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Peet wwhtrbbtt

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import requests
import time
m = mail() unofficial api

get an adress:


- returns: JSON

check your mails:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
kino_url = ""
def search(movie): # this searches a kinox mirror, and returns the html
global kino_url
sites = ["", "", "", "", "", ""]
for site in sites:
print(f"[*] trying to access {site}...")
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"High Fidelity": {
"title": "High Fidelity",
"year": "2000",
"rated": "R",
"genre": "Comedy, Drama, Music, Romance",
"plot": "Thirty-something Rob Gordon, a former club DJ, owns a not so lucrative used record store in Chicago. He not so much employs Barry and Dick, but rather keeps them around as they showed up at the store one day and never left. All three are vinyl and music snobs, but in different ways. Rob has a penchant for compiling top five lists. The latest of these lists is his top five break-ups, it spurred by the fact that his latest girlfriend, Laura, a lawyer, has just broken up with him. He believed that Laura would be the one who would last, partly as an expectation of where he would be at this stage in his life. Rob admits that there have been a few incidents in their relationship which in and of themselves could be grounds for her to want to break up. To his satisfaction, Laura is not on this top five list. Rob feels a need not only to review the
"Montag": "Montag, 24.02.2020: Schulfrei",
"Dienstag": "Dienstag, 25.02.2020: Tagessuppe der Saison, Spinatlasagne mit Pilzen (1, 7), Salatbuffet-",
"Mittwoch": "Mittwoch, 26.02.2020: Tagessuppe der Saison, Zucchini-Gemuese-Pfanne mitTomaten und Rosmarinkartoffeln, Salatbuffet",
"Donnerstag": "Donnerstag, 27.02.2020: Tagessuppe der Saison, Wirsingschmortopf mit Kartoffeln, Salatbuffet",
"Freitag": "Freitag, 28.02.2020: Tagessuppe der Saison, Brokkoli-Gratin mit Basmatireis (7), Salatbuffet",
"const": {
"1": "Glutenhaltige Getreide, namentlich Weizen (wie Dinkel und Khorasan-Weizen), Roggen, Gerste, Hafer oder deren Hybridstimme",
"2": "Krebstiere wie Krebse, Garnelen, Krabben, Hummer etc",
"3": "Eier",
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
wwhtrbbtt /
Created July 25, 2020 22:48
view a beatsaber song in your terminal lol. I was bored
import json
def PrintNote(note):
if note["_type"] == 1:
color = "■" #blue
elif note["_type"] == 0:
color = "□" #red
color = "!" #blue
if note["_cutDirection"] == 0:
direction = "↑"