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Created September 27, 2020 17:31
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import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
kino_url = ""
def search(movie): # this searches a kinox mirror, and returns the html
global kino_url
sites = ["", "", "", "", "", ""]
for site in sites:
print(f"[*] trying to access {site}...")
r = requests.get(f"{site}/Search.html?q={movie}")
if r.status_code == 200:
kino_url = site
print("[*] Successfull!")
return r.text
print("coulnt find a reachable mirror.")
def video_from_streamtape(url):
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code == 200:
html = r.text
link = html.split('<div id="videolink" style="display:none;">//')[1].split("</div>")[0]
return link
print("[*] Error getting the direct url. Use " + url)
def movies_from_html(html): # extract movie information from htmlm, returns dictionary
lines = html.split("\n")
for line in lines:
if line.find('false;">') != -1: # if this is the html line with the title and stuff:
# extract the title and stuff
title = line.split('false;">')[1].split("</a>")[0]
year = line.split('"Year">')[1].split("</span>")[0]
url = line.split('<a href="')[1].split('" ')[0]
if line.find('"Rating">') != -1: # if this is the html line with the rating:
rating = line.split('"Rating">')[1].split("</td>")[0]
return {
"title": title,
"year": year,
"rating": rating,
"url": url
except UnboundLocalError:
print("[!] Couldnt find a movie matching your search /:")
def search_results(html):
movies = []
movieHtml = html.split("</thead>\n<tbody>")[1].split("</tbody>\n</table>")[0]
moviesRaw = movieHtml.split("</tr>\n<tr>")
for movie in moviesRaw:
return movies
def get_hosters(url): # get all avaible hosters from a movie-url
hosters = []
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code == 200:
html = r.text.split('<ul id="HosterList" class="Sortable">')[1].split("</ul>")[0]
lines = html.split("\n")
for hoster in lines:
if hoster != "":
hosterName = hoster.split('Named">')[1].split("</div>")[0]
date = hoster.split('Vom</b>: ')[1].split("</div>")[0]
ID = hoster.split('<li id="Hoster_')[1].split('" ')[0]
"hoster": hosterName,
"date": date,
"id": ID
print("[!] Error getting 1 hoster")
return hosters
print("[*] Error")
def stream_url(movie, hoster):
url = f"{kino_url}/aGET/Mirror/{movie}&Hoster={hoster}"
r = requests.get(url)
# print(r.json())
embed_url = r.json()['Stream']
if embed_url.find("streamtap") != -1:
url = embed_url.split('<a href="')[1].split('"')[0]
url = url.replace('/v/', '/e/')
print(f"[*] Stream the movie at {url}")
print(f"[*] Direct url:\n{video_from_streamtape(url)}")
def good_hoster(hosters): # returns a good hoster from a list of hosters
for hoster in hosters:
if hoster["hoster"] == "":
print("[*] Using")
return "102"
print("[!] Didnt found a good hoster")
print("[!] Cant extract a direct link. You have to watch it from directly")
def list_movies(movies):
i = 0
for x in movies:
i += 1
[{i}] {x['title']}
rating: {x['rating']}
year: {x['year']}
url: {kino_url}{x['url']}""")
def list_hosters(hosters):
i = 0
for x in hosters:
i += 1
[{i}] Name: {x['hoster']}
Date: {x['date']}
ID: {x['id']}""")
### Search for a movie
movies = search_results(search(input("[?] movie?\n")))
### Choose a movie
print(f"[*] found {len(movies)} movies. What movie do you want to choose?")
movie = movies[int(input("[?] input the movie number\n"))-1]
movie_url = kino_url+movie['url']
### Getting and choosing hoster
print(f"Ok, getting mirrors from {movie_url}...")
hosters = get_hosters(movie_url)
print(f"[*] Found {len(hosters)} avaible hosters.")
hoster = good_hoster(hosters)
movie_name = movie["url"].split("am/")[1].split(".html")[0]
if hoster == "102":
stream_url(movie_name, hoster) # get the data about the stream
hosterId = input("[?] input the hoster number\n")
stream_url(movie_name, str(hosterId))
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Use this script to get german movies fast!

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