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Icer Liang wizicer

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keys=$(chia keys show)
fps=( $(echo "$keys" | grep "Fingerprint:" | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}') )
PS3="Select the fingerprint: "
select fingerprint in "${fps[@]}";
case $fingerprint in
wizicer / Layout.ahk
Last active November 23, 2018 18:44
quick layout windows for my 4 monitors
Menu, Tray, Icon, layout.ico
startBarHeight := 38
SysGet, X1, 76
SysGet, Y1, 77
SysGet, Width, 78
SysGet, Height, 79
gridlevel1 := floor((Height-startBarHeight)*0.33)
gridlevel2 := floor((Height-startBarHeight)*0.67)
gridlevel3 := Height-startBarHeight
fullWidth := 1080*2-1 ;minus one to put application in left task bar
wizicer /
Last active July 8, 2022 08:14
Sunburst for your skill map

Extract from my work, you can a demo in live Combined sunburst and line chart, currently you must generate the data by yourself, I also uploaded the skills.xlsx file to help generate this file(skillsdata.js).


  • [TODO]works with data that is in a CSV format (you don't need to pre-generate a hierarchical JSON file, unless your data file is very large)
  • interactive breadcrumb trail helps to emphasize the sequence, so that it is easy for a first-time user to understand what they are seeing

If you want to simply reuse this with your own data, here are some tips for generating the skillsdata.js file: