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Last active February 5, 2023 20:18
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Using YARA python interface to parse files

I've shared this technique with some people privately, but might as well share it publicly now since I was asked about it. I've been using this for a while now with good success. It works well for parsing .NET droppers and other things.

If you don't know what the -D flag to YARA does I suggest you import a module and run a file through using that flag. It will print, to stdout, everything the module parsed that doesn't involve you calling a function. This is a great way to get a quick idea for the structure of a file.

For example:

wxs@mbp yara % cat always_false.yara
import "dotnet"

rule a { condition: false }
wxs@mbp yara % ./yara -D always_false.yara ~/malware/random-dotnet/VirusShare_1f747682038223b20c44e809095d0eb3
        number_of_constants = 0
        typelib = "d1b75267-6610-4555-aaf7-86eef51e2179"
        number_of_user_strings = 279
                [0] = "P\x00r\x00o\x00p\x00e\x00r\x00t\x00y\x00 \x00c\x00a\x00n\x00 \x00o\x00n\x00l\x00y\x00 \x00b\x00e\x00 \x00s\x00e\x00t\x00 \x00t\x00o\x00 \x00N\x00o\x00t\x00h\x00i\x00n\x00g\x00\x00"
                [1] = "W\x00i\x00n\x00F\x00o\x00r\x00m\x00s\x00_\x00R\x00e\x00c\x00u\x00r\x00s\x00i\x00v\x00e\x00F\x00o\x00r\x00m\x00C\x00r\x00e\x00a\x00t\x00e\x00\x00"
                [2] = "W\x00i\x00n\x00F\x00o\x00r\x00m\x00s\x00_\x00S\x00e\x00e\x00I\x00n\x00n\x00e\x00r\x00E\x00x\x00c\x00e\x00p\x00t\x00i\x00o\x00n\x00\x00"
                [3] = "c\x00s\x00j\x00w\x00C\x00\x00"
                [4] = "k\x00u\x00q\x00e\x00a\x00\x00"
                [SNIP A WHOLE BUNCH OF THESE]
        number_of_modulerefs = UNDEFINED
                culture = UNDEFINED
                name = "JdEiesaTQvcyNCukodamxDcmns"
                        revision_number = 0
                        build_number = 0
                        minor = 0
                        major = 1
        number_of_assembly_refs = 7
                                major = 2
                                minor = 0
                                build_number = 0
                                revision_number = 0
                        public_key_or_token = "\xb7z\V\x194\xe0\x89"
                        name = "mscorlib"
                                major = 8
                                minor = 0
                                build_number = 0
                                revision_number = 0
                        public_key_or_token = "\xb0?_\x7f\x11\xd5\x0a:"
                        name = "Microsoft.VisualBasic"
                                major = 2
                                minor = 0
                                build_number = 0
                                revision_number = 0
                        public_key_or_token = "\xb7z\V\x194\xe0\x89"
                        name = "System.Windows.Forms"
                                major = 2
                                minor = 0
                                build_number = 0
                                revision_number = 0
                        public_key_or_token = "\xb7z\V\x194\xe0\x89"
                        name = "System"
                                major = 1
                                minor = 0
                                build_number = 0
                                revision_number = 0
                        public_key_or_token = UNDEFINED
                        name = "GeniusLibFull"
                                major = 2
                                minor = 0
                                build_number = 0
                                revision_number = 0
                        public_key_or_token = "\xb0?_\x7f\x11\xd5\x0a:"
                        name = "System.Drawing"
                                major = 1
                                minor = 9
                                build_number = 1
                                revision_number = 5
                        public_key_or_token = "\xed\xbeQ\xad\x94*?\"
                        name = "Ionic.Zip.Reduced"
        number_of_resources = 8
                        offset = 10816
                        length = 334848
                        name = "JdEiesaTQvcyNCukodamxDcmns.GeniusLibFull.dll"
                        offset = 345668
                        length = 110032
                        name = "JdEiesaTQvcyNCukodamxDcmns.installerbg.jpg.gzc"
                        offset = 455704
                        length = 1456
                        name = "JdEiesaTQvcyNCukodamxDcmns.Config.xml.gzc"
                        offset = 457164
                        length = 199688
                        name = "JdEiesaTQvcyNCukodamxDcmns.Ionic.Zip.Reduced.dll.gc"
                        offset = 656856
                        length = 3000
                        name = "JdEiesaTQvcyNCukodamxDcmns.insticon.ico.gzc"
                        offset = 659860
                        length = 25061
                        name = "jDxKcaragBiRaaKnaBfu.trpJcfvaqNqjsaAwhzqfgan.resources"
                        offset = 684925
                        length = 180
                        name = "DedpagGbaLxrsaNfqGju.uDqJcdubrcrctaDkBxnfpOo.resources"
                        offset = 685109
                        length = 180
                        name = "bqAeacnbfsy.CbpdzgraqcdixaujmRRfdMa.resources"
        number_of_guids = 1
                [0] = "9338c924-cab2-4fdd-ba0c-892bc48d91d1"
        number_of_streams = 5
                        name = "#~"
                        offset = 685408
                        size = 7288
                        name = "#Strings"
                        offset = 692696
                        size = 8316
                        name = "#US"
                        offset = 701012
                        size = 4148
                        name = "#GUID"
                        offset = 705160
                        size = 16
                        name = "#Blob"
                        offset = 705176
                        size = 2664
        module_name = "asjmizkoAhkzsheqsbngaab"
        version = "v2.0.50727"
wxs@mbp yara %

You may notice each of the dotnet resources has an offset and a length, which means carving them is super easy. Now we just need a way to get access to this parsed module state via python. Don't worry, there's an easy way to do that too. Just use the nifty modules_callback functionality in the YARA python module.

import sys
import yara

def modules_callback(data):
    for i, resource in enumerate(data.get('resources', [])):
        offset = resource['offset']
        length = resource['length']
        with open('resource_%i' % i, 'wb') as f:
            print("Writing %i to %s" % (length,
            f.write(file_data[offset:offset + length])

    return yara.CALLBACK_CONTINUE

f = open(sys.argv[1])
file_data =

rules = yara.compile(source='import "dotnet" rule a { condition: false }')
rules.match(data=file_data, modules_callback=modules_callback)

And here it is being run:

wxs@mbp yara % python ./ ~/malware/random-dotnet/VirusShare_1f747682038223b20c44e809095d0eb3
Writing 334848 to resource_0
Writing 110032 to resource_1
Writing 1456 to resource_2
Writing 199688 to resource_3
Writing 3000 to resource_4
Writing 25061 to resource_5
Writing 180 to resource_6
Writing 180 to resource_7
wxs@mbp yara % file resource_*
resource_0: PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
resource_1: data
resource_2: data
resource_3: data
resource_4: data
resource_5: data
resource_6: data
resource_7: data
wxs@mbp yara %

It's a silly example but illustrates the point. The basic technique is simple but the applications are wide. It's about time I shared this technique more widely. Feel free to ping me at @wxs on twitter or via if you have questions!

-- WXS

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I needed to read a bit more about that modules_callback functionality here but this is really useful, especially for .NET parsing. Thanks!

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