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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Foodsoft screenshot generation (prototype)
# Generate screenshots for documentation (initial prototype)
# store file in spec/integration/
# run with rspec: `rspec spec/integration/screenshots.rb`
# please note that this uses the db_seeds branch from pr foodcoops#315
require_relative '../spec_helper'
require 'fileutils'
SCREENSHOT_DIR = Rails.root.join('doc/user/screenshots')
describe 'screenshots', :type => :feature do
describe :type => :feature, :js => true do
before do
page.driver.browser.manage.window.resize_to(800, 600)
require Rails.root.join('db/seeds/small.en.seeds.rb')
# @todo i18n these
FoodsoftConfig[:name] = 'Foodcoop Demo'
it 'general' do
login user.nick, 'secret'
visit root_path
save 'dashboard'
visit group_order_path(
save 'group order'
# Save screenshot
def save(name)
name = name.downcase.gsub /\s+/, '_'
FileUtils.mkdir_p SCREENSHOT_DIR
save_screenshot File.join(SCREENSHOT_DIR, "#{name}.png")
# @return [User] An ordinary user (one not in any workgroups)
def user
@user ||= User.where("id NOT IN (#{Workgroup.joins(:users).select(:user_id).to_sql})").first
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