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Created April 22, 2021 10:26
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Basic introduction into tmux

%title: tmux - terminal multiplexer for Unix OS %author: @wikimatze %date: 2021-04-22

-> tmux <-

-> Have multiple terminal sessions used in parallel in a single window <-

Like a window manager for your terminal (check [i3]( or [awesome](
- Emacs or vi like command mode/mappings for managing tmux
- horizontal and vertical window split support
- remote sessions can be detached (run in background)
- free choice of key bindings
- hackable via scripts
- adjustable with **tmux.conf**

-> # Windows <-

> all commands in tmux starts with Prefix, which is Ctrl-b. > Prefix : will get you in command-mode.

- `Prefix c` ... create a new window
- `Prefix :split-window -h` ... horizontal split
- `Prefix :split-window -s` ... vertical split
- `Prefix x` ... kill pane/window

-> # Make your life easier <-

> Time to create your ~/.tmux.conf

\ # Prefix remap to \ unbind C-b # the old Prefix mapping is gone, we can use it for a new command \ bind C-a send-prefix # Prefix a twice will send the command throughout tmux to other programs \ set -g prefix C-a # remap of Prefix (-g says it's global to all sessions)

as well as:

\ # 'Prefix v', 'Prefix s' ... horizontal/vertical split \ bind v split-window -h \ bind s split-window -v

now refresh tmux: Prefix :source-file $HOME/.tmux.conf

-> # Moving around <-

- `Prefix n|p` ... moving to the next/previous window
- `Prefix o` ... cycle through panes

-> # Fancy things <-

  • Prefix d ... detach current session

-- `$ tmux attach-session -t 0` ... get back into session
- `Prefix z` ... will maximize/minimize the current pane (zoom)
- `Prefix :rename-session -t `
- `Prefix :choose-session`
- `Prefix ?` ... list all keybindings
- `Prefix :set -g mouse on` ... enable mouse support

-> # Showcase <-

  • Resize panes demo with vim bindings :)

- `Prefix f` ... search
- URL view plugins
- Send key demo

-> # More?! <-

- [book](
- [tpm]( > plugins for a lot of things
- [check my configs](

Thanks for your time

        _,'|             _.-''``-...___..--';)
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       `-';'               ;   ; ;
 __...--''     ___...--_..'  .;.'
(,__....----'''       (,..--''   Time to relax
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