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"Bit trie" a trie-like structure
#include <algorithm>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
bit_tries are associative containers that store elements formed
by the combination of a key value and a mapped value, and which
allows for fast retrieval of individual elements based on their keys.
Type of the key values. Each element in an bit_tire is uniquely
identified by its key value.
Type of the mapped values.
A binary function object type that takes an object of type Key
and a size_t integer (bit address) as arguments and returns a bool.
The bit address is an integer less than bit length. The function
should return a consistent result for the same key and the same
bit address. The results for two differents key should be different
for at least one bit address.
template <
typename Key,
typename Value,
typename BitTester
class bit_trie {
struct Branch{
int offset;
bool end;
struct Node {
std::size_t bit_address;
Branch left;
Branch right;
Key key; // this can be removed if use only at_no_verify to retrieve elements
Value value;
std::vector<Node> nodes;
BitTester tester;
Node& at_node(const Key& key) {
size_t cur_pos = 0;
Branch next = nodes[0].left;
while (true) {
cur_pos += next.offset;
if (next.end)
return nodes[cur_pos];
if (tester(key, nodes[cur_pos].bit_address)) {
next = nodes[cur_pos].right;
} else {
next = nodes[cur_pos].left;
void build(typename std::vector<Node>::iterator begin, typename std::vector<Node>::iterator end, std::size_t bit_length) {
// counting number of elements and numbers passing each bit test
std::vector<std::size_t> pass_count(bit_length);
std::size_t count = 0;
std::for_each(begin, end, [&](const Node& node){
for (std::size_t bit = 0; bit < bit_length; ++bit) {
if (tester(node.key, bit))
if (count == 1)
// find the best address that partition the elements evenly
long badness = LONG_MAX;
std::size_t best_address;
for (std::size_t address = 0; address < bit_length; ++ address) {
long current = std::abs((long)(pass_count[address] - count / 2));
if (current < badness) {
badness = current;
best_address = address;
// partition
auto partition_pos = std::partition(begin, end, [&](const Node& node){
return !tester(node.key, best_address);
auto partition_distance = std::distance(begin, partition_pos);
if (partition_distance == count || partition_distance == 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Duplicated keys.");
// build trie for each partition
build(begin, partition_pos, bit_length);
build(partition_pos, end, bit_length);
// let right guiding node be the first level node
partition_pos->right = partition_pos->left;
partition_pos->left = begin->left;
partition_pos->left.offset -= partition_distance;
partition_pos->bit_address = best_address;
// and left guiding node be the main guiding node
begin->left.offset = partition_distance;
begin->left.end = false;
template <typename InputInterator>
InputInterator begin,
InputInterator end,
std::size_t bit_length,
const BitTester& tester_ = BitTester()
) : nodes(std::distance(begin, end)), tester(tester_) {
constexpr std::size_t invalid_bit_address = static_cast<std::size_t>(-1);
std::transform(begin, end, nodes.begin(), [](std::pair<Key, Value> pair){
return Node {
{0, true},
{0, true},
if (nodes.empty())
throw std::length_error("Empty range.");
build(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), bit_length);
Value& at(const Key& key) {
Node& node = at_node(key);
if (node.key == key)
return node.value;
throw std::out_of_range("Element not found.");
