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gboudreau /
Last active June 17, 2024 04:00 — forked from Ingramz/
Export TOTP tokens from Authy
ethack /
Last active June 16, 2024 22:08
Scripts that simulate typing the clipboard contents. Useful when pasting is not allowed.

It "types" the contents of the clipboard.

Why can't you just paste the contents you ask? Sometimes pasting just doesn't work.

  • One example is in system password fields on OSX.
  • Sometimes you're working in a VM and the clipboard isn't shared.
  • Other times you're working via Remote Desktop and again, the clipboard doesn't work in password boxes such as the system login prompts.
  • Connected via RDP and clipboard sharing is disabled and so is mounting of local drives. If the system doesn't have internet access there's no easy way to get things like payloads or Powershell scripts onto it... until now.


The Windows version is written in AutoHotKey and easily compiles to an executable. It's a single line script that maps Ctrl-Shift-V to type the clipboard.

nuomi1 / PrintBootCampESDInfo.swift
Last active May 16, 2024 01:17
macOS and BootCamp Latest
#!/usr/bin/env swift
// PrintBootCampESDInfo.swift
// Created by nuomi1 on 8/5/18.
// Copyright © 2018年 nuomi1. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
# Defaults / Configuration options for homebridge
# The following settings tells homebridge where to find the config.json file and where to persist the data (i.e. pairing and others)
HOMEBRIDGE_OPTS=-U /var/lib/homebridge
# If you uncomment the following line, homebridge will log more
# You can display this via systemd's journalctl: journalctl -f -u homebridge
snej / QRCode.m
Created September 21, 2015 16:48
Shows how to generate a QRCode on iOS or Mac OS X
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
typedef UIImage QRImage;
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
typedef NSImage QRImage;
+ (QRImage*) QRCodeImageWithData: (NSData*)data size: (CGFloat)size {
mseeley / PlayStation 4.xml
Last active May 16, 2024 06:39
Work in progress Plex DLNA profile for the PlayStation 4 Media Player
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Client name="PlayStation 4">
<!-- Author: Plex Inc. -->
<!-- -->
<Header name="User-Agent" substring="PlayStation 4" />
<Header name="User-Agent" substring="UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50" />
tresni / gist:83b9181588c7393f6853
Last active February 19, 2024 08:00
Authy to 1Password

Moving Authy to 1Password

1Password 5.3 for OSX, 5.2 for iOS, and for Windows support OTP. I've been using Authy for a while now, but the fact is, I haven't really been using 2FA for some time. As mentioned by 1Password in a recent blog post, having the OTP generator and password on the same device is very much not 2FA. It's just an expiring OTP, which can help, but let's not kid ourselves too much.

With that out of the way. One of the things that was interesting to me was moving my OTP out of Authy and into 1Password. I like the control I get with 1Password, but I didn't want to have to reset all my OTP right away, that would suck. So, I got to dissecting the Authy Chrome App to see what I could do.

Run the Authy Chrome app and make sure it's unlocked.

Now, enable Developer mode in Chrome. We'll need this to inspect the background application that stores al

vilhalmer / gist:3052f7e9e7f34b92a40f
Created November 1, 2014 01:28
NSVisualEffectView undocumentation
NSVisualEffectMaterial constants, and the undocumented materials they coorespond to in various modes:
| | | | | |
| 0 - Appearance Based | 3 | 3 | 5 | 5 |
| | | | | |
| 1 - Light | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
| | | | | |
| 2 - Dark | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
xem / gist:670dec8e70815842eb95
Last active January 19, 2023 22:43
beep boop
<!-- solution 1, 117b, inspired by -->
<button onclick="new Audio('data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRl9vT19XQVZFZm10IBAAAAABAAEAQB8AAEAfAAABAAgAZGF0YU'+Array(1e3).join(123)).play()">Beep</button>
<!-- Solution 2, 107b, inspired by -->
<button onclick="o=(A=new AudioContext()).createOscillator();o.connect(A.destination);o.start(0);setTimeout('o.stop(0)',500)">Boop</button>
stbuehler / bma2otp.rb
Created January 25, 2014 14:10
Decode the Mobile Authenticator (android) secret data into an otpauth url. Requires a way to access the private data of the application (i.e. a rooted android).
# * rooted android, as otherwise you can't read the applications private data
# * to display the qr code "qrencode" (
# and "display" from ImageMagick
# This script "decrypts" the token from the internal state of the
# Mobile Authenticator on android application, converting
# it into an "otpauth" url (