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Created September 1, 2023 07:51
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  • Save wimleers/044261af056f37a320856152c1d73042 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wimleers/044261af056f37a320856152c1d73042 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"data": [
"package": null,
"note": "sa;dlfkjasd;flkjasd f;lkasdjf a;sldkfj asd;flkjasdf",
"replaces": {
"name": "php"
"vetted": true
"package": null,
"note": "Drupal core is now shipped with the JSON:API and REST modules. In most cases, these completely replace the functionality of the services module.",
"replaces": {
"name": "services"
"vetted": true
"package": null,
"note": "The trigger module was removed from Drupal core and does not have a recommended replacement at this time.",
"replaces": {
"name": "trigger"
"vetted": true
"universal": true,
"install": [
"package": "acquia/acquia-migrate-accelerate",
"constraint": "^1@dev",
"vetted": true
"universal": true,
"package": "acquia/memcache-settings",
"constraint": "^1",
"replaces": {
"name": "memcache"
"vetted": true
"package": "drupal/acl",
"constraint": "1.0.0-beta1",
"patches": {
"Issue #3231034: Use DrupalSqlBase instead of SqlBase class": ""
"install": [
"replaces": {
"name": "acl"
"vetted": true
"package": "drupal/acquia_connector",
"constraint": "^3.0.2",
"install": [
"replaces": {
"name": "acquia_agent"
"vetted": true
"package": "drupal/acquia_connector",
"constraint": "^3.0.2",
"install": [
"replaces": {
"name": "acquia_connector"
"vetted": true
"package": "drupal/acquia_connector",
"constraint": "^3.0.2",
"install": [
"replaces": {
"name": "acquia_spi"
"vetted": true
"package": "drupal/acquia_purge",
"constraint": "^1.2",
"install": [
"replaces": {
"name": "acquia_geoip_vary_by_country"
"vetted": true
"package": "drupal/acquia_purge",
"constraint": "^1.2",
"note": "An automatic migration of settings does not make sense for this module. The Acquia Purge module is mostly 'zero configuration'; the only thing you have to do is add an 'Acquia Cloud' purger in the Purge module. See for detailed instructions.",
"install": [
"replaces": {
"name": "acquia_purge"
"vetted": true
"package": "drupal/acquia_search",
"constraint": "3.1.0-beta1",
"patches": {
"[AMA_KEEP] Issue #3218089: Could not retrieve data definition for field": ""
"note": "Acquia Search will migrate configuration and search indexes. User will have to re-index site data once migration is done. See",
"install": [
"replaces": {
"name": "acquia_search"
"vetted": true
"universal": true,
"package": "drupal/core",
"constraint": "9.3.99999",
"patches": {
"Issue #3115073: Convert RDF mapping migration to derived migrations": "",
"Issue #3122649: Derive path alias migrations per entity type (and bundle)": "",
"Issue #3096972: The Drupal 7 ThemeSettings source plugin does not check that the destination site has a valid theme to migrate settings into": "",
"Issue #3204212: Convert remaining widget and formatter type migrations to MigrateField plugins": "",
"Issue #3202462: Provide option for contrib modules to map their D6 / D7 field formatter and widget plugin IDs to the equivalent D9 plugin ID": "",
"Issue #3108302: Field formatter & widget settings: fall back to default if missing plugin": "",
"Issue #3097336: Improve the DX for migrating content entities: view modes, fields, formatters, widgets etc should be migrated per entity type + bundle": "",
"Issue #3198732: Migrating reference fields: target_bundles may never be empty array": "",
"Issue #3115938: Derive block migration per theme and per block plugin type": "",
"Issue #3123775: Ensure that migrations of entities with file or image fields depend on private/public files migration": "",
"Issue #2845340: migrate mapping & messages table names are truncated, can lead to incorrect mapping lookups": "",
"Issue #3151979: System file settings migration (d6_system_file and d7_system_file) assumes that allow_insecure_uploads variable is always set": "",
"Issue #3156083: Route migrate process plugin shouldn't assume that the $options variable is always an array": "",
"Issue #3051251: Existing menu links show validation issues on migration": "",
"Issue #3154156: Improve migration system performance: statically cache DrupalSqlBase::$systemData": "",
"Issue #3156730: Stubs should only be created if the referenced source row actually exists": "",
"Issue #3156733: File migration's \"owner\" user reference should use migration_lookup": "",
"Issue #3165813: Undefined index: text_processing in Drupal\\text\\Plugin\\migrate\\field\\d7\\TextField": "",
"Issue #3166930: Migrated filters may have invalid/incomplete settings applied": "",
"Issue #3167267: MigrateExecutable should catch not only exceptions, but also fatal errors": "",
"Issue #3186449: ContentEntity source plugin shouldn't throw exception when the bundle key is missing": "",
"Issue #3187334: Drupal 7 color settings migration assumes that theme machine names do not contain underscores": "",
"Issue #3187419: d7/NodeComplete source plugin adds invalid source \"source_langcode\" for \"content_translation_source\" destination property": "",
"Issue #3187474: Improve source record count of translation migrate source plugins which use the \"i18n_string\" table": "",
"Issue #2985882: Workaround for \"Call to a member function getLabel() after enabling layout_builder\"": "",
"Issue #2859314: Highwater condition with unjoined maps skips unprocessed and NEEDS_UPDATE rows": "",
"Issue #3200949: Unpublished entity revisions get published because EntityContentComplete": "",
"Issue #3204343: Disabling the default search page can make the entire site inaccessible": "",
"Issue #3118262: Calling EntityConfig::import() with multiple destination IDs fails": "",
"Issue #3213636: Prevent data loss: migrate text fields with conflicting text_processing setting as formatter text fields": "",
"Issue #3218294: Allow altering field value query performed by FieldableEntity": "",
"Issue #3219078: Regression: multilingual taxonomy term migrations are failing if user tries to migrate from Drupal 7.81+ and Entity Translation 7.x-1.1": "",
"Issue #3226744: Derive statistics module migrations per node type": "",
"Issue #3227361: Fix \\Drupal\\migrate\\Plugin\\migrate\\source\\SqlBase::initializeIterator()'s cross-database joining broken when using particular DB/table names": "",
"Issue #2329253: Allow the ChangedItem to skip updating": "",
"Issue #3052115: Mark an entity as 'syncing' during a migration 'update' and possibly test syncing semantics": "",
"Remove certain default content entity types (node, block_content, taxonomy_term, comment) from Drupal's Standard install profile": ""
"vetted": true
"package": "drupal/core",
"constraint": "*",
"install": [
"universal": true,
"vetted": true
"package": "drupal/core",
"constraint": "*",
"note": "This module overrides 'administrative listing' pages in Drupal 7 site with equivalent Views for superior usability. Drupal core now contains a superset of its functionality.",
"install": [
"replaces": {
"name": "admin_views"
"vetted": true
"package": "drupal/core",
"constraint": "*",
"note": "This module overrides 'administrative listing' pages in Drupal 7 site with equivalent Views for superior usability. Drupal core now contains a superset of its functionality.",
"install": [
"replaces": {
"name": "admin_views_system_display"
"vetted": true
"package": "drupal/core",
"constraint": "*",
"note": "This module is a little helper to maintain an administrator role which has all available permissions for a Drupal 7 site. Drupal core now contains a superset of its functionality.",
"replaces": {
"name": "adminrole"
"vetted": true
"package": "drupal/core",
"constraint": "*",
"install": [
"replaces": {
"name": "aggregator"
"vetted": true
"universal": true,
"package": "drupal/mysql56",
"constraint": "^1",
"vetted": true
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