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Created April 21, 2016 07:34
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Some limited dylan snippet code.
module: limited
define class <some-thing> (<object>)
slot foo :: <integer>, init-keyword: foo:;
end class;
define method limited-instance? (obj :: <some-thing>, limited-type :: subclass(limited(<some-thing>)))
=> (result :: <boolean>)
format-out("limited-instance?(%=, %=)\n", obj, limited-type);
let limitations /* <simple-vector> of: <pair> */ = type-limitations(limited-type);
local method check-limit (limitation :: <symbol>, value :: <integer>)
select (limitation)
#"max" => <= value;
#"min" => >= value;
otherwise => #f;
end select;
end method;
let result = block (return)
for (limitation in limitations)
let limit-key :: <symbol> = head(limitation);
let limit-value :: <integer> = tail(limitation);
if (~ check-limit(limit-key, limit-value)) return(#f); end;
end for;
end method;
define method limited-subtype? (limited-super-type :: subclass(limited(<some-thing>)),
limited-sub-type :: subclass(limited(<some-thing>)))
=> (result :: <boolean>)
format-out("limited-subtype?(%=, %=)\n", limited-super-type, limited-sub-type);
let super-limitations = type-limitations(limited-super-type);
let sub-limitations = type-limitations(limited-sub-type);
local method check-limit (limitation :: <symbol>,
super-value :: <integer>,
sub-value :: <integer>)
select (limitation)
#"max" => sub-value <= super-value;
#"min" => sub-value >= super-value;
otherwise => #f;
end select;
end method;
block (return)
for (super-limitation in super-limitations)
let super-limit-key :: <symbol> = head(super-limitation);
for (sub-limitation in sub-limitations)
let sub-limit-key :: <symbol> = head(sub-limitation);
if (sub-limit-key == super-limit-key)
let super-limit-value :: <integer> = tail(super-limitation);
let sub-limit-value :: <integer> = tail(sub-limitation);
if (~ check-limit(super-limit-key, super-limit-value, sub-limit-value) )
end if;
end for;
end for;
end method;
/* TODO how to do custom setters?
define method foo-setter(new-foo :: <integer>, some-thing :: <some-thing>, #next next-method)
=> (foo :: <integer>)
format-out("normal foo-setter(%=, %=)\n", new-foo, some-thing);
end method;
define method foo-setter(new-foo :: <integer>, some-thing :: limited(<some-thing>), #next next-method)
=> (foo :: <integer>)
format-out("limited foo-setter(%=, %=)\n", new-foo, some-thing);
let limitations = type-limitations(some-thing);
local method check-limit (limitation :: <symbol>, value :: <integer>)
select (limitation)
#"max" => if (new-foo > value) error("Value %d for foo exceeds limit for %=.", new-foo, some-thing) end;
#"min" => if (new-foo < value) error("Value %d for foo exceeds limit for %=.", new-foo, some-thing) end;
end select;
end method;
for (limitation in limitations)
let limit-key :: <symbol> = head(limitation);
let limit-value :: <integer> = tail(limitation);
check-limit(limit-key, limit-value)
end for;
end method;
define method print-object(some-thing :: <some-thing>, stream :: <stream>) => ()
print("{<some-thing> foo: ", stream);
print(, stream);
print("}", stream);
// TODO: fix segfault
// define method make(some-thing :: subclass(limited(<some-thing>)),
// #next next-method, #key foo = 0)
// => (result :: limited(<some-thing>))
// format-out("make(%=, foo: %=)\n", some-thing, foo);
// force-output(*standard-output*);
// next-method();
// end;
define method main (argv0 :: <byte-string>, #rest noise)
let unlimited-foo :: <some-thing> = make(<some-thing>, foo: 0);
let foo-under-5 :: limited(<some-thing>, max: 4) = make(<some-thing>, foo: 3);
// foo-under-5 := make(limited(<some-thing>, max: 4), foo: 3); // custom make doesn't work yet
let foo-between-0-and-10 :: limited(<some-thing>, min: 0, max: 10) = make(<some-thing>, foo: 3);
let foo-over-10 :: limited(<some-thing>, min: 11) = make(<some-thing>, foo: 15);
let foo-under-11 :: limited(<some-thing>, max: 10) = make(<some-thing>, foo: 7);
// let bar-between-0-and-10 :: limited(<some-thing>, min: 0, max: 10) = make(<some-thing>, foo: 30); // -> fails :) := 500; := 500;
format-out("%=\n", foo-over-10); := 500; // should fail, but doesn't yet.
let foo-under-11-bis :: limited(<some-thing>, max: 10) = foo-under-5; // Should not incur full type check & pass, untested because make() segfaults
foo-under-11-bis := foo-under-11; // incurs full type check & passes
foo-under-11-bis := unlimited-foo; // incurs full type check & fails
foo-under-11-bis := foo-over-10; // incurs full type check & fails
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