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Created March 5, 2020 04:49
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Brief instructions for how to modify and push to someone else's PR on github

How to Push to Someone Else's Pull Request

Let's say contributor has submitted a pull request to your (author) project (repo). They have made changes on their branch feature and have proposed to merge this into origin/master, where

origin ->

Now say you would like to make commits to their PR and push those changes. First, add their fork as a remote called contributor,

> git remote add contributor 

such that,

> git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
contributor  (fetch) 
contributor  (push)

Next, pull down their list of branches,

> git fetch contributor

and create a new branch (contributor-feature) from the branch that they have created the PR from,

> git checkout -b contributor-feature contributor/feature

Now make any changes you need to make on this branch. If you'd like to rebase this PR on top of the master branch of the primary repository,

> git rebase origin/master

Finally, push the changes back up to the PR by pushing to their branch,

git push contributor contributor-feature:feature

Note that if you did a rebase, you'll need to add the --force (or -f) flag after push. The author of the PR also may need to explicitly allow you to push to their branch.

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Thank you for this tutorial.

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The author of the PR also may need to explicitly allow you to push to their branch.

Another note:

  1. It seems only maintainer of author/repo.git could push commit to contributor's branch.
  2. As a contributor, you need to un-check the Allow edits by maintainers box in PR page to disable maintainer's pushing permission, and it is checked by default.

It bothered me for a while, because someone pushed code into my fork, I just feel somehow strange.

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Thank you so much my friend

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I thought that's how it works, but it still helped me a lot to get my bearings (orientate). Thx

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Still helped me out in 2024. Thanks 😄

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jbw976 commented Oct 1, 2024

I've probably used this page like 15-20+ times by now - thank you very much! 🙇‍♂️

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manio commented Dec 23, 2024

Update: it seems this is now outdated, because it is using an HTTPS URL like which was deprecated. Now we have to checkout and push in the SSH URL form like:

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It's an example only, if you use https or git protocol is up to you, git needs more setup anyway. Is better to use https in examples to not confuse newbies.

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manio commented Dec 23, 2024

Not exactly: GitHub is not allowing https anymore if you want to push. Doesn't matter if you are newbie or not :)

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''

That's why I noticed it here because I struggled the same problem today so I thought that it might be worth to notify anyone who is following this "tutorial".

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Really, I didn't know that, then in this case you are correct, should be updated.

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