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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save willert/8917364 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package Wellmax::Controller::Users;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
use Data::Dumper;
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }
action => {
'*' => {
Consumes => 'JSON',
Path => '',
sub end :Private {
my ( $self, $ctx ) = @_;
sub error :Private {
my ( $self, $ctx, $code, $reason ) = @_;
$reason ||= 'Unknown Error';
$code ||= 500;
$ctx->stash->{error} = $reason;
# list of all users
sub list_users :GET Args(0) {
my ( $self, $ctx ) = @_;
my $rs = $ctx->model->resultset('Users');
my @users;
while (my $user = $rs->next) {
push @users, $user->TO_JSON;
$ctx->stash->{data} = \@users;
sub user : ChainedArgs(1) {
my ( $self, $ctx, $username ) = @_;
my $user = $ctx->model->resultset('Users')->find($username);
$ctx->detach('error', [404, "User does not exist: $username"]) unless $user;
$ctx->stash( user => $user );
# fetch a specific user
sub retrieve_user : Chained(user) GET Args(0) {
my ( $self, $ctx ) = @_;
my $user = $ctx->stash->{user};
$ctx->stash->{data} = $user->TO_JSON;
# fetch a specific user
sub user_address : Chained(user) GET PathPart(address) Args(0) {
my ( $self, $ctx ) = @_;
my $user = $ctx->stash->{user};
my $address = $user->address;
$ctx->detach('error', [404, "User's address unknown: $username"]) unless $address;
$ctx->stash->{data} = $address->TO_JSON;
# create a new user
sub create_user :POST Args(0) {
my ( $self, $ctx ) = @_;
my $data = $ctx->req->body_data;
my $user = $ctx->model->resultset('Users')->create($data);
$ctx->detach('error', [400, "Couldn't create new user"]) unless $user;
$ctx->log->info('Hello, this is Log4Perl, you just made a new user!');
$ctx->stash->{data} = $user;
# update a specific user
sub update_user :POST Args(1) {
my ( $self, $ctx, $existing_user ) = @_;
my $data = $ctx->req->body_data;
my $user = $ctx->model->resultset('Users')->find($existing_user);
$ctx->detach('error', [400, "Can't find user: $existing_user"]) unless $existing_user;
my $updated_user = $user->update($data);
$ctx->detach('error', [400, "Fail to update user: $existing_user"]) unless $updated_user;
$ctx->stash->{data} = $updated_user;
# delete a specific user
sub delete_user :DELETE Args(1) {
my ( $self, $ctx, $username ) = @_;
my $user = $ctx->model->resultset('Users')->find($username);
my $ok = $user->delete();
$ctx->detach('error', [400, "Invalid user: $user"]) unless $ok;
$ctx->stash->{data} = $ok;
# useful filters - all subsets of "all users"
# generic filter "count" to limit returns &count=
# all users ordered by alphabet - filter by letter
# ?filter=alpha&range=B
# all users ordered by date of creation - filter by date, year etc
# ?filter=date&start_date=&end_date=
# all users by health criteria
# ?filter=health&criteria=diabetes
# all users by gender, city, age ...
# ?filter=gender&gender=f ?filter=city&city=Berlin
# no routes for:
# delete all users ;)
# bulk update lots of users (excel/csv import?)
# bulk create lots of users (excel/csv import?)
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