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Last active December 1, 2023 19:56
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1.15 forge primer

Not Rendering

  • Honestly not much. Ask in the usual channels.


New Forge model loader

  • Forge Blockstate jsons are now removed as having model logic being was always a massive hack
  • Instead, the vanilla model json format has been expanded. You can now specify a "loader" field in the json and register a custom loader to process the model in code.


In the vast majority of cases, you should no longer use direct OpenGL calls via GlStateManager/GL11. A good rule of thumb is if you have a MatrixStack and IRenderTypeBuffer available (either from an Event or from method parameters), you are in batching mode and shouldn't make OpenGL calls.


Why this change? First of all, it's more performant as the number of OpenGL state changes is reduced. Secondly, it allows for a more error-safe design using the render layers (see next section). Finally, it's preparation for future modernizations that will eventually disallow all non-batched renders (and potentially update to higher opengl versions)

RenderType/Render Layers

The new render system centers around RenderType and BufferBuilder. The latter is the same as the one found in good old Tessellator. The former, however, is new. It encodes the entire GL state (as much as Minecraft cares about "entire") that is desired, e.g. which texture is bound, the alpha and depth test states, the blending states, etc., as well as the desired vertex format and draw mode. IRenderTypeBuffer, then, should be treated as a Map<RenderType, BufferBuilder>. Each render layer has its own buffer builder. Now, when blocks, entities, and tile entities are drawn, each renderer retrieves the buffer corresponding to the desired render type, draws to it with the usual pos/tex/color/endVertex etc. However, it doesn't call the hypothetical equivalent of tessellator.draw(). The game does that at the end of the frame, batching everything of one render type together. It renders all the geometry for layer 1, then all of the geometry for layer 2, and so on. Thus, we switch GL states at most <number of rendertype> times instead of jumping around as different entity renderers/tesrs feel like changing it. One additional benefit you might also notice is that you no longer have to worry about setting up the GL state properly for every scenario -- no more forgetting to enableStandardItemLighting before you render an item, for example, because the layers that items use already set up this GL state themselves.

Rendering Batched Stuff

For "normal" scenarios, you'll mostly be responsible for passing the MatrixStack and IRenderTypeBuffer around from the entity/TE renderers to other places, like the font/item/model renderers. The vanilla code will take care of picking the correct RenderType and drawing to the right buffer. For more special or custom scenarios, you'll have to pick a RenderType and draw to the BufferBuilder yourself. To pick a RenderType, look in RenderType, RenderTypeLookup, and Atlases to see if one of vanilla's fits your needs. The methods taking a RL and returning a RenderType allow you to pass in a texture that will be bound, with the rest of the GL state held constant based on the method. For example, RenderType.getEntityTranslucent(<RL>) acts the same as Atlases.getEntityTranslucent(), but uses the texture passed in instead of the main block atlas. Sometimes, you'll need to create your own RenderTypes, see how vanilla does it for an example. You'll have to specify the GL state you want this layer to be drawn under, and that GL state will automagically be set up and torn down for you.

Calling batched code from unbatched environments

Some environments are still unbatched (most notably, guis). If you need to call batched code from such an environment, you can produce an IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl by calling IRenderTypeBuffer.immediate and passing it a scratch BufferBuilder to use. The one from Tessellator.getInstance().getBuffer() will usually do. After calling the batched code, finish with IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl.draw().


Given the above, a series of quick heuristics for porting renderering code:

  1. Update the method signatures. If you see new integer parameters, they are most likely the lightmap texture coordinates and the overlay texture coordinates. The first controls light (obviously), the second controls overlays can usually be ignored (see TheGreyGhost's comment below).
  2. If you don't have access to a MatrixStack and IRenderTypeBuffer/IVertexBuilder, convert all GlStateManager calls to RenderSystem, follow the section above for calling batched methods from unbatched code, and you're done
  3. If you do, start by converting all your pushMatrix/popMatrix/translate/scale/rotate calls to operate on the MatrixStack instead. Rotations are done by e.g. GlStateManager.rotate(90, 0, 1, 0) -> ms.multiply(Vector3f.POSITIVE_Y.getDegreesQuaternion(90)).
  4. Next, examine the GL calls you make. If it's just "normal" setup that you used to need (i.e. enableStandardItemLighting), and you call other batched vanilla methods after, remove the GL calls and fix the vanilla calls.
  5. Finally, if you do custom rendering yourself with the Tessellator, examine the GL calls you make again. See if you can use one of the layers vanilla defines, otherwise make your own.
  6. Then, do IRenderTypeBuffer.getBuffer(<rendertype>) and draw into it. The MatrixStack's transforms can be passed to the bufferbuilder by passing ms.peek().getModel() into the first parameter of vertex().


The current implementation of IRenderTypeBuffer does not actually have a batched bufferbuilder for every single render type. Currently, a number of "popular" render types have batched buffers (for example, the layers for all blocks and items), while all "unrecognized" layers share a fallback buffer. As soon as a new "unrecognized" layer is seen, the fallback buffer is flushed and drawn and the fallback buffer is reinitialized with the new layer's state. It's highly probably that this is just an intermediate step -- eventually all layers may be required to be registered and a buffer made for it, and the fallback buffer removed.

Your code should not care about this implementation detail, as it will change!

Other Rendering Miscellanea

  • The declared render type (solid, translucent, cutout) for a block has moved from a method override to a registration method. Call RenderTypeLookup.setRenderLayer in FMLClientSetupEvent to do this.
  • I used to use GlStateManager.color and I can't anymore!
    • The color should no longer be part of this magical implicit global GL state, but part of your actual vertex data.
    • Change your VertexFormat to include a color attribute and explicitly pass the color for each vertex.

Sample Code

Botania's collection of custom RenderTypes that it needs can be seen here.

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also, go onto forums or discords for help instead of gist comments, please.

Thanks for the confirmation! I'm asking here because I just want to let others know the removal of "forge_marker" (The keyword), as it is not documented in the offcial Forge wiki, it could save others tons of time /w\ Again, Thanks for help! I will not ask questions here.

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