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Elon Musk's suspension reversals

The tables below show notable Twitter suspension reversals for each day since Elon Musk took over as owner and CEO.

All dates indicate when the suspension or reversal was detected, and the actual suspension or reversal may have been earlier. For most English-language accounts with large followings, this lag will generally not be longer than a few hours, but for accounts that have a small number of followers or that are outside the networks we are tracking, the difference can be larger, and in some cases an account on the list may have had its suspension reversed before 27 October 2022. These dates will get more precise as we refine the report.

Because of these limitations, this report should be considered a starting point for investigation, not a definitive list of suspension reversals.

mattiaz9 / blurhashDataURL.ts
Last active May 10, 2024 06:36
Convert blurhash to a base64 DataURL string (no canvas or node-canvas)
import { decode } from "blurhash"
export function blurHashToDataURL(hash: string | undefined): string | undefined {
if (!hash) return undefined
const pixels = decode(hash, 32, 32)
const dataURL = parsePixels(pixels, 32, 32)
return dataURL
/* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */
function genId() {
const num = uuid();
return `graphql__${num}`;
function uuid() {
return 'xxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
var r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0,

How to install Minecraft natively on Apple Silicon, the easiest way possible

1 - Download MultiMC from here

2 - Download Azul Zulu JDK from here (The version you want is Java 17, arm64, macOS, and you download the ZIP file.) Extract the ZIP file, open the folder and copy "zulu-17.jdk" to your home folder.

3 - Download tanmayb123's Minecraft on Apple Silicon package from here. Extract the ZIP and from the folder you are going to copy two files. One, the folder "lwjglnatives", and two, open the Libraries folder and copy "lwjglfat.jar". Move these to your home folder.

4 - Open MultiMC and create a new instance. Right click your instance and click edit instance. Make the following changes:

gatsbyjs-employees / Open letter to the Gatsby
Last active February 23, 2021 00:24
Open letter to the Gatsby community

To the Gatsby Community,

We want to start by specifically thanking Nat Alison. We support her and commend her bravery in speaking out. It is not easy to stand alone. What she experienced at Gatsby was unacceptable and speaks to wider issues. We thank her for putting pressure on the company to fix them. We vow to double down on those efforts.

While we have worked hard to give feedback and help create a healthy work environment over the past few years, change has been far too slow and the consequences have been real. The previous weeks have intensified the need for rapid change by increasing employee communication and allowing us to collectively connect some dots. We are just as outraged. As a result, we have posed a series of hard questions to management as well as a list of concrete actions they need to take.

Kyle Mathews' public apologies to both Nat Alison and Kim Crayton are small actions swiftly taken that signal the possibility for change but don't speak to the systemic issues that must be addressed.

justincy /
Last active April 5, 2024 22:19
Configure Storybook to work with Next.js, TypeScript, and CSS Modules

In addition to the Storybook for React setup, you'll also need to install these packages:

npm i -D @babel/core babel-loader css-loader style-loader
IanColdwater / twittermute.txt
Last active May 23, 2024 18:37
Here are some terms to mute on Twitter to clean your timeline up a bit.
Mute these words in your settings here:
jkrems /
Last active November 3, 2023 14:34
JavaScript: Classic Scripts vs. Modules vs. CommonJS

JavaScript File Format Differences

There's the pervarsive notion that all JS is created equal and that there's only minor and easily detectable differences between the various file formats used to author JavaScript. This is correct, from a certain point of view.

A certain point of view?

For many people writing JavaScript that gets passed into build tools,

shrugs /
Created October 21, 2019 09:26
apollo + next

these are the relevant files from my next + apollo + prisma setup. the prisma bit isn't relevant and can just be removed from the context. likewise my resolvers + typedefs setup is hyper specific and there are infinitely many way to do this (lol javascript)

the only relevant bit that might be missing is the handler path that has to match your next.js route

acutmore /
Last active January 21, 2024 20:30
Emulating a 4-Bit Virtual Machine in (TypeScript\JavaScript) (just Types no Script)

A compile-time 4-Bit Virtual Machine implemented in TypeScript's type system. Capable of running a sample 'FizzBuzz' program.

Syntax emits zero JavaScript.

type RESULT = VM<
    ["push", N_1],         // 1
    ["push", False],       // 2
 ["peek", _], // 3