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Last active March 11, 2020 10:34
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- [ ] should be identical and returns the same thing as ruby's [`any?`]( ([Screenshot]( from [Odin](
- [ ] when no block or argument is given returns true if at least one of the collection is not false or nil
true_array = [nil, false, true, []]
true_array.my_any? == true_array.any? #true
- [ ] when a class is passed as an argument returns true if at least one of the collection is a member of such class
words = %w[dog door rod blade]
words.my_any?(Integer) == words.any?(Integer) #true
- [ ] when a Regex is passed as an argument returns false if none of the collection matches the Regex
words.my_any?(/z/) == words.any?(/z/) #true
- [ ] when a pattern other than Regex or a Class is given returns false if none of the collection matches the pattern
words.my_any?('cat') == words.any?('cat') #true
- [ ] returns true if the block ever returns a value other than false or nil
true_block = proc { |num| num <= 9 }
false_block = proc { |num| num > 9 }
array.my_any?(&true_block) == array.any?(&true_block) #true
array.my_any?(&false_block) == array.any?(&false_block) #true
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