={rand(0...9)}
array.my_count == array.count # should return true
- [ ] counts the number of items in enum that are equal to item if an argument is given
array.my_count(0) == array.count(0) # should return true
- [ ] should be identical and returns the same thing as ruby's [`inject`]( ([Screenshot]( from [Odin](
- [ ] when a symbol is specified combines each element of the collection by applying the symbol as a named method
array = { rand(0...9) }
array.my_inject(:+) == array.inject(:+) # should true
- [ ] combines all elements of enum by applying a binary operation, specified by a block
operation = proc { |sum, n| sum + n }
search = proc { |memo, word| memo.length > word.length ? memo : word }
- [ ] should be identical and returns the same thing as ruby's [`none?`]( ([Screenshot]( from [Odin](
- [ ] when a class is passed as an argument returns true if none of the collection is a member of such class
array = { rand(0...9) }
array.my_none?(String) == true #true
- [ ] when a pattern other than Regex or a Class is given returns true only if none of the collection matches the pattern
words = %w[dog door rod blade]
words.my_none?(5) == words.none?(5) #true
- [ ] should be identical and returns the same thing as ruby's [`any?`]( ([Screenshot]( from [Odin](
- [ ] when no block or argument is given returns true if at least one of the collection is not false or nil
true_array = [nil, false, true, []]
true_array.my_any? == true_array.any? #true
- [ ] when a class is passed as an argument returns true if at least one of the collection is a member of such class
words = %w[dog door rod blade]
words.my_any?(Integer) == words.any?(Integer) #true
- [ ] should be identical and returns the same thing as ruby's [`all?`]( ([Screenshot]( from [Odin](
- [ ] when no block or argument is given returns true when none of the collection members are false or nil
true_array = [1, true, 'hi', []]
false_array = [1, false, 'hi', []]
true_array.my_all? == true_array.all? # should return true
- [ ] when a class is passed as an argument returns true if all of the collection is a member of such class
array ={rand(0...9)}
- [ ] should be identical and returns the same thing as ruby's [`select`]( ([Screenshot]( from [Odin](
- [ ] returns an enumerator if no block is given
array ={rand(0...9)}
array.my_select == Enumerator #true
- [ ] returns an array containing all elements of enum for which the given block returns a true value
array ={rand(0...9)}
array.my_select(&block) ==
- [ ] should be identical and returns the same thing as ruby's [`each_with_index`]( ([Screenshot]( from [Odin](
- [ ] calls the given block once for each element in self
array ={rand(0...9)}
my_each_output = ''
block = proc { |num, idx| my_each_output += "Num: #{num}, idx: #{idx}\n" }
each_output = my_each_output.dup
my_each_output = ''