Value& at_no_verify(const Key& key) {
return at_node(key).value;
/// TEST
const std::pair<std::string, std::string> example_map[] = {
{"Hydrogen", "氢"},
{"Helium", "氦"},
{"Lithium", "锂"},
{"Beryllium", "铍"},
{"Boron", "硼"},
{"Carbon", "碳"},
{"Nitrogen", "氮"},
{"Oxygen", "氧"},
{"Fluorine", "氟"},
{"Neon", "氖"},
{"Sodium", "钠"},
{"Magnesium", "镁"},
{"Aluminium", "铝"},
{"Silicon", "硅"},
{"Phosphorus", "磷"},
{"Sulfur", "硫"},
{"Chlorine", "氯"},
{"Argon", "氩"},
{"Potassium", "钾"},
{"Calcium", "钙"},
{"Scandium", "钪"},
{"Titanium", "钛"},
{"Vanadium", "钒"},
{"Chromium", "铬"},
{"Manganese", "锰"},
{"Iron", "铁"},
{"Cobalt", "钴"},
{"Nickel", "镍"},
{"Copper", "铜"},
{"Zinc", "锌"},
{"Gallium", "镓"},
{"Germanium", "锗"},
{"Arsenic", "砷"},
{"Selenium", "硒"},
{"Bromine", "溴"},
{"Krypton", "氪"},
{"Rubidium", "铷"},
{"Strontium", "锶"},
{"Yttrium", "钇"},
{"Zirconium", "锆"},
{"Niobium", "铌"},
{"Molybdenum", "钼"},
{"Technetium", "锝"},
{"Ruthenium", "钌"},
{"Rhodium", "铑"},
{"Palladium", "钯"},
{"Silver", "银"},
{"Cadmium", "镉"},
{"Indium", "铟"},
{"Tin", "锡"},
{"Antimony", "锑"},
{"Tellurium", "碲"},
{"Iodine", "碘"},
{"Xenon", "氙"},
{"Caesium", "铯"},
{"Barium", "钡"},
{"Hafnium", "铪"},
{"Tantalum", "钽"},
{"Tungsten", "钨"},
{"Rhenium", "铼"},
{"Osmium", "锇"},
{"Iridium", "铱"},
{"Platinum", "铂"},
{"Gold", "金"},
{"Mercury", "汞"},
{"Thallium", "铊"},
{"Lead", "铅"},
{"Bismuth", "铋"},
{"Polonium", "钋"},
{"Astatine", "砹"},
{"Radon", "氡"},
{"Francium", "钫"},
{"Radium", "镭"},
{"Rutherfordium", "鑪"},
{"Meitnerium", "䥑"},
{"Darmstadtium", "鐽"},
{"Roentgenium", "錀"},
{"Copernicium", "鎶"},
{"Flerovium", "鈇"},
{"Livermorium", "鉝"},
{"Lanthanum", "镧"},
{"Cerium", "铈"},
{"Praseodymium", "镨"},
{"Neodymium", "钕"},
{"Promethium", "钷"},
{"Samarium", "钐"},
{"Europium", "铕"},
{"Gadolinium", "钆"},
{"Terbium", "铽"},
{"Dysprosium", "镝"},
{"Holmium", "钬"},
{"Erbium", "铒"},
{"Thulium", "铥"},
{"Ytterbium", "镱"},
{"Lutetium", "镏"},
{"Actinium", "锕"},
{"Thorium", "钍"},
{"Protactinium", "镤"},
{"Uranium", "铀"},
{"Neptunium", "镎"},
{"Plutonium", "钚"},
{"Americium", "銤"},
{"Curium", "锔"},
{"Berkelium", "锫"},
{"Californium", "锎"},
{"Einsteinium", "锿"},
{"Fermium", "镄"},
{"Mendelevium", "钔"},
{"Nobelium", "锘"},
{"Lawrencium", "铹"}
bool string_tester(const std::string& key, std::size_t position) {
std::size_t byte = position >> 3;
if (byte >= key.size())
return false;
return (key[byte] >> (position & 7)) & 1;
int main() {
std::size_t max_bit_length = 0;
for (const auto& pair : example_map) {
if (pair.first.size() > max_bit_length)
max_bit_length = pair.first.size();
max_bit_length *= 8;
bit_trie<std::string, std::string, decltype(&string_tester)>
example(std::begin(example_map), std::end(example_map), max_bit_length, &string_tester);
for (const auto& pair : example_map) {
auto value = example.at_no_verify(pair.first);
std::cout << "(" << (value == pair.second ? "✓" : "✗") << ")"
<< pair.first << " : " << value << std::endl;
std::string bad_key = "abcdefg";
try {
auto value =;
std::cout << bad_key << " : " << value << std::endl;
} catch (std::out_of_range e) {
std::cout << bad_key << " : " << e.what() << std::endl;
auto value = example.at_no_verify(bad_key);
std::cout << bad_key << " : " << value << std::endl;
return 0;
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wwylele commented Jul 16, 2016

@yuriks this trie doesn't match prefix of the keys. Each level choose a bit in the middle of the key to match. The bit choosing method is to find the bit that balance the trie most. So the it doesn't matter if I reverse the key.

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