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Created February 10, 2017 22:18
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import pandas as pd
import os
import datetime
import numpy as np
#This will be the directory with all the sheets to combine.
questdir = 'C:\Users\chouw\Desktop\Load3'
#chunk of code to verify file count matches.
files = []
import os
count = 0
for dirName, subdirlist, fileList in os.walk(questdir):
for fname in fileList:
count += 1
#print files
print count
#Pull header names from a blank report for use later on.
header = pd.read_excel('Empty_Questionnaire.xlsm', sheetname ='Assets', header = 2)
headernames = header.columns.values
loop for combining sheets.
read each excel sheet with pandas. Append it to the end of the main dataframe.
all_data = pd.DataFrame()
datenow = str("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) # for use in output file.
#read and filter excel file function
def read_excel(qpath):
report = pd.read_excel(qpath,sheetname = "Asset", header = 2)
trimmed = report[report["Active Capital"] == "c"]
return trimmed
for fname in files:
pathtoq = os.path.join(questdir,fname)
pathtoq = pathtoq.replace('\\','/')
trimmed = read_excel(pathtoq)
print"{} could not load".format(fname)
#check if there are too many header columns
while len(trimmed.columns) != 45:
print trimmed.shape
raw_input("Something wrong with {}, please check it and continue creating masterlist.".format(fname))
trimmed = read_excel(pathtoq)
print "{} failed".format(fname)
# check if building Id in file matches filename
#check if column headers were modified, if they were they will cause the header order to be alphhabetical.
while (trimmed.columns.values != headernames).all():
print trimmed.columns.values
raw_input("Headers don't match in {}, please check it and continue creating masterlist.".format(fname))
trimmed = read_excel(pathtoq)
trimmed['filename'] = pd.Series(fname,index = trimmed.index) # add column at the end for filename.
all_data = all_data.append(trimmed,ignore_index=True)
print "{} added to masterlist.".format(fname)
print trimmed.shape
print "write files to excel"
headernamesfinal = np.append(headernames,'filename')
writer = pd.ExcelWriter("combine_reviewed"+datenow+".xlsx")
all_data.to_excel(writer,"Assets", columns=headernamesfinal)
print "write complete"
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