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Created May 7, 2011 02:43
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Sass plugin for Jekyll
module Jekyll
# Sass plugin to convert .scss to .css
# Note: This is configured to use the new css like syntax available in sass.
require 'sass'
class SassConverter < Converter
safe true
priority :low
def matches(ext)
ext =~ /scss/i
def output_ext(ext)
def convert(content)
puts "Performing Sass Conversion."
engine =, :syntax => :scss, :load_paths => ["./css/"])
rescue StandardError => e
puts "!!! SASS Error: " + e.message
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To get @imports to work I had to set the load path explicitly:

engine =, :syntax => :scss, :load_paths => ["./css/"])

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Thanks a lot @dburrows much appreciated, I have updated the GIST and will push it into my site!

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To change the way sass outputs css I found I needed to add a style option where you instantiate the Sass::Engine. To use the compressed output I used:

engine = content, :syntax => :scss, :load_paths => ["./css/"], :style => :compressed )

Without it the output is the default nested style, however you can choose either :expanded, :compact or :compressed as per the Output Style options from the sass reference page.

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Thanks for this. I´ve added an additional line in the rescue clause to produce a visible error on the page itself and not only in the log file. Helped me a lot during development:

rescue StandardError => e
  error = "!!! SASS Error: #{e.message} !!!"
  puts error
  "body:before{ content:\"#{error}\"; color: red; font-size: 20px; }"

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This may be overkill, but for a more complete solution you may want to use an asset pipeline. The Jekyll Asset Pipeline gem supports most languages (e.g. Scss, Less, CoffeeScript, Erb, etc.) and has a bunch of features (e.g. asset tagging, minification, gzipping, etc.) that set it apart. It also seems to be the fastest growing Jekyll-related gem these days, which I take to mean that it is gaining traction in the community.

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jkneb commented Jun 27, 2013

I added a colorize function to highlight sass errors in the console output:

def colorize(text, color)

Then applyied it on the error thrown by Sass:

puts colorize("SASS Error: "+e.message, "\e[31m")

e[31m = red

Run jekyll serve --watch to see the errors colorized in red.

Cheers! :)

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Thanks @wolfeidau. I have put this plugin in the _plugins directory of my jekyll project but I can't figure out why my scss files are not converted. Am I missing something?


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Thanks @wolfeidau. I have put this plugin in the _plugins directory of my jekyll project but I can't figure out why my scss files are not converted. Am I missing something?


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cjdsie commented Aug 20, 2013

I'm in the same boat as @Omarfouad. I've added it and nothing is converting for me. What am I missing?

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@cjdsie, @Omarfouad. I think you have to make sure you include a YAML front-matter statement at the top of any file (in this case a scss file) that you want to convert.

This is mentioned in Jekyll's Plugin page under Converters: "Jekyll will only convert files that have a YAML header at the top, even for converters you add using a plugin."

For example:

title: stylesheet.scss


body { background: red; }

That seemed to do the trick for me.

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tamouse commented Oct 4, 2013

Front matter can be empty, thus



should work as well.

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homeyer commented Dec 12, 2013

Had to change
engine =, :syntax => :scss, :load_paths => ["./css/"])
engine =, :syntax => :scss, :load_paths => ["#{@config['source']}/css/"])

to support running jekyll build with a different --source flag

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