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michaelpetrov / gist:1899630
Created February 24, 2012 08:58
Stripe CTF Challenge - Solutions to all Levels
Stripe CTF - Work Notes
mpetrov (
These notes are very rough. They should give a general idea of how each level was solved.
---- LEVEL 01 (login: e9gx26YEb2) -----
Solution: modifying PATH env variable
Password: kxlVXUvzv
idanw / description
Created March 17, 2012 02:36
Stripe CTF Solutions
Stripe CTF Solutions
Author: Idan Warsawski
Here's a small description of how I did each level:
Level 01:
Realias date to another pogram that will run "cat /home/level02/.password"
I used a simple shell script:


NOTE: This is a working copy. This tutorial is unfinished and may contain inaccuracies.

I've written the title of this tutorial in Chinese, as I suspect that its contents may, at first glance, appear similarly incomprehensible to the audience.

However, just as I can sketch for you the following...

可執行文件 = (可 = can) + (執行 = execute) + (文件 = file) = executable (file)

dutc / proc-hook.c
Created November 8, 2014 19:53
writing through /proc/self/mem
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct {
unsigned char PUSH_RAX;
unsigned char MOV_RAX[2];
st98 /
Last active June 4, 2022 04:37
Advent Calendar CTF 2014 の write-up。ブログに移動しました ->

Advent Calendar CTF 2014

ぼっチーム omakase として参加した。最終的に獲得できたポイントは 173 点でチーム順位は 24 位 (505 チーム中) だった。
1 ~ 14 日目、21 ~ 22 日目、25 日目の問題を解いた。

1 日目 warmup (misc)

'0x41444354465f57334c43304d335f37305f414443374632303134'.match(/[0-9a-f]{2}/g).map(function(c){return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c, 16))}).join('');
flag: ADCTF_W3LC0M3_70_ADC7F2014
secretsquirrel /
Last active March 31, 2021 19:33
From Shmoocon infection demo
import os
import struct
import shutil
import subprocess
class macho_intel32_shellcode():
Mach-O Intel x32 shellcode class
Zulko /
Last active May 1, 2023 21:22
Tangled + MoviePy
This creates the following GIF, where the text appears to be "embedded"
in the video and "disappears" behind rapunzel.
from moviepy.editor import *
import numpy as np
import skimage.morphology as skm
staaldraad /
Created March 11, 2015 13:19
Decrypt Huawei router/firewall passwords. Huawei stores passwords using DES encryption when the crypted option is enabled.
Simple tool to extract local users and passwords from most Huawei routers/firewalls config files.
Will extract plain-text passwords and crypted credentials. Huawei config files use DES encryption with
a known key. Using this information, the script will decrypt credentials found in the config file.
Author: Etienne Stalmans (
Version: 1.0 (12/01/2014)
from Crypto.Cipher import DES
(define hash-table-preparation-interface
(interface ()
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