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Created December 3, 2012 07:32
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remove unicode escape
remove_unicode_escape <- function(src) {
start.set <- gregexpr("\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4,4}", src, perl=FALSE, useBytes=TRUE)[[1]]
sub.list <- list()
for(start in start.set[length(start.set):1]) {
if (!is.null(sub.list[[substring(src, start, start+5)]])) next
pattern <- substring(src, first=start, last=start + 5)
hex <- substring(pattern, 3, 6)
result <- iconv(hex2str(hex), "UTF16BE", "UTF8")
cat(paste(hex, "-->", result, "\n"))
if ( stop(result)
sub.list[[substring(src, start, start+5)]] <- result
for(i in 1:length(sub.list)) {
src <- sub(pattern=names(sub.list)[i], replacement=sub.list[[i]], x=src, fixed=TRUE, useBytes=FALSE)
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