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Created August 14, 2022 13:30
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keys=$(chia keys show)
fps=( $(echo "$keys" | grep "Fingerprint:" | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}') )
PS3="Select the fingerprint: "
select fingerprint in "${fps[@]}";
case $fingerprint in
echo "fingerprint: $fingerprint"
echo "Enter the amount (mojo) [ 1000 mojo = 1 Token ]"
read amount
# echo amount: $amount
mpubkey=$(echo "$keys" | grep -A4 $fingerprint | grep "Master public key" | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}')
echo master public key: $mpubkey
# receiver=$(chia wallet get_address -f $fingerprint)
receiver=$(echo "$keys" | grep -A4 $fingerprint | grep "First wallet address" | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}')
echo receiver: $receiver
coinid=$(cats --tail ./reference_tails/delegated_tail.clsp.hex --curry 0x$mpubkey --send-to $receiver --amount $amount --as-bytes --select-coin -f $fingerprint | grep "^Name:" | awk '{ printf $2 }')
echo coinid: $coinid
puzzle=$(cdv clsp curry ./reference_tails/genesis_by_coin_id.clsp.hex -a 0x$coinid)
echo puzzle: $puzzle
treehash=$(cdv clsp curry ./reference_tails/genesis_by_coin_id.clsp.hex -a 0x$coinid --treehash)
echo treehash: $treehash
signature=$(chia keys sign -d $treehash -f $fingerprint -t m -b | grep "^Signature:" | awk '{ printf $2 }')
echo signature: $signature
assetid=$(cdv clsp curry ./reference_tails/delegated_tail.clsp.hex -a 0x$mpubkey -H)
echo assetid: $assetid
# uncomment to inspect json bundle
# cats --quiet --tail ./reference_tails/delegated_tail.clsp.hex --curry 0x$mpubkey --send-to $receiver --amount $amount -f $fingerprint --solution "($puzzle ())" --signature $signature
bundle=$(cats --quiet --tail ./reference_tails/delegated_tail.clsp.hex --curry 0x$mpubkey --send-to $receiver --amount $amount --as-bytes -f $fingerprint --solution "($puzzle ())" --signature $signature | grep "^Spend Bundle:" | awk '{ printf $3 }')
echo bundle: ${bundle:0:60}...
read -r -p "Send bundle (y/n)?" CONT < /dev/tty
if [ "$CONT" != "y" ]; then
exit 0
cdv rpc pushtx $bundle
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